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Jan-25-2012 14:39printcomments

Circumcision: Incest and the GAIA COMPLEX as the Opposite Side of the Oedipal Coin

The origin of neuroses is to be found in trauma occurred in childhood- Freud

Gaia and her children
Gaia and her children, courtesy:

(MONTEREY, Calif.) - Freud was his own first patient.  He may have been conditioned from Maternal Emotional Incest.[1]  The condition lies in the mother and from experience transferred into the child’s psyche. 

      Freud’s mother’s condition may be termed the Gaia Complex.  Gaia was the pre-Olympiad Great Mother Earth goddess.  Gaia created Uranus by herself.  Uranus became her son/mate and they begat Titans.[2] 

      The GAIA COMPLEX is the maternal desire for the son. 

      Freud was his mother’s Little Prince.  His sister took music lessons which discontinued when he complained the noise disturbed his concentration. 

      How bold one gets when one is certain of being loved.  Freud.[3] 

      Freud developed theories of neuroses as a result of childhood trauma.  His Oedipus Complex began as the Incest Complex along with works on seduction later termed by others his Seduction Theory.  He abandoned both the Incest Complex and Seduction.  Developers of landmark ideas often meet intense criticism to being completely ignored and Freud, at first, was no exception. 

Gaia, by Anselm Feuerbach (1875)

      Freud developed five stages of childhood psychosexual development. The Oedipus Complex arises in the third phase. 

Incestal Tetrad

Oedipus Complex

Gaia Complex

Electra Complex

Brahma Complex

      The Oedipus Complex involves a boy’s desire for mother with jealousy and anger toward his father.  He is in competition with his father’s possession of his mother.  In this, the son develops Castration Anxiety by the stronger father.   

      Castration Anxiety is observable in Gaia’s and Uranus’s son Cronus castrating his father.  Cronus, in turn, was castrated by his son Zeus.  The paternal aspect mythically told of Zeus is that his father ate his previous children fearing his power would be usurped by his children.  Zeus was spared being eaten by Rhea who tricked Cronus to eat a stone instead of Zeus who was taken away to be raised by others. 

      Mythically, castration is performed by the child-son.[4]  In real life castration of sons, in some cultures, was given over by the father to have done.  In the religious context castration belonged to the Great Mother fertility goddess.  Priests of Cybele and Hecate, to name a few, had to be castrates.  Circumcision is an icon of castration and derived as a fertility rite to the corporeal human goddess.[5] 

      The Electra Complex, the female Oedipus counterpart was coined by Carl Jung from Freud’s term of Feminine Oedipus Attitude.  It involves a girl’s romantic feeling toward her father and anger toward her mother.  In the adolescent age the young girl is usurping her mother as the gravid, procreative female. 

      The opposite side of the Electra Complex is in the god Brahma seducing and marrying his goddess daughter/granddaughter Sarasvati.  The socialized Incest Taboo is strongly directed toward the male and extremely rare in mythos. 

      The BRAHMA COMPLEX is the paternal desire for the daughter. 

Socio-Religious Dominance

      The Gaia Complex is first developed from matriarchal social dominance.  The concept is from feminine primacy of Life/Death/Life.[6]  Her ultimate power and social direction resides in the post-menopausal woman.[7]  The feminine Gaia Complex principle of replacing the father with the son is found in the Christian Testament’s Revelation from the Harlot’s statement.  New International Version: 

Revelation 18:7b (Warning to Escape Babylon’s Judgment):  In her heart she boasts. ‘I sit enthroned as queen.  I am not a widow; I will never mourn.’ 

      The Brahma Complex through Jerusalemic tradition may predate today’s Brahman context.  With migration from upper India into the Holy Land,[8] Abram became Abraham and perceived a derivation of the word Brahma.  The Jerusalemic Brahma Complex context changed to uncle/niece marriage with the main instance being Abraham and Sara.  Sarai/Sarah may derive from Sarasvati.  Niece/uncle marriage is illegal in the United States.  A Jewish exception exists in Rhode Island.[9] 

      Susan Forward discussed parental omnipotence with:[10]  When you’re young, our godlike parents are everything to us… With nothing and no one to judge them against, we assume them to be perfect parents… The only way emotional assaults or physical abuse can make sense to the child is if he or she accepts responsibility for the toxic parent’s behavior… No matter how toxic your parents may be, you will still have to deify them. 

      Freud did not have his sons genitally dismembered.  He stated, By fixing its followers in a strong psychic infantilism and making them share a collective neurosis, religion succeeds in sparing quantity of human beings an individual neurosis. 

Freud: Psychosexual Development

      Freud believed normal psychosexual development starts at birth.  Misuse in child rearing practices is common.  Sex is considered as psychically instinctual lying in the id.  Psychosexual development grows involving also the ego and superego. 

Freud: Psychosexual Development

Oral Stage

Anal Stage

Phallic Stage

Latency Stage

Genital Stage

      For both sexes, initial attachment is with the mother.  The boy remains with the mother and the girl transfers to the father.  In both, to resolve their issues successfully the child has to develop a healthy relationship with the same sex parent. 

      Oral Stage: Age Birth – 1 Year.  Mouth.  Orally aggressive: chewing gum and at the ends of pencils, etc.  Orally passive: smoking, eating, oral sexual practices.  Might result in a passive person, gullible, immature and manipulative. 

      Anal Stage: Age 1-3 years.  Bowel and bladder elimination.  Anal retentive: Obsessively organized to excessively neat.  Anal expulsive: reckless, careless, defiant and disorganized. 

      Phallic Stage: 3-6 years.  Genitalia.  Oedipus and Electra complexes. 

      Latency Stage: 6-puberty.  Dormant sexual feelings.  Sexual unfulfillment if fixation occurs in this stage. 

      Genital Stage: Puberty-death.  Sexual interest matures.  Frigidity, impotence, unsatisfactory relationships. 

      The first two stages possess maternal primacy.  Sometimes when breast feeding women will allow themselves to orgasm.  Gaiaic Attachment may occur with a male child in the Oral Stage and a future Oedipal Complex initially, in part, imprinted and solidified with continued emotional behavior toward the son.   

      Brahamic Attachment, rare in myth but not uncommon in life, may occur in the late stage of Latency and into the pubescent Genital Stage. 

      American Christianity and Judaism genitally dismember during the Oral Stage.  Islam often genitally dismembers during the Latency Stage.  African Animism often assaults the genitals during the early Genital Stage. 

deMause: Universality of Incest

      Lloyd deMause extensively documented generational abuse,[11] and their sacrifice to their Social Altars.[12], [13]  deMause described two types of incest.[14] 

      Direct Incest occurs with overt sexual activity between family members other than spouses. 

deMause: Universality of Incest

Direct Incest

Indirect Incest

      Indirect Incest is the providing of children by their parents to others in order for them to be sexually molested. 

      Genital rituals link Societal Indirect Incest.  Islam for males signifies the boy leaving the mother to be with other women.  She is giving her son to another female member of the social group.  Female genital dismemberments also allow marriage. 

      deMause instructs, Clitoridectomy – like all genital mutilations of children – is, of course, an act of incest by the perversions of the adults who perform the mutilation… Although we are not used to thinking of it in this way, in fact mothers who attack their daughters’ genitals with knives are as incestuous as fathers who rape them. 

      Kitahara states,[15] Genital mutilation is always a punishment for growing up, is – rather a self-punishment for real maternal incest for which the children blame themselves. 

      For adults the lost body part belongs to them as psychological tokens of everlasting possession.  Serial sexual predators, as serial rapists and serial killers often take objects as tokens to be used later to relive their experience. 

Miller: Poisonous Pedagogy

      Pedagogy is the art and science of indoctrinating children.[16]  Institutional Pedagogy addresses sexuality and may reinforce abuse.  Critical pedagogy teaches a person to consciously question domination in a positive manner.  Abused children are denied questioning and dissent.  Poisonous Pedagogy uses abusive assumptions.[17] 

      Adults are the masters (not the servants) of the dependent child. 

      They determine in godlike fashion what is right and what is wrong. 

Miller: Poisonous Pedagogy

Little: Anxiety Transference

      The child is responsible for parental anger. 

      Parents must always be shielded. 

      The child’s life-affirming feelings pose a threat to autocratic adults. 

      The child must be “broken” as soon as possible.. 

      All this must happen at a very early age, so the child “won’t notice” and will therefore not be able to expose the adults. 

Little: Anxiety Transference

      Transference is displacement of unresolved conflicts, dependencies and aggressions onto a substitute object.  Circumcision is an example of Transference of Aggression.  Margaret Little explained that through transference patterns of abuse are generational.[18] 

      Psychotic Anxiety has to do with questions of survival or annihilation, the question of separation from something of which you are a part (or which is a part of you), and problems of identity. 

      Neurotic Anxiety has to do with separation from an object perceived as whole and separate from you, problems of sexual identity, loss of a part of one’s body. 

      I am starting with the pregnant mother – a very obvious thing. 

      Susan Forward emphasized the child’s imprint of abuse may last a lifetime from just one single event:[19]  When you’re young, our godlike parents are everything to us… With nothing and no one to judge them against, we assume them to be perfect parents… The only way emotional assaults or physical abuse can make sense to the child is if he or she accepts responsibility for the toxic parent’s behavior… No matter how toxic your parents may be, you will still have to deify them. 

      Incest is prevalent in emotionally dishonest societies and a Transference of Aggression with the child’s genitals the substitute object representing the child as a whole.  Codependent relationships abound in interpersonal and social relationships.  Dishonesty makes it difficult for the child in later life to set proper boundaries.  Incest produces an inability to achieve successful adult relationships.[20] 

Munchausen: Self Glorification

      Munchausen involves self-harm and harm to others in the perpetrator’s care for self-glorification.  With socialized genital rituals matriarchal and patriarchal functions cooperate through a Shared Delusion and transfers to societal glorification.  In Shared Delusion there is a dominant partner.  How partners act, a society acts and how a myth explains gives indicators to who dominates.    

      Most abuses that become socialized begin at home with a child the target.  Rape is not about sex.  Rape is mainly about power, control and may include humiliation and inflicting pain. 

      Child molestation is similar and includes the sexual component.  Child molesters are fond of children and consider what they do beneficial with excuses abounding.  Genital dismemberments are where rape and child molestation meet. 

      Serial sexual predators are extremely narcissistic.  Narcissists do not see their victims as human.  Many cultural excuses explain a person is not fully human until genitally dismembered.  To the narcissist the victim is a tool to be used as any other object.[21]  They are ambivalent to the child’s true needs with their aggressive projection.[22] 

      Freud observed,[23] The transformation of object-libido into narcissistic libido which thus takes place obviously implies an abandonment of sexual aims, a desexualization   – a kind of sublimation. 

      Identity of genital blood rituals belongs to the feminine through projection of menstruation tied to the fertility motif.[24] 

The desire to hurt the sexual object – or the opposite feeling, the desire to hurt oneself – is a perversion of the most common sex life.  Freud. 

Vainglorious: The Munchausen Complex 

Circumcision: Motivational Changes in the Meaning of the Word of God 

Comixio Religionis: Circumcision NOT Jerusalemic 

Circumcision: Medicine Practicing Below the Usual and Customary Standards of Care in Ritual 

Circumcision as Attenuated Homicides 

      Dr. Matteoli graduated from St. Mary’s College of California in 1967 and Creighton University in 1971.  He is retired from the US Navy where he spent most of his career attached to the United States Marine Corps.  All articles are Mandated Reports to the social body regarding socialized and acculturated abuse. 

[1] Love, Patricia, The Emotional Incest Syndrome, Bantam, 1991. 

[2] Matteoli, Richard L., Comixio Religionis: Socialization of Violence and Abuse, Nemean Press, 2008.  To date unpublished for distribution.  A Mandated Report to the social body. 

[3] Letter to fiancee Martha Bernays, 27 June 1882. 

[4] Eliade, Mircea, Myth of the Eternal Return, Princeton University Press, 1954. 

[5] Philo, trans. Yonge, The Works of Philo, Hendrickson, 1993. 

[6] Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, Ballantine, 1995. 

[7] Horrigan, Bonnie, Red Moon Passage: The Power and Wisdom of Menopause, Three Rivers Press, 1996. 

[8] National Geographic Genome Project. 

[9] Bittles AH, A Background Summary on Cosanguineous Marriage, Center for Human Genetics, Edith Cowan, University of Perth, Australia WA 6027, May, 2001. 

[10] Forward, Susan with Buck, Craig, Toxic Parents: Overcoming their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming your Life, Bantam, 1990. 

[11] deMause, Lloyd,  Foundations of Psychohistory, Creative Roots, 1982. 

[12] deMause, Lloyd, “Why Cults Terrorize and Kill Children,” The Journal of Psychohistory, 21, (4) 1994. 

[13] deMause, Lloyd, The Social Altar, Presented at the 18th Annual Convention of the International Psychohistorical Association, June 7, 1995, New York City. 

[14] deMause, Lloyd, “The Universality of Incest,” The Journal of Psychohistory, Fall 1991, Vol. 19, No.2, 123-164. 

[15] Kitahara, Michio, “A Cross-Cultural Test of the Freudian Theory of Circumcision,” International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 5(1976): 535-546. 

[16] Graglia, Carol, Domestic Tranquility, Spence, 1998. 

[17] Miller, Alice, For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-rearing and the Roots of Violence, Ferrar, Straus and Giroux, 1990. 

[18] Little, Margaret, Transference Neurosis & Transference Psychosis, Jason Aronson, 1993. 

[19] Forward, Susan with Buck, Craig, Toxic Parents: Overcoming their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming your Life, Bantam, 1990. 

[20] Burney, Robert, Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls, Joy to You and Me Enterprises, Cambria, CA, 199. 

[21] Matteoli, Richard L., The Munchausen Complex: Socialization of Violence and Abuse, 2nd Ed., Nemean Press, 2010. 

[22] Freud, Sigmund, James Starchey, translator, Totem and Taboo, Norton & Co., 1950. 

[23] Freud Sigmund, James Starchey, translator, The Ego and the Id, W. W. Norton, 1990. 

[24] Matteoli, Richard L., Comixio Religionis: Socialization of Violence and Abuse, Nemean Press, 2008.  To date unpublished for distribution.  A Mandated Report to the social body.

Dr. Matteoli graduated from St. Mary’s College of California in 1967 and Creighton University in 1971. He is retired from the US Navy where he spent most of his career attached to the United States Marine Corps.

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