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Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 81 - Shock of the Truth

This is the eighty-first installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Terra 17) - Nota Bene #81 Shock of the Truth Armchair experts across the multiverse believe that their oddball perspectives are somehow enlightened and that common sense should kneel before it.

Black is white and green is red. Let's rewrite a little history while we're at it. They might argue that Truth is a matter of perspective. When does a detention facility, for example, become a concentration camp?

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2008 07:48)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 80 - Education: X-treme

This is the eightieth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth: X-treme) - Nota Bene #80 If the article in The New York Times "New York Measuring Teachers by Test Scores" seemed a bit odd to you (why would anyone teach in NYC when the City hangs a "kick me" sign around teachers' necks), it's because your perspective is confined to this world and this world only.

There are other worlds which are populated with teachers who enjoy being underpaid, under-represented, given the mathematically impossible task of making every student "above average," and being humiliated for their efforts.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2008 07:31)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 79 - Boss Lady and Mr. Zipper

This is the seventy-ninth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth Omega-Zed) - Nota Bene #79 Spending hour upon hour surveying the multiverse is generally an arduous task. But on occasion, as the reader will see this week, the results can be startling.

Reception on the multiverse browser is seldom HD quality, but this past week, it has been better than I could have hoped. Earth Omega-Zed is ahead of us in time by some ten months. Already they have not only selected their parties' champions, but the race has been run and the next American president chosen.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2008 07:42)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 78 - McCain Makes His Case

This is the seventy-eighth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Toon) - Nota Bene #78 While the Democrats have settled on their top two candidates, the Republicans display confusion among their ranks.

Who would support a candidate from the party which produced the disasters of an unnecessary and financially draining war, the erosion of fundamental civil liberties, displayed utter blindness to the environmental crisis threatening our planet, and engineered a tanking economy with a tax giveaway to the richest Americans? It might seem to be political suicide to pledge to follow the path of George W. Bush, yet Republican candidates are pushing each other out of line to be the first to support these failed policies.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2008 08:02)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 77 - Experience Change

This is the seventy-seventh installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Neverland) - Nota Bene #77 Experience Change The contests rage. In a bizarre parody of reality television, the candidates for president perform their ritual dance of capability.

The slightest hesitation or fumble and his or her opponents strike. Sounds bytes are the order of the day. Simplistic messages are designed for the lowest common denominator so that believers can parrot them back. The messages may conflict, they may contradict, but they above all else must be short.

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2008 07:58)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 76 - Why Do Zeta Reticulans Hate America

This is the seventy-sixth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth) - Nota Bene #76 Well, the folks from Zeta Reticuli have lowered what few social filters their highly-developed brains possessed and are pretty much telling it as they see it.

They aren't so perfect, are they? Their conversational English is pretty good, but can they rap? And I bet their entertainers are pretty boring--probably at the level of a Jerry Lewis or Durward Kirby. What do you say, America? Let's show them that we can do the right thing and turn this Bush mess around

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2008 07:40)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 75 - Tough Questions

This is the seventy-fifth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth) - Nota Bene #75 Tough Questions At a distance (as in Zeta Reticuli) the behavior of the inhabitants of Earth appears irrational. Why is it that humans can be so clever and invent things like the iPod, soccer and sliced bread yet don't seem to be aware of the deep hypocrisy in some of their most cherished beliefs?

Democracies don't attack other nations for their oil and religions don't kill in the name of their spiritual founders.

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2007 08:04)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 74 - The Red Nose Speaks

This is the seventy-fourth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth 2-D) - Nota Bene #74 So you were maybe expecting the next installment about the visitors from Zeta Reticuli? That story's not finished. They'll be back next week.

But it's Christmas and we'll want to do something a little seasonal if maybe a little tart. So I rummaged around the mulitverse browser until I found this little gem. You're going to either love or hate it or love it and hate it. You have to give it to the guy with the red nose. He calls 'em like he sees 'em.

Read Full Article (Dec-19-2007 07:56)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 73 - To See Ourselves As Others See Us

This is the seventy-third installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth) - Nota Bene73 The people of our planet and the people of many earths across the multiverse have reached a point where their actions will decide the fate of their planet. Have they already created a system which will turn their world into another Venus? Yet bringing about the change necessary to prevent this is thwarted by corporate greed. Can't capitalist earth see that making an enormous profit will do it no good if there's no world to enjoy it in? Perhaps, as the poet Robert Burns has suggested, we sorely need the gift to see ourselves as others see us. Others, in this case, from Zeta Reticuli

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2007 08:18)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 72 - Call It Torture

This is the seventy-second installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Rodeo 21) - Nota Bene #72 Call It Torture Like several parallel Earths in the multiverse, Earth-Rodeo 21 has a hard time getting its priorities straight. For one thing it believes that America has the freedom to destroy the rest of the planet through a variety ways centering around turning their world into Venus II.

Their North America crawls with an armada of carbon spewing, hummer-like vehicles as Americans shake their collective fists in road rage and engage in high speed chases with the police.

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