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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-17-2012 08:58)

The Al Saud runs the country as a family fiefdom

Women are not registered, when they disappear, nobody misses them, and families are not held accountable.

(DUBLIN) - the original Saudi Family: Abd Al Aziz Ibn Saud “Ibn Saud”, …and other family members 1911 Ib Saud, founding father of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, told his informal adviser, Englishman Harry St. John Philby, that he had married one-hundred-and-thirty-five virgins and about one-hundred other women, but planned, in future, to limit himself to two new wives a year.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2012 08:14)

Israel is under Cyber Attack

Needless to say that the Jewish State is pretty devastated by the Idea that a bunch of ‘indigenous Arabs’ are far more technologically advanced than its own chosen cyber pirates.

(LONDON) - Saudi hackers The ‘Arab hackers’ attack on Israel escalated today. The Israeli Stock Exchange’s and El Al’s sites collapsed on Monday. The hackers say that it is within their capability to crash every Israeli server.

“If Israel apologises to the people of the Gaza genocide, we may reduce the attacks," said Saudi Hacker OxOmar to Ynet in an interview via email.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2012 16:01)

Window for Palestinian state `rapidly closing` - European Union report

The study, entitled "Area C and Palestinian State Building", has been kept confidential until now.

(LONDON ) - European Union A European Union study says that expanding Israeli settlement in the West Bank and limits imposed on Palestinian movement and building are eroding the chances of a Palestinian state.

The study calls on EU states "in coordination with other international actors" to "systematically voice objections" to measures to evict Palestinians from areas under Israeli control.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2012 14:54)

Voters Choice: Ron Paul or Bibi Netanyahu

According to recent polls, Americans have fallen out of favor with our numerous wars in countries we neither know nor can spell: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Palestine and Syria.

(LA VERNE, Calif.) - Ron Paul and Benjamin Netanyahu A curious glance at the current crop of presidential candidates makes it clear that Ron Paul stands alone when it comes to the issue of US engagement in foreign wars.

He stands with George Washington against foreign entanglements while the rest of the candidates stand with Teddy Roosevelt and the attempted creation of America’s first empire one hundred and twelve years ago.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2012 14:19)

20 Points

Before the wave of European Jewish immigration, Palestinians were of various religions: about 85% Muslim, 10% Christian, 5% Jewish and others.

(BETHLEHEM) - Palestine Historic Palestine is the center of an ancient culture comprised of people of different religious backgrounds.

Prior to 1948, Palestinians lived in peace and harmony with their neighbors, however the Holocaust of Europe led to a mass exodus of Jewish people who fled to Palestine in the late 1940's.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2012 20:01)

US Congress: Falsely Labeling Peace Activists as `Terrorists`?

Against a backdrop of madness, HR 3131 lists Ken O'Keefe & other Human Rights Activists as 'terrorists'.

(SALEM) - The U.S. government has listed one of our closest friends and allies as a terrorist.

The baseless designation against a U.S. Marine Combat Veteran named Ken O'Keefe is little more than parroting of the allegations made after a deadly attack on a humanitarian aid ship off the coast of Palestine in 2010.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2012 13:25)

Peacetime Can Mean Hard Times

Whatever help there was is drying up fast.

(MANKULAM, Sri Lanka IPS) - The north of Sri Lanka carries the scars of war It’s a new year, a new beginning but probably a harsher reality in Sri Lanka's former war zone.

As the country enters its third year since the end of a bloody sectarian war that tore the nation's fabric apart, for many of the survivors of the worst fighting, a tough but true reality is dawning. Life in peacetime may yet be a hard struggle.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2012 12:27)

Alan Dershowitz Attempt to Destroy a Memorial to Martin Luther King

Perhaps the Hasbara mouthpiece truly believed that destroying a Martin Luther King Memorial was good for Israel and/or the Jews. He was wrong.

(LONDON) - Alan Dershowitz A year ago I was invited to attend a celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. at the Friends Meeting House, NYC.

The Meeting House Orchestra was due to play music from my award winning Exile album - an album created to celebrate the prospect of peace and harmony in the Middle East and beyond.

Read Full Article (Jan-12-2012 23:29)

Afghanistan: A Non-Kosher U.S. Taliban Deal

All these non-kosher dealings will stall the peace process until there is sound leadership in Kabul.

(SEATTLE) - Taliban and "peace mission" -- these words do not fit together in the minds of Afghans who know the Taliban's history.

But they are the words that we have seen in recent publications, stating that the Taliban intend to open a "peace mission" office in Qatar.

Read Full Article (Jan-10-2012 12:25)

Sri Lanka`s No-Win Situation

The government-appointed commission recognises the importance of a political solution, but there seems to be no breakthrough.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - President Mahinda Rajapaksa studying the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, at his residence in Colombo on November 29, 2011. SRI LANKAN President Mahinda Rajapaksa has a choice to make. Before him is the voluminous “Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report”. The question on many lips is “What will he do with it?”

His decision on the report – or procrastination over it – will decide the direction his country takes and what happens to it in international fora.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
