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Op-Ed: Promised Veto Flies in the Face Of Compassionate Conservativism

Veto-weapon held high over the bowed heads of Congressional participants on both sids of the aisle, “President” Bush proclaims "ideology absolutism" as his real religion.

(BEND, Ore.) - George W. Bush Killing federal funds sure to help the lower-levels of the foundering middle class as well as the poor-and-threatened, he will deny Congress its Constitutional responsibilities to protect, preserve and strengthen the wit, wisdom and will of the American people.

Seventy percent of all Americans stand ready and willing to work out universal health care for all --absolutely now seen worldwide as an essential human right-- here in the U.S.

Read Full Article (May-11-2007 16:20)

Oregon Study Finds That Federal Medicaid Rules Aimed at Illegal Immigrants Harm Vulnerable Citizens

The state study found that nearly two-thirds of those who were denied health services were children.

(SILVERTON, Ore.) - Anti-immigration protesters at a recent immigration rally in Salem, Oregon New federal rules that require Oregon to verify the identity and citizenship of individuals applying for Medicaid-funded programs have barred over 1,000 Oregonians, mostly children and citizens, from getting health care, a new report by the Department of Human Services finds.

More than 1,000 Oregonians, almost all of whom the State believes to be US citizens, were denied health care services because they were unable to comply with restrictive paperwork requirements created by the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA).

Read Full Article (Mar-28-2007 12:10)

Report: State Income Taxes Pushing Many Working-Poor Families Deeper Into Poverty

Alabama, Hawaii, and Oregon will continue to impose some of the nation’s largest income taxes on the poor even after the expected reforms are implemented.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - In nearly half of the states with an income tax, a family of four owes the tax even if its income falls below the poverty line, according to a new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

In 19 of the 42 states that levy an income tax, the “tax threshold” (the income level at which families begin owing taxes) for a two-parent family of four for tax year 2006 is below $20,615, the poverty line for such a family.

Read Full Article (Mar-20-2007 10:15)

Food for Fines Week Coming to Salem Public Library

Food items will be accepted at the Central Library, West Salem Branch, and on the Bookmobile.

(SALEM) - Salem Public Library For one week only, Salem Public Library will forgive fines for patrons who bring in donations of non-perishable food items between Sunday, March 25th and Saturday, March 31st.

This highly successful program pays off for library patrons and for families served by Marion-Polk Food Share.

The 2006 Food for Fines program generated 6,100 pounds in donations. Fines totaling $3,993 were cleared on 576 library cards.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2007 12:17)

Time to Invest in Poor Children and Their Families

For more than a decade of welfare reform, Oregon’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program has been focused on reducing the number of families receiving assistance.

(SILVERTON) - homeless person Last year, Congress significantly changed the federal rules that govern how states must operate the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. This program provides job training and temporary cash assistance to poor families with dependent children. Oregon must adapt its program to meet the new rules, but retains substantial flexibility in how the state program will be structured.

Let’s hope state legislators turn the need to reform our program into an opportunity to strengthen how Oregon helps very low-income children and their families.

Read Full Article (Nov-19-2006 23:04)

No Plans for Thanksgiving Dinner?

To be included in this listing, email your group’s information to:

(SALEM) - turkey dinner Free Thanksgiving meals for the community are provided by several area businesses and organizations. Regardless of the late date, most of these groups would be very grateful for donations of food or of your time. Helping serve, wash dishes, bus tables or greeting people may be the perfect place for you to volunteer over this holiday. Call them for information.

Represented here are the cities of Salem, Keizer, Dallas, Silverton, and Stayton.

Read Full Article (Oct-06-2006 01:08)

New Food Bank Facility Links Ag Surplus With Oregon`s Most Hungry

New food bank facility links agricultural surplus with Oregon's most hungry. Governor praises effort to reduce hunger, poverty, and crime.

(UMATILLA) - Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski Oregon Department of Corrections Director Max Williams today announced the opening of a new sorting, grading, and packaging facility at Two Rivers Correctional Institution (TRCI) in Umatilla for donated Oregon agricultural products to be sent to Oregon's most hungry.

Dignitaries from around the state, including Director of Oregon Housing and Community Services Director Victor Merced and Oregon Food Bank Executive Director Rachel Bristol, attended the opening ceremony.

Read Full Article (Aug-29-2006 22:08)

Economic Growth Failing to Improve Incomes for Typical Households, Health Coverage, or Poverty

Crucial Votes in Fall May Make Matters Worse.

(SILVERTON) - homeless handicap person walking The typical Oregon household’s income remains stuck well below its level of a few years ago, despite a strong economy, according to new statistics released today by the U.S. Census Bureau and analyzed by the Oregon Center for Public Policy (OCPP), a Silverton public policy research institute.

The share of Oregonians going without health insurance for a year or more also remains high, and poverty has not improved.

“Oregon’s economy is doing great, but the prosperity is not being widely shared,” said Michael Leachman, policy analyst for the OCPP. “Oregonians should be proud of the economic growth they are producing, but they should also wonder why they aren’t seeing more of the benefits,” he added.

Read Full Article (Aug-08-2006 16:17)

Oregon`s Food Stamp Program Achieves a Record-High Accuracy Rate, Receives Praise from Federal Government

The federal government is happy that the state's scrutiny of poor people needing food assistance is more accurate than ever.

(SALEM) - Homeless people being served by local kids at the Union Gospel Mission For the first time in a decade Oregon's food stamp benefit accuracy rate exceeds the national average and is now one of the top-ranked programs in the nation, the Oregon Department of Human Services announced today.

"This is particularly good news because it comes at a time when the number of Oregonians receiving food stamps is at an all-time high," said DHS Director Bruce Goldberg, M.D.

Read Full Article (Aug-05-2006 12:07)

Food Not Bombs Protests Las Vegas Law Banning Feeding Homeless in City Parks

Homeless advocates are a light in this desert town run by a mob lawyer who has a beef with the poor.

(LAS VEGAS, Nv.) - Homeless person in Las Vegas, Nevada Been to Sin City lately? Do you care about homeless people?

Homeless advocates are inviting the nation to join them for a special demonstration against the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, August 10th, it happens in the wake of a city decision that makes feeding a homeless person in a park against the law.

Advocates for humanity say they have had enough, and the movement called "food Not Bombs is gaining traction all over the world.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
