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Oregon Army National Guard Soldier Receives Purple Heart (PHOTOS)

The soldier is scheduled to deploy to Iraq again later this year with the 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team.

(MEDFORD, Ore.) - Oregon Guard Staff Sgt. Aaron Johnso Staff Sgt. Aaron Johnson, from Company A, 1st Battalion, 186th Infantry Regiment, 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team, was awarded a Purple Heart Medal during a ceremony at the Medford Armory, March 6th, for injuries he sustained four years ago while deployed to Iraq.

Johnson received facial wounds while on patrol in northern Baghdad, on May 20th, 2004, with 2nd Battalion, 162nd Infantry Regiment, when his vehicle struck an Improvised Explosive Device as he returned to Camp Victory.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2009 18:12)

Former Oregon Guard Spokesman Arnold Strong Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel

Celebrating a significant promotion with his wife Margaret, his two sons and his parents; Arnold Strong's new silver oak leaves were attached to his shoulders by his parents.

(VANCOUVER, Wash.) - Lt. Col. Arnold Strong U.S. Army "Ladies and gentlemen, I present Lieutenant Colonel Arnold Strong..."

A military officer whose face is familiar to Oregon and Washington residents was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel this week at the Fort Vancouver Barracks in Washington.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2009 13:53)

Guard Home Vigil Dismantled by Oregon State Police

Despite the setback, Darr and Camp Homebound have renewed their presence on the Capitol steps complete with new signs.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Michelle Darr after a meeting with state officials several weeks ago Anti-war activists say that in the wee hours of morning on Sunday, February 8th, an Oregon State Trooper seized and destroyed signs protesting the upcoming deployment of the Oregon National Guard, including a memorial set up for a fallen Guard soldier.

Since November 1st, 2009, Michele Darr; a Corvallis mother of 6; has been fasting and maintaining a 24-hour presence on the steps of the Oregon State Capitol building in Salem bringing awareness to the massive upcoming deployment of the Oregon National Guard.

Read Full Article (Feb-09-2009 07:32)

Documentary Will Examine PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Anyone who appreciates the sacrifices of U.S. combat troops should read this.

(SALEM, Ore.) - A U.S. frontline combat soldier on patrol in Afghanistan Far too little information exists for American combat veterans who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD.

Hundreds of thousands of men and women have been diagnosed with PTSD, and with each new deployment to the war theaters, the number grows. Outside of the standard government programs, answers for this unfortunate problem are sometimes few and far between.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2009 16:55)

Navy Plans to Take Over Oregon Coast Airspace for Military Operations

The Navy needs to rethink and abandon large parts of this entire proposal. The potential effects of new and increased military activity off the coast of Oregon could result in a general degradation of the environment, be fatal to wildlife and detrimental to the human quality of life.

(DEPOE BAY, Ore.) - Seagulls I went to the US Navy’s hearing last Friday night in Newport. What an "eye opener"!!!

I was told by one of the Navy’s representatives that the Navy wants to take over the two training areas currently used by the Oregon Air National Guard. This includes the entire coastal air space and coastal waters of Oregon.

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2009 20:17)

Corvallis Woman Says She Will Fast to Death to Protest Iraq War Deployment

Michele Darr says she is determined to Keep National Guard in Oregon.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Michele Darr on Oregon's Capitol steps. On January 22nd, 2009, Michele Darr, a Corvallis mother of 6, commenced a second hunger strike in addition to the 24-hour vigil that she and members of Camp Homebound have maintained on the steps of the Oregon State Capitol Building in Salem since November 1st, 2008.

In an all-out effort to pass legislation giving the Governor authority to block this spring's deployment of the Oregon National Guard, Darr has decided to "fast unto death" as a means of generating the support necessary to garner sponsors for a proposed bill in the State Legislature and to engage Oregonians in the struggle to protect the troops, and keep them in Oregon, where they belong.

Read Full Article (Jan-12-2009 00:10)

Oregon Air Guard Ceremony Marks Command Chief Retirement and Replacement

The Oregon Air Guard Has its own changing of the Guard in Salem.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon Air Guard's Mark D. Russell, (right), receives  command flag from Bruce W. Prunk The Oregon Air National Guard said goodbye to its former command chief master sergeant, and welcomed his replacement during separate ceremonies held at the Anderson Readiness Center in Salem, Oregon, on January 11th.

State Command Chief Master Sgt. Mark D. Russell assumed command of the state's highest enlisted position from outgoing State Command Chief Master Sgt. Rodney R. Smith in a morning ceremony attended by family, friends and coworkers.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2008 23:41)

Oregon Guard Succeeds in Response to Multi-County Crisis (PHOTOS)

During the event, 47 Soldiers and Airmen used 10 Humvees to work with incident commanders in the counties to assist with fire, police, and humanitarian missions.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon Guardmembers work with local firefighters and emergency responders in St. Helens, Oregon, Dec. 23rd Oregon National Guard Soldiers and Airmen answered the call to assist fellow Oregonians affected by the winter storm in Columbia and Multnomah Counties, December 20th through December 28th.

Oregon Emergency Management (OEM) is the coordinating state agency for resources during an emergency. Assistance is requested from OEM by counties when they have exhausted resources at the local level.

When the request was made by the counties, OEM utilized National Guard assets to fulfill the counties needs.

Read Full Article (Dec-20-2008 13:44)

Oregon Guardsmen Assist Portland Police, to Help Families in Need (PHOTOS)

Each basket contains enough food to prepare a holiday meal; bread, turkey, and dry goods, which are donated by local businesses and individuals throughout the year.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Portland Police and Oregon Guard Freezing temperatures and falling snow wasn't enough to stop volunteers from distributing holiday food baskets to families throughout the Portland Metro area on December 20th.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2008 21:26)

Oregon Guard Troops Return from Afghanistan (PHOTOS)

Oregon Soldiers arrive at Portland International Airport tonight following Afghanistan deployment‏.

(SALEM, Ore.) - An Oregon Army National Guardsmen (left), trains a member of the Afghan National Army Members of the Oregon Army National Guard are scheduled to return to the Portland International Airport at approximately 7:00 PM, following a year-long deployment to Afghanistan.

The Soldiers were part of an Embedded Training Team, which helped train members of the Afghan National Army in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

The unit was commanded by Lt. Col. Keith Ensley. Of the original 17 members, nine were set to return tonight. The others will join them for the demobilization ceremony on December 16th, 2008 at 11:30 AM at the Anderson Readiness Center, located at 3225 State Street, Salem, OR 97309.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
