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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Aug-30-2017 14:06)

Anti-Racism Donations Spike for ADL Amid Their Own Racism

ADL works to maintain oppression and discrimination against Palestinian Muslims and Christians

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) - Israeli soldier In the wake of Charlottesville, numerous Americans have come forward to oppose racism in a variety of ways. In some cases this has taken the form of donations.

As a result, some allegedly anti-racist organizations have seen a financial bonanza. The main one seems to be the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which saw a 1,000% spike in donations – more than half by first-time donors.

Read Full Article (Jul-24-2017 17:34)

National Forum for Scientists Reveals Palestinian Innovators

Build partnerships to create the environment for innovation and excellence.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Palestine Museum of Natural History We just completed the second National Forum for Scientists organized by the Palestinian Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence.

On another note, while Congress does nothing to help US citizens drowning in debt including student debts, it also wants to punish them (us) if they (we) speak out for human rights and international law.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2017 21:55)

Lebanon`s Outlawing of Palestinian Civil Rights

Update on the fighting at Ein al-Hilwe Palestinian camp in Lebanon

(Ein el Helweh Camp, Saida, Lebanon) - It’s half a century overdue for Lebanon to grant Palestinian refugees, now the fourth post-Nakba generation, the most elementary civil rights to work and home ownership.

Both fundamental rights are mandated by international law and enjoyed by every refugee on our planet. Sauf Lebanon.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2017 09:48)

Basil of Al-Walaja: RIP

Others will speak of his martyrdom; I will speak of his life and what he told me. Basil would have wanted it told this way.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Basil of Al-Walaja In 2009, I met Basil and Shireen and started joining them in demonstrations in Al-Walaja village. On 6 March 2017, Basil was murdered by the Israeli army. He was 31-years old.

"...we had so many problems...the displaced and the refugees, taking our water rights, the wall built on our land, home demolitions, apartheid, residency rights. Resistance is normal reaction [to this]... Palestine is a microcosm of the world, its history that of mankind. What happens here is an indicator of things to come around the world.”

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2017 13:00)

Comfort the Afflicted

Look at the evidence provided and judge for yourself

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Palestine We in occupied Palestine continue to be guardedly optimistic even after watching the Kafkaesque political "plays" being performed to confuse the public and keep them in the dark and keep them fighting each other while the RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET POORER.

Remember to follow the money. But what we common people need to do is refuse the baiting, join hands, and think of the environment, sustainability, hope, love, kindness to one another (while yes exposing the myths and challenging the elites).

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2017 16:15)

Taking Action for Human Rights

Marching on the streets is one method to peacefully resist.

(BETHLEHEM) - Palestinian human rights The Jewish racist right wing government of Netanyahu just violated international law again by approving 2500 “housing units” for colonial settlers on Palestinian land.

In parallel, the government of Trump in the US issued executive orders banning immigrants from several Muslim countries, building walls, and advancing the Keystone and Dakota Access pipeline (opposed by natives and environmentalists), and denying funding for healthcare that helps women in third world countries.

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2017 14:20)

Hope Fades for a Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Only 31% of Americans overall support the United States' blocking international recognition of Palestinian statehood. So who's calling the shots?

(SAN FRANCISCO) - mother palestine Trump has appointed two strident advocates of Israel's right-wing settler movement to the key positions of U.S. ambassador to Israel and chief negotiator.

Ambassador-designate David Friedman insists the United States should end the "two-state narrative" and claims that moderate Zionist groups like J Street who support it are "far worse than kapos — Jews who turned in their fellow Jews in the Nazi death camps."

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2017 01:23)

Gaza`s Lack of Electricity, a Problem With No End in Sight

Electricity is turned on for 4 hours and then cut off for 20 hours every day.

(GAZA STRIP) - gaza electricity Unemployment has reached its highest level in history. Another obstacle is electricity which is only available for about four hours each day.

These dynamics increase psychological pressure on human beings of all ages. Hope remains because anything is possible but the lack of electricity creates serious problems. Sometimes the electricity is even turned off during the 4 hours it should be on. This causes great stress.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2016 16:40)

Forest Fires Raging Across Palestine

The European pine tree, not indigenous to Palestine, is highly flammable.

(LONDON / BETHLEHEM) - Palestine fires Over 200 forest fires are raging in Palestine (now renamed the Jewish State of Israel including its occupied Palestinian territories).

Many countries are helping put out the fires including four teams of Palestinian firefighters (no body helped Gaza when it was being fire-bombed by white phosphorous).

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2016 20:18)

Artist Dom Martin Remembers the Plight of Palestinians on Land Day

Lest they be forgotten. 1.8 million people live behind closed walls, in Gaza.

(LONDON) - Dom Martin Gaza epitomizes the epicenter of the harrowing ethos and pathos of human conscientiousness — the thesaurus to every psychological algorithm imaginable or inflictable upon a dispossessed people.

For more than 60 years and several generations going forward, the people of Gaza — who were culturally and ancestrally uprooted from their homeland — have since steadfastly endured the abysmal scourge of survival and strangulated coexistence.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
