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May-11-2007 16:20printcomments

Oregon Study Finds That Federal Medicaid Rules Aimed at Illegal Immigrants Harm Vulnerable Citizens

The state study found that nearly two-thirds of those who were denied health services were children.

Anti-immigration protesters at a recent immigration rally in Salem, Oregon
Anti-immigration protesters at a recent immigration rally in Salem, Oregon, are they doing more harm than good, even for their own cause?
Photo by: Bonnie King

(SILVERTON, Ore.) - New federal rules that require Oregon to verify the identity and citizenship of individuals applying for Medicaid-funded programs have barred over 1,000 Oregonians, mostly children and citizens, from getting health care, a new report by the Department of Human Services finds.

More than 1,000 Oregonians, almost all of whom the State believes to be US citizens, were denied health care services because they were unable to comply with restrictive paperwork requirements created by the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA).

The DRA requires individuals applying or recertifying for services to prove their identity and citizenship by providing specified documents according to a limited list of those acceptable. The Department of Human Services report analyzes the impact of the harsh new paperwork rules in Oregon over the first six months the new rules were in place, September 2006 through February 2007.

"The new rules were imposed in a misguided attempt to keep non-citizens from receiving health care benefits for which they are not eligible. Ironically, the primary impact has been to keep citizens from receiving health care benefits for which they are eligible," said Janet Bauer, a policy analyst at the Oregon Center for Public Policy. Bauer noted that 91 percent of denied households spoke English as their primary language.

The report also shows that children have been disproportionately harmed by the new provisions. The state study found that nearly two-thirds of those who were denied health services were children.

"The federal rules have backfired in Oregon and kids are getting the brunt of it," said Bauer.

Oregonians seeking health services included low-income applicants to the Oregon Health Plan, seniors and people with disabilities needing nursing care, and people needing family planning services. The report notes that these individuals "represent our state's most vulnerable citizens, many of whom are unable to comply with the new federal requirements due to lack of financial resources, cognitive impairments or other barriers."

"These restrictive new rules are not working. Instead of achieving their objective, they have denied our most vulnerable citizens the health care they need," said Bauer.

The report also reveals that the Department of Human Services has been forced to spend substantial state resources implementing the new federal rules. According to the report, the Department committed "thousands of hours" of staff time, and invested approximately $44,000 to assist applicants with the fees involved in obtaining required documents from states where the applicants were born. Despite these substantial costs to the state, over 1,000 eligible citizens were denied services.

"This report sends a message to Oregon's congressional delegation to address this problem when they reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program this year," said Bauer. "Our delegation should share a copy of this report with every member of Congress and urge that the SCHIP reauthorization bill restore states' option to determine the most effective way to verify the status of those applying for benefits," she added.

The DHS report can be found online at

The Oregon Center for Public Policy does in-depth research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues. The Center's goal is to improve decision making and generate more opportunities for all Oregonians.

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Rosenberg May 17, 2007 12:25 pm (Pacific time)

Marnell, what's the "frequency?"

Albert Marnell May 17, 2007 12:08 pm (Pacific time)

I do not know ROSENBERG. Since you are locked up in the room next to me, why don't you ask them?

Rosenberg May 17, 2007 8:20 am (Pacific time)

Marnell do your care providers at that institution your in not monitor you? If it's a public facility I demand some oversight immediately!!

Albert Marnell May 16, 2007 6:52 pm (Pacific time)

I call people that live off of the blood and sacrifice of others "Rosenberg".

Rosenberg May 16, 2007 2:00 pm (Pacific time)

My perceptions have kept a lot of people alive over the years Marnell. If you only knew how lucky you are not to have experienced situations that others have endured so you can belittle them. What do you call those who live off the blood and sacrifice of others? Goodbye Marnell, you are just too ungrateful to continue with anymore. Advice: Go to any veteran's organizational meeting and share your viewpoints with them. You will not Marnell, and you know why, because you are a coward, no big deal, it's just what you are.

Albert Marnell May 16, 2007 10:23 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, Sorry to hear that you have to publicly announce your assets to feed your already inflated ego. Tara II, now Long Island real estate....why don't you publish your net worth along with all your assets and Hank Ruark will probably be glad to publicize it. You have spent your life being a bigoted blowhard with a myopic superior view of people except your little click (ilk). That is a wasted life. I bet one of your grandchildren is gay or one or your kids and you don't even know it. Your perceptions are so unperceptive.

Rosenberg May 16, 2007 8:24 am (Pacific time)

I am proud of my nearly 70 years Marnell. Lot of living and a lot of mileage (some pretty tough miles also). Most important, I married my childhood sweetheart right after receiving my undergraduate degree in 1960, 47 years ago. Everyday with her gets better. You, and people like you Marnell, are a brief diversion, but you make me so very thankful that my children and grandchildren have absolutely nothing in common with those of your ilk, really thankful! I would like to say I have a number of investments (via inheritance) in New York (Long Island area), near you? I was going to liquidate, but the revenue streams have provided excellent funding for some disbled Vietnam veteran's children. Actually Marnell, my family values have always centered around helping others, but not certain types of people...

Albert Marnell May 15, 2007 12:06 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, What do you know? Easy question......NOTHING! I tell people my age constantly even on this site. Your the one who won't give an accurate name or age. But if I really want to find out; I know how.

Rosenberg May 15, 2007 11:16 am (Pacific time)

Marnell I believe that the term "loser" transends time. I believe the ony age that makes an assessment that it is a teenage term are those that are around 52. But what do I know?

Albert Marnell May 15, 2007 9:41 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, The term "loser" is used mostly by teenagers. This shows where your mentality is really at.

Rosenberg May 15, 2007 7:33 am (Pacific time)

Marnell there is a big difference from those "who do" and those like you. I participate in history, you are on the sidelines rambling about things you know nothing of. You are a loser...

Albert Marnell May 14, 2007 10:12 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, Just one last quickie; if you think that you are not offensive and filled with venon, then you are really deluding yourself. You should read everything that you have written since you have been on this site. If you can not see your venon and insults, then you are blind as a bat. I disagree with many people and when given respect they get it in return.

Albert Marnell May 14, 2007 9:25 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, I do not have venon for different points of view. I have venon and impatience for people like you who have repeatedly attacked me for my point of view. I also have venon for people that do no research and then spout an opinion.....I do not find you in that category even though I may not agree with your deducements from your research. Also, when I give fact that any university professor would back up....such as the fraud of the Federal Reserve System, you do not research it and still try to discredit and devalue my facts. I know what I am. I am honest with myself and when I am being nasty, I know it. It is great that you want to cut checks for organizations that should be paid for by tax dollars. I have learned over the years not to give cash because 99% of all organizations waste or steal most of what they get. It was bad decades ago but not like today. I used to do free work for a civil rights organization. When you are there, you see what is going on and you see what your time and labor power are contributing. Giving money is very dangerous. I am sorry for everyone including the vets that have to depend on charity to survive with a little dignity.

Rosenberg May 14, 2007 7:43 am (Pacific time)

Marnell thanks for the input. Actually when I receive my hard-earned money for services rendered from any government entity, I always make a much larger contribution to the charities of my choice, which are sent (over 90%) to combat veteran organizations. How much do you provide? Or how much of your disposable income goes to ...? Your contributions are probably "Gone in the Wind", like TARA I. You're so full of venom for those who have a different perspective, that 1st Amendment must really be painful for you.

Albert Marnell May 13, 2007 12:54 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, You and your inflated government pension checks makes you one of the biggest parasites of all. Enjoy your Tara 11 while you judge the most needy and struggling. Live in your fantasy. You by the way are the King of RAMBLING.

Rosenberg May 13, 2007 7:19 am (Pacific time)

Yeah ignore the quality of life issues that are impacting our citizens, and listen to the "Nero" types that have "Zero" to say with regards to their histrionic ramblings.

Albert Marnell May 13, 2007 12:20 am (Pacific time)

All off this petty divisiveness is designed to keep you off of the real big issues. Get ticked-off about the waste of your federal dollars and the lack of accoutability of it. This stuff is just pulp that keeps your eye off of the big ball in industry, defense, government and big-time corruption.

Goods May 12, 2007 10:37 am (Pacific time)

Lilathe - you are incorrect. In California it is $14. In Oregon it is $20. In New York state, $30. Washington:$17, and so on.

Wesley May 12, 2007 8:19 am (Pacific time)


Lilathe May 11, 2007 9:19 pm (Pacific time)

State law requires that adults be able to provide valid photo identification at all times. A birth certificate costs $7 at the most and a postage stamp from most states. If the people are receiving any kind of government aid, they should at least provide a birth certificate and a SS#.

Kay May 11, 2007 8:01 pm (Pacific time)

How hard is it to provide a birth certificate?

Albert Marnell May 11, 2007 5:36 pm (Pacific time)

I will remind people who know nothing of the inner workings of what you think is the U.S.A. There is no United States. There is a Federal Reserve with twelve regional banks that operate to profit off of the serfs (you and I). The shareholders of these global banks own industry and the next down from those two are the people that you think are your government such as the President, Congress etc. The Federal Reserve is a term used to fool you. They just love it when you pick on the most vulnerable or get into dem.vs repub. arguments because it takes the spotlight away from them and the fact that most of your federal taxes do not go for infrastructure but goes to pay the interest on the national debt to the bankers. I introduce this reality all of the time and people think it has nothing to do with a given story. It has everything to do with it. There is plenty of money to help everyone at a basic level. You should be more concerned about corporate welfare which is far more important and larger in dollars than people who for the most part work like dogs, I see them every day waiting to be picked up for work. The bottom line is Abolish the Federal Reserve for a monetary system that is owned by the people and backed by gold or some other hard asset. Read about the Federal Reserve, it's history (since 1913) and all of it's critics except people like David Rockefeller. Why do you think that the Federal Reserve is not listed in the government section of your telephone book? It is a private banking consortium design by a few powerful bankers in 1913 to steal as much as possible from the people. The President is told who to pick as chairman and does a public presentation to continue the deception. This is Finance 1 in any University. Find out the Truth. Try a website like F.R.E.E. The Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate. People are thinking on such a small myopic level. The Federal Reserve needs to be taken over by the representative of the people. Right know we are all working everyday for J.P. Morgan Chase etc. and you wonder where your federal dollars go? READ! The green in your wallet should say Rockefeller and Associates private bank with David Rockefeller's picture on it. People like George Washington and slogans like In God We Trust" are part of the deception. READ ABOUT IT. Go to a darn University with a finance department for Christ's sake. Talk to a finance professor.

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