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Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 91 - Our Town Like Many Others

This is the ninety-first installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tempo Tango) - Nota Bene #91Our Town Like Many Others Beyond the sound byte, beyond the catch phrase, real Americans are debating among themselves. They question what the media tells them. They question what they are given for news.

They bicker. The disagree. They know there aren't any easy answers because the problem would have been solved long ago if there were. They may be white, blue-collar. They may be elderly. But with few exceptions they are concerned about their nation and where they are being led.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2008 07:12)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 90 -

This is the ninetieth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tango 13) - Nota Bene #90 A Romantic Interlude Throughout the history of the human race there has been the intimate conversation between lovers. In modern times across the universes-in-parallel it is called "pillow talk."

It is wrong to pry into these privacies, but for the sake of getting a sense of how Americans view the race for president we will allow this one exception.

Read Full Article (Apr-09-2008 07:34)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 89 - The Fabulous 2008 Salem Follies

This is the eighty-ninth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Salem) - Nota Bene No. 89 - The Fabulous 2008 Salem Follies Like many communities across infinite variations of the United States across the universe, Salem, Oregon has suffered at the economic policies of the Bush administration.

On one anonymous world, an out-of-work (naturally) troupe of artists puts on a show and they tell it like they see it.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2008 07:37)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 88 - Question for the Candidate

This is the eighty-eighth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth Tango-21) - Nota Bene #88 Question for the Candidate A revolution is in progress. Candidate Barrack Obama and all his echoes across the universes-in-parallel are addressing Americans in sentences with words containing more than one syllable.

No longer are simple slogans and double-speak responses to important issues acceptable. Oh, it hurts our little brains to have to think about complex issues, but it's something that citizens of the 21st century are just going to have to do.

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2008 18:13)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 87 - Defection! Betrayal!

This is the eighty-seventh installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Terra 14) - Nota Bene #87 With tiny variations the battle between the two democratic candidates for president ebbs and flows across the infinite earths-in-parallel.

What's the next tiny insignificant news item or bit of gossip which will cull enough votes to perpetuate the pre-election blood bath. Slowly, however, lines are being drawn and delegates and super-delegates are choosing sides.

Read Full Article (Mar-19-2008 07:20)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 86 - What`s It All About, Sidney?

This is the eighty-sixth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Terra Beta) - Nota Bene #86 What's It All About, Sidney? Much has been made of the middle name of presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

Perhaps if he'd taken the nickname of Skip or Bubba or even Gimpy he would have been accepted as just one of the guys, But no. Mr. Obama stuck with all three of his given names and two of them kinda rhyme with (or are identical to) high profile enemies of the United States. Tough luck that.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2008 08:14)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 85 - Don`t Call Her Monster!

This is the eighty-fifth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Terra Beta) - nota bene #85 Actions speak louder than words across the multiverse. Hillary has learned well from G. W. Bush. She believes now that messages of fear, that the strategy of swift-boating will defeat her opponent for the nomination when her qualities of leadership will not. Of the infinite varieties of Earths, how many will be taken in by her and how many will recognize her for what she is. Don't call her Monster, but if the shoe fits...?

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2008 07:26)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 84 - Vinnie, the Idea Guy

This is the eighty-fourth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Terra Beta) - Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 84 Vinnie, the Idea Guy The struggle for power is ugly. Any candidate running for office on any of the Earths-in-parallel must withstand a barrage of lies, insults and innuendos while showing strength, courage and dignity. Who are the people who plan this scum and do they differ from middle school rumor mongers in any way other than age? And more incredibly: Why are some voters so naive as to believe the rumors when they contradict common sense?

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2008 08:12)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 83 - Superdelegate

This is the eighty-third installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-2D) - Nota Bene #83 Superdelegate What is the saying about power corrupting absolutely? What would any of the candidates do for the power? Bush has created an imperial presidency, one above the law and there are many who drool at the thought of that much untempered power. Will this power be used for good or evil? Will the next president reign in the extend of the power of the president and cap it thus for the future? Will a President Obama stop the war in Iraq, put America on a wise and forward-looking energy plan and restore jobs to America?

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2008 09:30)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 82 - The Swiftboat Boys at Play

This is the eighty-second installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Zed) - Nota Bene #82  Swiftboat Boys at Play These are historic times across the universes-in-parallel. Earths of all variations will make important decisions in choosing their leaders of the most powerful nation on their planet.

Who it will be will alter the fate of their world. (Of course there are worlds in which Al Gore won the 2000 election and the issues of global warming, for example, have been firmly addressed.) Obama? Clinton? McCain? Huckabee?

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