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About Poverty articles Page 39

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Natural Gas Prices in Oregon to Increase This Fall and Winter

Natural gas prices have risen steadily for all three gas utilities serving Oregon since 2003.

(SALEM) - gas_fireplace While temperatures heat up outside, the Oregon Public Utility Commission was warned today to expect higher natural gas prices this coming heating season.

Officials with NW Natural Gas, Avista Utilties, and Cascade Natural Gas told the Commission they will be filing requests soon to raise their rates as part of the annual Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA). The companies pass through their actual cost of purchasing gas, without any mark-up to customers, and make no additional profit from these rate adjustments. When prices go down, customers rates are also reduced.

Company officials predicted the following residential rate increases:

4 to 12% for NW Natural Gas...

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2006 15:37)

Americans Spend Less Than 10 percent of Disposable Income on Food

The Department of Agriculture reports that food remains a bargain for Oregon and U.S. consumers.

(SALEM) - Family table The U.S. consumer is spending a bit more of their disposable income to purchase food than the previous year, but they still enjoy the cheapest, most abundant food supply in the world, according to new statistics released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2006 02:32)

Study Finds Many Trailer Parks, And Families May Never Break The Label of `Trailer Trash`

The study reveals a huge social and economic crisis for families living in America’s rural trailer parks.

(CORVALLIS) - trailer park suburbia photo by Kevin Hays The denizens of America's rural trailer parks have heard all the snide comments about their homes – and they have been labeled everything from "trailer trash" to "tornado magnets" – but beneath that ridicule lie acute needs and real concerns, according to a new study.

“While mobile homes have emerged as the housing of choice among low-income rural households, many mobile home-dwellers face exorbitant interest rates, social instability from high turnover rates in trailer park neighborhoods, stigmatization and discrimination in the community and schools, and a lack of opportunities for their children,” said Katherine A. MacTavish, an assistant professor of human development and sciences at Oregon State University and lead author of the study.

Read Full Article (May-07-2006 20:38)

Nutritional Program Links Low-Income Oregonians With Farmers Markets

(SALEM) - A very popular nutritional program will begin June 1st, and will link thousands of low-income Oregon families to farmers` markets.

The Oregon Farm Direct Nutrition Program, formerly known as the Farmers Market Nutrition Program, is a state-administered federal nutrition program that will bring more than a million dollars into the hands of Oregon farmers in 2006.

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2006 02:11)

Governor Kulongoski Declares April 9 - 15, 2006, Oregon Hunger Awareness Week

Governor calls on all Oregonians to join him in the fight against hunger

(SALEM) - Governor Kulongoski attending a food drive January 12thy, 2006 in Salem Continuing his effort to raise awareness about the issue of hunger in Oregon, Governor Ted Kulongoski will kick-off Hunger Awareness Week on Monday at the Oregon Food Bank Hunger Heroes Luncheon, and deliver the first annual Jerry Tippens Award for an individual`s contribution in the fight against hunger. The Governor will also announce several key steps he will take in the coming years to continue the progress over the last three to end hunger and food insecurity in Oregon.

The Goal of Hunger Awareness Week is to: 1) Promote awareness about the hunger problem in Oregon; 2) Educate about the root causes of hunger; and 3) Help inspire citizens and communities throughout the state to take action to help end hunger in Oregon.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2006 02:40)

Governor Issues Order to Combat Homelessness

Executive Order creates Ending Homeless Advisory Council

(PORTLAND) - Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski issued an executive order Tuesday, and injected new urgency into the fight against homelessness by creating an `Ending Homelessness Advisory Council.`

`To make real progress in fighting homelessness, we need to build on what we have already accomplished,` the Governor told a gathering of federal, state and local officials at a ceremony in Portland`s Hotel Alder. `We need to take serious and aggressive steps to address the vast range of problems that lead to homelessness in the first place.`

The 24-member Ending Homelessness Advisory Council (EHAC) will serve as the designated state entity in the fight to end homelessness, the Governor said. In addition to serving as an advocate for the homeless within state government, EHAC will develop a 10-year plan and collaborate on implementing local plans to end homelessness.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2006 11:06)

Recent Cold Weather Has Salem Mission in Need of Donations

(Salem) - With the recent cold snap, and with cooler and wet weather expected to continue in the mid-valley over the next few weeks, the Union Gospel Mission is in need of donations to handle the number of homeless coming to seek help from the winter weather.

Tom Zobel with UGM of Salem says currently they are serving 500+ meals a day at the mission.

They are in desperate need of men`s clothing especially pants, shirts, underwear, coats, and socks.

Food donations are needed as well.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2006 13:43)

Governor Kicks Off Annual State Employees Food Drive

Goal is 3.5 million pounds of food for the Oregon Food Bank Network

(Salem) - Governor Ted Kulongoski kicks off the 2006 food drive. Photo By: Tim King Continuing his efforts to radically reduce hunger in Oregon, Governor Ted Kulongoski kicked off his annual state employees` food drive Thursday. The Governor has set a goal of collecting 3.5 million pounds of food for distribution to needy people through the Oregon Food Bank Network.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
