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VA Medical Center Third Annual Welcome Home OEF/OIF Vets

Veterans attending will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to learn about services, benefits, compensation and pension, eligibility, OIF/OEF specific information and Women Veterans Programs.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - U.S. soldiers in Iraq, and in Afghanistan The Portland VA Medical Center says they will show appreciation to Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) Veterans with their Third Annual Welcome Home celebration event.

The Welcome Home event is Saturday, June 13th at PGE Park. OEF/OIF veterans and their families are invited to enjoy an evening at PGE Park as the Portland Beavers play the Fresno Grizzlies at 7:05 p.m.

Read Full Article (May-22-2009 07:17)

Oregon Military Department Braces for Lean Budget Years

The cuts could include service, support and operations reductions, four armory closures, and elimination of state personnel positions.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon Guard soldiers arriving home from a deployment In light of legislative budget proposals for the 2009-2011 biennium, the Oregon Military Department is reviewing cuts it would have to make as the state budget may decrease in the years ahead.

The Joint Committee on Ways and Means proposed a cut to the OMD budget for more than $4.7 million, which is approximately 16.8% of the essential budget level.

Read Full Article (May-08-2009 10:16)

UPDATE - Oregon Guard Soldier Commits Suicide at Anderson Readiness Center

Troopers say a soldier who committed suicide this morning was not set to deploy to Iraq with the 41st BCT.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Anderson Readiness Center in Salem Oregon State Police detectives say they are continuing the investigation into the suicide of an Oregon National Guard soldier who died Friday morning from a self-inflicted gunshot wound as he sat in his vehicle in the west parking lot at the Anderson Readiness Center in Salem.

According to the Oregon Military Department, the 25-year old man was not slated for deployment nor has he deployed with the ONG. His name is withheld pending completion of next of kin notifications.

Read Full Article (May-03-2009 12:47)

Oregon Soldier Bound for Iraq Pops `The Question`

"Will you marry me?" - Specialist Garen Hart
"I'm overwhelmed" - Fiancé, Melinda Morris

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Oregon soldier, Garen Hart, of Sherwood, Ore., proposes to his fiancé, Melinda Morris, of Portland While soldiers from the 41st Brigade Combat Team trained and prepared for duty in Iraq at Camp Roberts California, Specialist Garen Hart, of Sherwood, Oregon, was hatching a plan.

In between mastering soldiering skills in the training lanes with other Oregon soldiers, he collaborated with his commanders on how he would go about proposing to his fiancé, Melinda Morris, of Portland, Oregon.

Read Full Article (Apr-30-2009 07:33)

Pitfalls Await Deploying Oregon Guard Troops Bound for Iraq (VIDEO)

Poorly thought-out policies in a war can get people killed; some changes in rules regarding convoy escorts need to take place right away.

(SALEM, Ore.) - This is what a vehicle looks like after it has been exploded by an IED. A soldier currently serving in the Army unit those Oregon Guard will soon be replacing, wrote to hoping to enlighten Oregon soldiers as to what they have to look forward in their new roles.

Unfortunately the news isn't all that good, but hopefully problems currently at hand can quickly be remedied.

Read Full Article (Apr-30-2009 07:32)

Senate Votes for Bills to Help Deployed Soldiers and Their Families

Both bills passed today will now go to the Governor for his signature.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon soldiers deployed in Afghanistan, January 2007 With over 2500 Oregon soldiers being deployed this weekend, the Senate passed two pieces of legislation that will help the financial needs of service men and women and their families.

HB 2303 reinforces the protection provided by the federal Service Member’s Civil Relief Act of 2003, which provides a wide range of protections for active service members against outstanding credit card debt, mortgage payments, pending trials and taxes.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2009 18:50)

Oregon Guard`s 41st Brigade Combat Team Mobilizes for Iraq Deployment

The 41st will conduct four mobilization ceremonies the first week in May in preparation for training at Camp Stewart, Georgia, then deployment to Iraq.

(TIGARD, Ore.) - The ceremonies in Portland, Bend, Eugene, and Medford will give local communities an opportunity to wish the soldiers well as they depart on what is the largest deployment of the Oregon National Guard since World War II.

Nearly 2,700 soldiers from Oregon and five companies of soldiers totaling 700 personnel from Delaware, Massachusetts, Nebraska and New Mexico will spend about two months training followed by ten months in Iraq.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2009 07:28)

Former Oregon Air Guard Commander Shares Holocaust Experiences

The talk was part of the at 142 Fighter Wing diversity event.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Retired Oregon Air National Guard Brigadier General Fred M. Rosenbaum A former commander of the Oregon Air National Guard recounted his experiences during the Holocaust at Portland Air National Guard Base, April 18, 2009.

Retired Brig. Gen. Fred M. Rosenbaum who is Jewish spoke at an event sponsored by the fighter wing's Diversity Council as part of their Holocaust Remembrance observances.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2009 14:33)

Oregon`s Own Toxicologist Points Out Toxicity of Hexavalent Chromium

The Oregon soldiers impacted by the toxicity are primarily from Hillsboro, Gresham and McMinnville. This article was originally published March 22nd 2009.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Qarmat Ali water treatment plant Several media outlets have been reporting on exposure of Oregon Guard soldiers in Iraq to highly toxic hexavalent chromium.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2009 21:37)

40 Anti-War Groups Demonstrate for Peace in Salem (VIDEO)

Numerous speakers took to the podium during this peace demonstration and rally.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Salem peace demonstration Hundreds of anti-war demonstrators gathered in Salem today to call for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to condemn the Israeli attacks on Gaza. The event was also held to stand for the rights of immigrants.

The march was actually put together by 40 different organizations and KBOO Radio was there to help spread the word of peace through the airwaves.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
