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About Ptsd articles Page 20

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PTSD: The Silent Enemy

Addiction, alcoholism, failed marriages, failures as a parent, on and on. Homelessness. Yes, PTSD takes no prisoners and does not discriminate.

(DANANG, Vietnam) - PTSD Fear, paranoia, procrastination, self destruction, isolation, depression – I can go on and on with adjectives and descriptions. The feelings are so familiar to so many of us.

The disease is insidious. We think the feelings go away, just to find out after days of feeling good, they come right back and kick our ass.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2010 03:45)

Army Chaplain Killed in Afghanistan: Some Go the Extra Mile

The last Army chaplain lost in combat was Phillip Nichols. He was also killed in October 1970 by a hidden explosive device planted by the enemy.

(KABUL / SALEM) - U.S. Army Chaplain Andrew Werner A U.S. Army chaplain was killed along with four other soldiers Monday, when the HUMVEE they were traveling in was struck by a roadside bomb.

The Chaplain, Army Captain Dale Goetz of the 4th Infantry Division, is the first Army clergyman to die in combat since the Vietnam War, 40 years ago.

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2010 13:43)

Military T.B.I. and Nurse Katherine Helmick: Are There 1,000,000 PTSD & T.B.I. VICTIMS?

Penetrating Brain Injuries sound pretty drastic but surgical intervention saves many from typical seizures/epilepsy.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - This is a U.S. contractor truck that was blown by by an improvised explosive device (IED)  Iraq photo by Tim King Every once in a while I just fall into serendipity. On August 28, 2010, I chanced to turn on C-Span and here was N.P. (Nurse Practitioner) Katherine Helmick, B.S., M.S., Senior Executive Director of the Military Traumatic Brain Injury Project.

I was astonished to see that an N.P. had such a high medical position. Don’t get me wrong. My daughter is an N.P. and she is sharp! So is N.P. Helmick.

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2010 14:22)

Death and Destruction: the Real Face of Western Value

Greedy Politicians, Profiteers, Cooperative greedy culture, world domination.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Burning HUMVEE in Iraq The YouTube page receives a growing amount of traffic every day and along with that, constant pitches for friendship from fellow YouTube users all over the world.

Many items sent to our newsroom here end up as articles and reports, and the video included below is no exception to that rule. We live in a world of war and pain and death and violence, where people perish in larger numbers sometimes than ever before in the past.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2010 18:37)

Australian Vietnam Veterans Call Attention to Illness, Suffering

An open letter to the Government of Australia addressing the ongoing concerns of Vietnam Veterans and their families.

(MELBOURNE) - Make no mistake. Our families and we Vietnam veterans have been poisoned by one of, if not the most deadly chemical known to man. The human cost of this poisoning has yet to be totaled. The two most important features of this killer are the slow effect rate and the diverse symptomology.

That is, its effects are delayed. After being ingested by the body, it is stored in the fat tissue only to be released at a later time.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2010 17:43)

Veterans-For-Change Needs Your Support

Our organization directors are dedicating their time, energy and enthusiasm to work for this cause, and all do this as a volunteer so 97% of every dollar goes back to the Veteran community.

(GARDEN GROVE, Calif.) - Veterans for Change logo On behalf of Veterans-For-Change I’d like to request your help in supporting three very important programs we have. Our first program is our Emergency Financial Assistance program which was developed to help Veterans and their families on a one time bases with utilities, rent, clothing, etc.

Our Second program is a small college tuition assistance program for the children of Veterans. We’d be awarding financial grant assistance of up to $200 to the top three competitors in an annual essay contest. (Minimum annual need $600)

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2010 06:15)

An In-Depth Look at Writers and Topics

An Editor's thoughts on managing the daily flow of a high traffic news Website.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Writing Team Our goal from the first day has been to offer a product for news viewers that is helpful and educational, fast, non-invasive and undemanding, relevant and honest. We are bound to no political party and yet we do speak out clearly about certain issues.

Consider this an overview of who we are and what we do. There are many things always taking place at once as there are in any daily news environment; this article is a summary of that, and also contains information about future plans for the site.

Read Full Article (Aug-23-2010 00:58)

PTSD Psychosis: the Army and VA`s Miserable Mistreatment: Time Magazine Expose

It is known that the Army and VA treatment with anti-depressant drugs and morphine-like drugs can be both dangerous and lethal but they continue to hand them out.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - photo from Kabul, Afghanistan by Tim King. It is very comforting and reassuring that Time Magazine has finally joined the ongoing battle to recognize and to take care of the epidemic of possibly 1,000,000 PTSD Victim Veterans.

Read Full Article (Aug-20-2010 21:45)

Russian Prisoner: Private Phillip Leveque
A Very Lucky Dogface

Folks you are reading about a very lucky AMERIKANSKI.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - The one and only Dr. Phil Leveque I still get chills down my spine when I think about it even though it happened 65 years ago.

I wrote about it in my book GENERAL PATTONS DOGFACE SOLDIER. It has stuck with me all these years as it was possibly the closest I ever got to being killed in WWII.

Read Full Article (Aug-11-2010 14:06)

Autism: Newest Successful Treatment

California Medical Marijuana doctors and others elsewhere have discovered from parents of autistic children that cannabis/marijuana works for many.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - The mother of Joey Perez says medical marijuana baked into brownies saved her autistic son's life. I am constrained to write this new story about successful Autism treatment because of an article I just read from TIME magazine May 25, 2009 titled HOW AUTISM AGES. It is a frightening story both for what severe damage it did to the family but also the psychological destruction it did to the autistic person.

He had been viciously mistreated both physically and pharmaceutically by a whole bunch of pseudo-experts who in some retrospection did not have a clue what they were doing...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
