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Mar-05-2008 07:26printcomments

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 84 - Vinnie, the Idea Guy

This is the eighty-fourth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 84 Vinnie, the Idea Guy
By Glen Bledsoe
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(Earth-Terra Beta) - The struggle for power is ugly. Any candidate running for office on any of the Earths-in-parallel must withstand a barrage of lies, insults and innuendos while showing strength, courage and dignity. Who are the people who plan this scum and do they differ from middle school rumor mongers in any way other than age? And more incredibly: Why are some voters so naive as to believe the rumors when they contradict common sense?

Let us be a "fly on the wall" during a secret planning and meet a certain "Vinnie" who has been brought in to lend a helping hand. The following "swift-boat" moment may unsuitable for sensitive citizens who believe in democracy and fair play.

Frame 1 | Frame 2 | Frame 3 | Frame 4

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