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Oregon Announces 8 New COVID-19 Cases

“High risk” includes adults 60+, or anyone with a serious health condition (ie: lung or heart problems, kidney disease, diabetes, or suppressed immune system).

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Social Distancing Flyer Oregon now has a total of 47 people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The Oregon Health Authority announced eight new cases of the novel coronavirus as of 10:30 a.m. today.

OHA is reporting 2 new cases each in Benton and Deschutes Counties; and 1 new case in each of the following counties: Clackamas, Marion, Multnomah and Washington.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2020 23:51)

U.S. Reliance on China for Pharmaceutical and Personal Protective Equipment

U.S. Reliance on China for Pharmaceutical and Personal Protective Equipment

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - Coronavirus The Coronavirus (COVID-19) will also likely harm Americans indirectly because the U.S. is increasingly reliant on drugs either directly sourced from China or made from intermediate chemicals called Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), or their chemical precursors, manufactured in China.

While 90% of the finished drugs Americans take are generics, most are manufactured overseas, primarily in India and China.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2020 22:55)

The Significance of Mail Call in the Slammer

“The biggest cause of evil in prison is loneliness.” -current prison inmate

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - letter mail Let’s face it, snail mail is archaic by most people's standards.

The cumbersome chore of writing a letter, addressing the envelope, affixing proper postage, and putting it in the mail box seems a bit ridiculous in the age of electronic mail and instant messaging.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2020 20:05)

Woman Arrested on Manslaughter Charges after Deadly Crash

Krista Ashley is being held on $500,000 bond.

(DAYTON, Ore.) - Krista Ashley On March 5, 2020, 33-year old Krista Ashley was taken into custody and is now being held in the Yamhill County Jail, awaiting her court hearing.

Ashley faces three counts of Manslaughter (first degree), Assault (second degree), Assault (third degree), Reckless driving and Driving under the influence.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2020 17:03)

Statement on Oregon`s Declaration of Emergency due to COVID-19

On March 8, 7 new cases of COVID-19 positives in Oregon doubled the total cases to 17. Governor Kate Brown declared a 60-day State of Emergency for the state of Oregon to aid in combating the spread of the virus.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Oregon Governor Kate Brown “By declaring a state of emergency, the Governor and the Oregon Health Authority Director are taking necessary steps to bring state government’s broad powers to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Oregon.

"We support the Governor’s leadership in taking this step and support any additional actions to prepare and respond to this outbreak."

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2020 21:34)

Oregon Governor Announces Agreement with Health Insurers on COVID-19 Testing

If you have questions about a health insurance company or need to file a complaint, call the Division of Financial Regulation’s advocacy team at 888-877-4894 (toll-free) or visit

(SALEM, Ore.) - medical testing Governor Kate Brown today announced that the state has reached an agreement with health insurance companies to waive cost-sharing for their customers who need COVID-19 testing.

“I’d like to thank Oregon’s insurers for partnering with the state, so that medical providers can issue COVID-19 tests to anyone who needs one,” said Governor Brown.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2020 10:53)

Is Medical Marijuana Useful for Treating Fibromyalgia?

Research shows the combination of high THC and high CBD is the most effective.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Hemp Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a common chronic pain disorder with severe physical and mental effects. The prevalence of the condition increases with age. An estimated 8% of American adults meet the official classification of fibromyalgia by age 80.

Overall, approximately 10 million Americans have the condition.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2020 15:16)

Salem Police Investigate Fatal Hit and Run Crash on McGilchrist SE

Late Tuesday at 11:30 pm a man walking his bicycle was hit and killed by a vehicle, which did not stop.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Fatal hit and run It appears the male had been walking his bike along the shoulder of McGilchrist, near 22nd St SE, prior to being struck by a vehicle, which left the scene without stopping.

Investigators had McGilchrist shut down for several hours while they investigated the fatal crash.

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2020 19:48)

Innovative Building Design Solutions Fight Indoor Air Pollution

Biophilic design incorporates the natural world into indoor environments

(SALEM, Ore.) - indoor clean air Salem is no stranger to poor outdoor air quality — stagnant air conditions and the third-driest November on record resulted in the Oregon DEQ declaring it a “moderate health concern” in the tail end of 2019.

Although the air quality advisory has since been lifted, Salem residents can now benefit from paying attention to the quality of the air inside their homes.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2020 13:49)

When the Sentence Does Not Fit the Crime

67-year old Michael Thompson won't be free till 2038.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Michael Thompson prison How does a non-violent person in America end up in prison for his or her entire life? It’s natural to assume the most severe sentences in our judicial system are reserved for the most violent criminals, rapists and murderers.

The truth is, the system is literally stacked against us.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
