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Of Forgiveness, Justice and Peace

People who are taught to forgive are the abused, those who are wronged in the first place, they are generally the passive, meek and good-natured.

(LONDON) - Israeli soldier menacing a child Forgiveness is not a one way street, just like love, forgiveness is an act of between two; the forgiver is the giver, the forgiven is the receiver to-be-given.

No matter how much willing the forgiver might be to forgive, his/her gift cannot be felt, sensed or received if the forgiven-to-be is not ready to receive.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2013 18:38)

Rohingya Patriotic Poem

Poem relates story of the most persecuted people on earth.

(RANGOON Mayu Press) - Rohingyas in Burma today Since last summer, Rohingya Muslims have been the focus of an ongoing Genocide in their native Burma. Rakhine Buddhists are in charge of this country under the leadership of President Thein Sein.

This is a country that until very recently, was closed to the outside world, ruled by an inflexible military junta.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2013 18:57)

WVIP- Shelter for Victims of Persecution

“… this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”. John 13:35

(ISLAMABAD) - Farrukh Harrison- Executive Director wvip World Vision in Progress WVIP is nonprofit organization, workings based on this commandment.

WVIP is fighting against the social injustice, constitutional and religious discrimination, and force conversion with Christians and other religious minorities in Pakistan, said WVIP chief.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2013 11:21)


A century of savage aggression

(LONDON) - Palestine A century of savage aggression; Ethnically cleansing us, Slow-genociding us, Slaughtering our babies,

Breaking the bones of our children, Shooting at point blank our boys and girls...

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2013 18:03)

Amos 3: 3 Can 2 walk together, except they be agreed?

We all know that charity not only begins but ends at home....

(CLEVELAND) - Amos the prophet Amos 3: 3, “Can 2 walk together, except they be agreed?” Main problem in the world today is too much controversy,

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2013 19:02)

2nd Amendment Right To Bear Arms Or Not

If gun control is implemented it will make easier every crime...

(CLEVELAND) - gun There is a move in this country to keep guns out of schools, and yet our Founding Fathers found it to be a rightful tool.

The Pledge of Allegiance is removed which instilled pride, we banned the bible but sexuality, students need not hide?

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2013 21:36)

Major League Baseball & The Hall Of Fame

What are the real motives behind sinking the careers of sports heroes?

(CLEVELAND) - Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Pete Rose and Sammy Sosa When the time came for sports writers to answer the call, What a shock, Big Mac was not elected to the hall,

Allegedly the same will happen for Sammy and Barry, All because of the controversy they supposedly carry.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2013 17:39)

Honor Killings

A caste system, poverty, over-militarization; ingredients for disaster.

(CLEVELAND) - Banaz Mahmod The fallacy that a woman must be killed to maintain family honor is as old and stale as the crusty philosophies that lead to such cruel and bent thinking.

Massive problems facing women and girls in Pakistan and India.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2012 12:01)

The Belligerent Occupier

Towering above them all, an immutable rule of law prevails for the striving for freedom, truth and justice will never tire

(LONDON) - Palestine solidarity With breathtaking magnitude, resolute in forefending responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity

A darkly glib inhabits the psychic scape of a ruinously polished occupier seeking pseudo security

Read Full Article (Dec-25-2012 17:12)

Rhinoceros is Unique

When The Almighty creates a uniqueness found only in you, no army in the world can defeat that mighty number of two.

(CLEVELAND) - Rhino versus lion The Rhino is unique from other animals you’ve seen or heard, And that unique characteristic is, they cannot move backward,

Furthermore, their peripheral vision is as good as being blind, So, Rhino’s always move forward with only one thing in mind.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley
