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2009 Oregon State Fair Shows Appreciation for U.S. Military and Veterans

During with Two Days of Memorable Events, families of deployed soldiers will receive 100 free tickets to “Oregon! Oregon! 2009”

(SALEM, Ore.) - The 2009 Oregon State Fair is making a BIG deal out of honoring U.S. veterans and active military.

Friday, August 28 – opening day of the Fair – and Saturday, August 29, are Veterans’ Appreciation Days at the Fair and include a variety of special events for all fair-goers to enjoy. On both days, veterans will be admitted into the Fair free of charge with a voucher available both in Vet News and on the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Website. Active military with ID get in for free.

Read Full Article (Aug-04-2009 12:57)

Miss Oregon Will Tour Portland Air National Guard Base

Her tour will include Fighter Wing Flight Operations, Life Support, maintenance shops, base security forces, the new base firehouse, and the 125th Special Tactics Squadron. Barber will also be able to view an F-15 Eagle.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - 22-year old CC Barber of Scappoose, is this year's Miss Oregon Airmen at the Portland Air National Guard Base in Portland, Oregon, will host the newly-crowned Miss Oregon today.

22-year old CC Barber of Scappoose, Oregon, who was crowned Miss Oregon on July 18, at the Miss Oregon Scholarship Pageant in Seaside, will tour units at the 142nd Fighter Wing.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2009 19:41)

U.S. House Approves $12.1 Million for Dallas Armory

The Oregon National Guard had been pushing for the funding for years, and was quick to praise the funding announcement.

(DALLAS, Ore.) - Oregon National Guard Armory in Dallas The U.S. House of Representatives today approved $12.1 million to replace the Oregon National Guard’s Polk County Readiness Center, announced Congressman Kurt Schrader (D-OR) who requested the funding for the project. The funding was included in the Military Construction Appropriations bill that passed the House on Friday.

“This funding means badly needed construction jobs in the region” said Schrader. “But it’s also a critical part of our promise to take care of our brave soldiers and their families.”

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2009 15:08)

2-641 Aviation Unit, Oregon Army National Guard Returns to Oregon (VIDEO)

Governor Ted Kulongoski and Major General Raymond F. Rees, The Adjutant General are scheduled to be in attendance at the ceremony.

(SALEM, Ore.) - C-23 Sherpa Approximately 20 soldiers from the Second Rotation 2-641 Aviation commanded by LTC Christian Rees are returning to Oregon this evening following a six month tour of duty in Iraq.

Their mission in theater was to conduct flight missions required for battle command of theater operations, liaison among theater commands, transportation of supplies, equipment and personnel within the Iraq area of responsibility.

Read Full Article (Jul-09-2009 13:57)

Bill Includes $5 Million in Projects for Oregon`s Military Infrastructure

Projects requested by Wyden and Merkley Will Improve Roads, Water/Sewer Systems and Emergency Services at Oregon Military Installations

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Camp Rilea U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D- Ore.) and Jeff Merkley (D- Ore.) announced today that a Military Construction appropriations bill headed to the Senate floor includes nearly $5 million in projects for military installations in Clackamas, Clatsop and Washington counties.

“These funds lay the ground work for improvements and upgrades to the infrastructure in these facilities,” Wyden said.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2009 05:30)

Oregon National Guard Fourth of July Flyovers‏

All passes will be approximately 1,000 feet above ground level and 350 knots airspeed.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - 173d Fighter Wing F-15 The Oregon Air National Guard will conduct Independence Day flyovers for various ceremonies at locations throughout Oregon, Southwest Washington, and Northern California.

Two F-15 Eagle fighter jets from the 142nd Fighter Wing in Portland and two F-15 Eagle fighters home-based out of 173rd Fighter Wing at Kingsley Field are scheduled to fly over community events throughout Oregon, Southwest Washington and Northern California at several times and locations.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2009 04:00)

War and PTSD: A Discussion Regarding the Documentary (VIDEO)

Viewers learn more about our upcoming documentary that will help countless thousands of U.S. combat vets.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Dr. Phil Leveque and Bonnie King The first time we produced a television documentary the project was for Oregon Public Broadcasting, the year was 1993, and the subject was the story of the sole survivor of the WWII B-17 bomber crash on Cape Lookout in Oregon.

Now we are engaged in the production of a documentary about a huge subject: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is a condition experienced by people who survive any range of traumatic events, and combat heads the list of reasons that people end up living with PTSD.

Read Full Article (Jun-06-2009 16:05)

Oregon Guard and U.S. Navy to Conduct Air Defense Exercise

Officials say there will be no live munitions involved in the exercise.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon National Guard Logo Oregon National Guard soldiers and airmen, along with the U.S. Navy will participate in a U.S. Northern Command air defense exercise near Camp Rilea, Ore. in June. Exercise Amalgam Dart '09 will take place at Camp Rilea and nearby Warrenton, Ore June 18-20. It is one of several exercises under the Ardent Sentry '09 exercise series.

Read Full Article (May-31-2009 18:12)

Oregon Fire Awards Recognize Selfless and Courageous Dedication

People who live at the edge of the blade: Oregon's firefighters and emergency service teams, along with a few civilians including a TV news crew from Portland, are recognized for their extraordinary efforts.

(CANBY, Ore.) - Citizens of Oregon enjoy an enviable sense of security with the fire agencies listed below. They were recognized this weekend at an honorary awards ceremony.

The list of award recipients at this year's Oregon Meritorious Awards from the Oregon Fire Chiefs Association, also goes far beyond the services, and recognizes the help they receive from police, civilians and even a Portland, Oregon TV news crew.

Read Full Article (May-30-2009 20:00)

Amazing Video Documents Coast Guard Rescuing Soldiers on Capsized Boat (VIDEO)

Witness the breathtaking, dramatic rescue of six Oregon Guard soldiers on a capsized boat off the Washington coast. This excellent video is shot by Kelly Parker, a Coast Guard petty officer in Astoria, Oregon.

(ASTORIA, Ore.) - Coast Guard rescue off Washington coast 5-29-09 The Coast Guard sent dramatic footage of a rescue at sea Friday involving six members of the Oregon National Guard whose vessel capsized during a training mission.

Petty Officer Third Class Kelly Parker's video camera caught the action from a MH-60J rescue helicopter that flew to the scene from Coast Guard's Group/Air Station Astoria in Oregon.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
