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About Nigeria articles Page 2

Page one | (May-24-2012 01:56)

England`s Savage Treatment of an Immigrant Family

Racism in the UK: family terrorized over jailed children. Mainstream press ignores substantial case.

(SALEM) - Musa family children- before they were taken from their parents. A Wood Green Crown Court case in North London may be one of the ugliest debacles in a 'court of law' that I have ever heard of.

Chiwar and Gloria Musa moved to the UK, only to be greeted by a nightmare. An unfounded allegation led to their children being yanked from the household as if the family had no rights at all.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 12:08)

Taking Notes Banned from Court

Calling All Media Professionals Interested in Fair Trials...

(LONDON) - Haringey Court Following a directive by his senior colleague, Sir Nicholas Wall, the President of the Family Division, Judge Patrick issued yesterday a ‘blanket ban’ on reporting.

This includes the internet, on the Musa case[1] – a criminal trial scheduled to last 4 weeks in Wood Green Court.

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2011 16:06)

The M Case - 6 Children Stolen by a London Council

Favour was placed in a foster home in Erith, Kent, and whilst there was abused by the teenage member of the family.

(LONDON) - Favour Musa is missing in British custody; officials will not share her location with her natural family. This is an official message on behalf of Chiwar and Gloria Musa, imprisoned on remand in Pentonville and Holloway womens prisons respectively since the 31st November 2011.

Chiwar Musa hereby notifies all that the Musas will represent themselves at the 28th Dec. commital to crown court hearing at the Highbury Corner magistrates court.

Read Full Article (Nov-22-2011 15:09)

Beyond the Rule of Law: Being a Political Prisoner in HMP Cardiff

The Trials and Tribulations by a Chronic Litigant in Person Aged 66

(LONDON) - Maurice Kirk Maurice J Kirk BVSc[1] was arrested in Tottenham Police Station in London on 21st September 2011, when he witnessed a street fight and tried to recuperate two mobile phones. The Police had confiscated the phones as evidence, when Mr Kirk tried to help the Nigerian couple whose six children were kidnapped by Haringey Council in April 2010.

He was transferred to HMP Cardiff where he has been harassed by South Wales Police for years.

Read Full Article (Nov-16-2011 23:59)

World Attention Focuses on UK Political Prisoners: Musa Family and Aviation Adventurer Maurice Kirk

Activists demand freedom for Musa children and one of their outspoken advocates.

(SALEM / LONDON) - The Musa family top, Maurice Kirk below. We have been receiving a flurry of information about the family of Gloria Musa in the UK, who has suffered by many accounts, a terrible injustice from the British government.

I hope many people involve themselves and reach out to public officials to help this unfortunate family, originally from Nigeria, who seems to be running into dead-ends everywhere they turn.

Read Full Article (Nov-16-2011 23:57)

Open Letter to Amnesty International - Please Help!

Urgent appeal begs justice for Musa family and Maurice Kirk.

(LONDON) - Musa family at left, and Aviation Adventurer and Veterinarian Maurice Kirk John "butlincat" Graham, clarifies what is taking place with the Musa family, whose children were taken by government agents over allegations now disproven.

It also reaches out to include the story of activist Maurice Kirk, who has been on hunger strike in Cardiff prison for about 3 weeks now, which the prison denies. He had lost 14 kg as of a couple of days after entry to the prison - he has been beaten...

Read Full Article (Sep-30-2011 01:16)

85,000 Demand Nigerian Officials Act on Gang-Rape Video

Explosive campaign on calls on Nigerian officials to find and arrest five university students who videotaped themselves gang-raping young woman

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Gang rape victim More than 85,000 people worldwide have joined a Nigerian woman’s popular campaign on calling on officials in Nigeria to arrest five men who videotaped themselves gang-raping a young woman.

Adetomi Aladekomo, who grew up in Nigeria and still has family there, launched the petition on after being sent the horrifying video, which depicts an hour of a brutal gang-rape by five men reported to be Abia State University (ABSU) students.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
