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Salem-News.com (Mar-05-2011 15:09)

Erica Blasberg (In Memorial) Beauty & The Beast

Her father says she didn’t kill herself, evidence will show...

(CLEVELAND) - Erica Blasberg With what seemed like a stunning career ahead of her, the unquestionably stunning Pro Golfer Erica Blasberg, died suddenly last May. Her body was allegeded to have been discovered by a doctor named Thomas Hess who made a 911 call to report her death.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-03-2011 03:22)

Poem: Suppression, I Accept Not

This pro democratic poem is for all of those who want democratic Bahrain.

(KATHMANDU, Nepal) - The following poem by noted poet Bhuwan Thapaliya of Nepal was sent to Salem-News.com by Riwan Khan as a response to the article Bahrain Bleeds for Liberty by Salem-News.com writer Mamoon Alabbasi.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-16-2011 18:31)

Akron Mom Incarcerated? Kids To A Better School?

The new American criminal: a mom who dared to challenge the law in to free her children from what she believed to be a failing environment.

(CLEVELAND) - Woman handcuffed A felony charge against a poor mother because she tried to enroll her daughter in a better-performing school?

Currently residing in a housing project, unable to move or pay tuition, Kelly Williams-Bolar, of Akron, Ohio used her dad's address to get her children in a school she felt would best benefit them.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-04-2011 01:41)

Koch Industries

“...I’ve never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.” - Charles Lewis, founder of the Center for Public Integrity

(CLEVELAND ) - The Koch Brothers, Charles Koch (left) and David Koch (right) The Koch Brothers, Charles Koch and David Koch, own and operate Koch Industries, the largest private company in the United States.

Together the brothers have a combined net worth of over $40 billion and they are the die hard allies of big business and far right wing politics.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-29-2011 21:58)

JP Morgan Chase Overcharged Combat Troops for Mortgages

“No finer group than those who fight to protect our country everyday,”
You honor and reward them by maliciously taking their homes away?

(CLEVELAND) - JP Morgan Isn't enough that they served their nation under the most hostile circumstances ever imagined?

Sometimes it seems like the Veterans of this nation are nothing but some kind of non-human tool and I have news for you, they aren't.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-27-2011 23:46)

Injealetent and Keith Olbermann

Americans have been taught that they are supposed to have a range of views, but they are not being allowed that; Olbermann had been the exception.

(CLEVELAND / SALEM) - Keith Olbermann The loss of Keith Olbermann from the mainstream American airwaves was significant.

In a nation of largely peaceful people who really don't support war as an ideal way of handling world problems, and who oppose unfair advantages for big business and low wages and adversity over religion and class structure; he was a lone voice.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-26-2011 01:19)

Free Tunisia

Today Tunisia stands at the heart of the fight for equality.

(LONDON) - Tunisia's flag and coat of arms Tunisia continues to dominate headlines and it should; popular uprisings have relieved nations of tyrants in the past.

When the power of the people leads to the removal of oppressive regimes, it is a form of democracy in action.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2011 20:35)

Bullying! Phoebe Prince & Others (In Memorial) R.I.P.

The Boston Globe explains how Phoebe Prince was relentlessly bullied by girls who called her "a slut," or "an Irish slut."

(CLEVELAND) - anti-bullying sign The last time I checked, ignorance is no excuse for the law. Parents need to talk to their kids about human rights, sex abuse and emotional and physical abuse, which of course can be one thing depending on the circumstances.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2011 19:24)

Twentieth Anniversary of Cold-Blooded Murder Passes

Marine Corps Colonel’s murder reported as a suicide, but forensic evidence supports murder and a government cover-up.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Colonel James Sabow USMC Twenty years ago this month, Colonel James Sabow, USMC, answered the telephone in his quarters at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, California. “Hello, Colonel Sabow. This is Colonel Sabow.”

These were the last words that Sally Sabow heard her husband speak as she closed the front door of their home to attend an early morning weekday Mass in Santa Ana.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-19-2011 23:38)

Lincoln`s Birthday Set to Launch `Peace in Poetry` Workshop

Cultivating the first peace event at the State Capital for some 15 years.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Salem means peace It is well over "fourscore and seven years ago" since Abe Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address to pay homage to Union troops who died in the Civil War.

Yet the spirit of Peace has been revived here in Salem and will be celebrated on his birthday, February 12.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley