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Nov-16-2011 23:59printcommentsVideo

World Attention Focuses on UK Political Prisoners: Musa Family and Aviation Adventurer Maurice Kirk

Activists demand freedom for Musa children and one of their outspoken advocates.

The Musa family top, Maurice Kirk below.
The Musa family top, Maurice Kirk below.

(SALEM / LONDON) - We have been receiving a flurry of information about the family of Chiwar Musa and Bishop Gloria Musa in the UK, who have suffered by many accounts, terrible injustice from the British government.

A dignified couple from Nigeria; Chivar is an international businessman, and Gloria is a Bishop with the Evangelical Church- known all over Africa for a long line of TV appearances and for championing Christian-based causes.

An Open Letter to Amnesty International from contact John Graham, clarifies what is taking place, and it also reaches out to include the story of activist Maurice Kirk, who, in the spirit of Bobby Sands in Northern Ireland, has been on hunger strike in Cardiff prison for about 3 weeks now; the prison denies he is on hunger strike. He had lost 14 kg as of a couple of days after entry to the prison - he has been beaten...

It seems there are forces at work in the UK that have moved beyond the boundaries of respect.

Indeed, Kirk's advocacy for the Musa family did not aid his already compromised position with the British authorities and their curious procedures, in fact it seems to have tipped the scales.

Their stories are now intertwined in this heart wrenching saga.

Musa Family

Musa family children- before they were taken from their parents.

Gloria Musa sent the following information to our newsroom, from Sabine K McNeill with 3D Metrics:

On 8th April 2010, five Nigerian children were taken by Haringey Police – without court order or any other paper work. Sabine McNeill says it was kidnapping, and that there was no justification for it at all.

Then authorities forcibly took a sixth child on 12th June 2010, a newborn baby, nine police officers were used to physically remove the child from a mother in a case that officials in high places admit was misjudged and improperly handled. It is reported that they used so much violence that the mother was left behind unconscious.

A growing number of advocates for the Musa family draw attention to how each allegation made by government against the family is disproven, still they languish without their children, at least one of whom has been sexually abused.

Calling Haringey the 'Monster of the UK', and asking where Britain's integrity is, they say the list of violations against the family include the removal of five Children taken from family homes, and the separation and placement of these siblings in three homes.

They say the children have been brainwashed to lie about parents, and that their futures have been robbed.

They further state that the family has been harassed, vexed, humiliated, and that the mother was tortured by authorities who took her newborn baby without due cause, and like the other five, the separation continues.

The case has not missed the attention of the British press, and since June 2010, Christopher Booker has published 13 articles about the case in The Telegraph, the last one referring to the “alarming child snatching case.”

Booker wrote that on 18th December 2010:

A council whistleblower has said that, at a recent case conference, the social workers admitted that maybe they had made a mistake, and that the mother they had falsely accused was in fact devoted and blameless. But apparently, because of 'press interest' in the case, the officials agreed that the council could not afford the very damaging publicity which might follow if the unhappy children were reunited with their parents. It was therefore vital that the council should continue to justify its actions.

(see: Does this family have human rights?)

A hearing earlier this month was brought on by Haringey Council to supposedly prove that the parents, who don’t drink, smoke or have ever seen any drugs, had supposedly drugged their baby daughter. This case is supposed to justify Haringey’s activities so that they can continue to keep the children under their “care” and cover up their crimes. It is not a problem we don't encounter here in the U.S., with Child Services agencies known for snatching children under questionable circumstances, sometimes placing them in foster care where the children are actually victimized, and out of the care of their parents, all through government intervention.

A Serious Letter from Nigeria – to be Taken Seriously by Haringey Council

We humbly request you use your good office to prevail on your home government, the Haringey Council in particular to release the six Nigerian children they kidnapped from the peaceful home of the Musas in April, 2010 within fourteen days or risk the kidnap of British citizens in Nigeria.

It is highly regrettable that the Haringey Council authority have refused every appeal from within and outside U.K. for the release of the Nigerian children under their custody. The latest Parliamentary intervention by Nigeria’s House of Representatives is being resisted with falsehood. The Musas are daily facing harassment, intimidation and near death treatment. Shall we sit and watch fellow citizens pass through this roughages and do nothing?

We can no longer fold our hands as the Musas pass through the worst inhuman treatment in the hands of the Haringey Council Police, while British citizens in Nigeria go about their business unmolested. If the Haringey authority have devised legislated kidnapping we shall match it with traditional African kidnapping. It may be worst if our patience is taken for granted. In the best interest of all, prevail on Haringey Council to release kidnapped Nigeria children today.

A stitch in time saves nine.

Thank you.

Tam Wariboko

McNeill says the council fabricated many allegations, including the suggestion that the children were from different fathers and were trafficked from Africa. None of those allegations are true and that has been demonstrated, but it didn't save their young daughter from being victimized in foster care, and now they are being blocked by the government from all contact with her.

Whilst waiting for DNA results for over four months, their eldest daughter, now 11, complained that she had been inappropriately touched by the 19-year-old son of the foster carer. Since then, August last year, she has not been seen by either parents, siblings or other relatives who came from abroad to visit her.

McNeill says the other children have not been seen since May 2010, despite many contact orders by different judges. Over 40 times the mother travelled in vain to Kent to see her children. One can only imagine the anguish that this state terrorism is inflicting on this mother and father, and the ruthless stealing of children is and should be the subject of a higher level of government intervention, but of course that requires honesty and courage and those qualities are in short order among the members of Haringey Council.

The baby was treated by professionals in St. Thomas Hospital – for a minor temperature that she developed after an inoculation. For the recent hearing, Haringey’s legal team produced six Lever Arch files of documentation and six witnesses in their attempts to mislead the court. The judge, however, admitted today that none of the documents submitted by the parents had reached him.

As another whistleblower has said:

Haringey is determined to put the Musas into prison or get rid of them.

According to McNeill, most of what is being presented as “fact” is not true, and it leaves the parents asking themselves, why they, as Nigerian citizens, have to appear in secret court hearings and are being threatened with prison, if they speak to any media.

To most of us that is called fascism and at this point, has initiated an official enquiry with the Harringey Council and one way or another, we will get answers.

At this point I have received an initial response from Haringey Council:

Thank you for submitting your enquiry. Our standard for replying to your enquiry is 10 working days from the day we receive your enquiry, although we will try to respond to you sooner.Below is the information you have supplied and your unique reference number.

Enquiry reference number: HC-1XXXXXX
Date and time submitted: 17/11/2011, 03:38

Subject of enquiry: Reporter enquiry from U.S.
Details of enquiry: Hello,
This is Tim King with Salem-News in the USA, I have taken a strong interest in both the Musa and Maurice Kirk cases, I would like to start by receiving a list of...

Ten days seems a wide berth, however I have other hooks in the water and look forward to learning why these profound incidents are continuing to take place.

Of course it isn't like this isn't already taking place, locally. Sabine McNeill has been in close contact with the council, and so far there have been few results. Here is what she asked.

To: Kevin Crompton
The Chief Executive
London Borough of Haringey



Dear Mr Crompton


Further to emails regarding the Musas, this is to ask you:


1.      Why do you continue sanctioning the Council’s case against the Musas, while social workers, managers and even solicitors have been changing from one false allegation to another?

2.      Are you aware that, among experts of child snatching cases, Haringey Council is rated to be the worst and the Musa case the most evil and corrupt one? As an example please note signer no 15 in the online petition Send the Musas Home.

3.      What prevents you from letting the Musas have their rightful access to school and medical records of their children?

4.      Why have you allowed the Musas to travel in vain to the contact centre in Kent without producing the children, over 40 times, even though court judges have ordered contact?

5.      Why are you refusing consular visits to the High Commission of Nigeria?

6.      Are all the children alive?

7.      Are they all healthy?

8.      With which authority did you change Favour Musa’s name to Lizzy a few weeks after she was kidnapped?

9.      Have they been trafficked abroad or to South Africa, where African children under Haringey care were seen with white English foster carers which called the attention of the Police in South Africa?  

10.   Is it true that an 11-year old girl in your care has become pregnant?

11.   Are you aware of other such abuse?

12.   As world-wide attention and concern for the safety of the parents and children are rising, would it not be better to admit that the Council got it wrong in the Musa case rather than continue to cover up?

13.   Earlier this year, the carer Dennis Bassett and Social Worker Joyce Agyekum travelled abroad. Did they take children with them and where to?

14.   Are you aware of the trauma, injuries and damages you are afflicting upon these children and how each day of separation adds to this traumatisation?


Looking forward to hearing from you within four days,


Sabine K McNeill


McKenzie Friend, Musa Family > 18,000 visitors since 23 July 2011
... stolen by Haringey Council: six Nigerian children who want to go Home


Petitions: Send the Musa Family Back Home to Nigeria - WITH their Children

... to comply with UN and EU Declarations of Human Rights: > 400 signatures and >2,000 page views


The Secrecy of Family Courts should be lifted NOW > 700 signatures & 10,000 page views

... after having heard about too many heart wrenching stories


Blogger, Victims Unite! > 65,000 visits since August 2010

... Empowering victims of fraud and white collar crimes


National Co-ordinator, Forum for Stable Currencies - meetings in Westminster since 1998

... Advocating Economic Democracy through Freedom from National Debt

The reply McNeill received was somewhat encouraging, however in the end it would be essentially prove to be empty:



Dear Ms McNeill


Thank you for your email dated 23 October.


I should let you know that the President of the Family Division who is considering this case has given his permission for you to be made aware that this matter is subject to proceedings and that the issues raised in your email are being considered by the court.


Yours sincerely

Kevin Crompton


Kevin Crompton

Chief Executive

5th Floor

River Park House

225 High Road

Wood Green


And this was McNeill's response to fourteen very logical and straightforward questions that all deserve to be fully explored and answered:

Dear Mr Crompton

Further to our email exchange as CEO of Haringey Council, I am sorry to say that Sir Nicholas Wall’s six-day hearing has not produced answers to ANY of my 14 questions below. Can we assume that this was the last attempt to ‘legalise’ the kidnap by your staff?

Are you aware that African youth is so upset that they are threatening to practise ‘traditional kidnapping’ in revenge? The deadline is today!

Please note that 2,830 people have viewed our petition Send the Musa Family back Home to Nigeria – WITH their children to date and 426 of them signed. Please also note the comment of signer no. 15: In the 11 years that I have been following these cases, the case of Mr and Mrs and their family must rank as one of the most evil and corrupt cases that I have had the misfortune to come across.
Those who have the authority should ensure that justice is seen to be done which must include prosecution and appropriate sentencing of all who have committed perjury.

You know that it is in your power to release the children to their parents or their Government, in order to prevent this international scandal from escalating yet further.

Trusting that common sense will prevail,

Yours faithfully,

Sabine K McNeill

It seems exceedingly clear that the issues have been brought to the forefront and that at this point, those with the power to bring relief and change and do what is right, by reuniting this family, are not choosing the high road. McNeill reminds the council that this international scandal is gaining increasing attention and that reason alone seems sufficient for changing tactics.

There are no accounts of this being anything but a well-adjusted
family, that is until the British government stepped in.

In Nigeria, the Parliament and Senate have supported a motion to bring the Family home, together with their children. Yet Haringey claims that the family is British all of a sudden, even to the High Commission of Nigeria.

Here McNeill says, every supporter is heavily penalized:

  • a former driver was imprisoned for four months,
  • a social worker with legal qualifications had to flee to Ireland to keep her son safe,
  • while six other mothers had their children taken, after they had been mentioned as witnesses.

The parents are saying:

As Nigerian citizens, we would never have thought that Haringey Council could possibly act as criminally as they have. The collusion between their Social Services, their Police and their legal team has caused us untold suffering and has criminalised us, while we are innocent, as everybody who knows us will testify.

Maurice Kirk, Government Critic, Prisoner

Reading about Maurice Kirk's life is a little like taking in the adventures of Ernest Hemingway; that is with a high performance twist.

I just read an 18 February 2008 report about Maurice Kirk titled, 'British pilot cheats death after crash-landing his plane in shark-infested waters' that states:

The late actor and hell raiser Oliver Reed, takes a moment to
contemplate the potential consequences of getting into an aircraft
with Maurice Kirk.
From Kirk's Website:

An eccentric British pilot has survived after crash-landing in the shark-infested waters of the Caribbean.

It goes on to say that 62-year old Maurice Kirk:

An eccentric British pilot has survived after crash-landing in the shark-infested waters of the Caribbean.

Accident-prone Maurice Kirk, 62 - a drinking friend of hellraising actor Oliver Reed - was rescued after coastguards picked up a signal from his emergency beacon.

He was discovered bleeding from a head wound sitting on the wreckage of his museum piece aircraft - 80 miles from the nearest land..

(see: British pilot cheats death after crash-landing his plane in shark-infested waters)

A swashbuckling adventurer yes, but a criminal... well it generally at least takes a legal charge; Kirk just sits in prison waiting.

As for the British press with their "accident prone" line; people who push the edge full throttle just get hurt sometimes, though I'll bet the authorities who would later persecute him love that description. There is a fine line between hardcore and reckless, but it does exist, and I don't get the idea that he has ever been the latter.

This just barely begins the list of life accomplishment for this man, a veterinary surgeon and world adventurer pilot extraordinaire, whose life resembles something straight out of a multi-million dollar all-stat Hollywood adventure. It seems fitting that the great late actor Oliver Reed was a friend of Kirk's, indeed it is very fitting.

When this year began, he was in asylum in Brittany, France, and he wrote that this was taking place, "... due to the proven South Wales Welsh Police threat on my life, leaked from a MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangement) meeting and a real risk of my being returned to a psychiatric prison, should I dare set foot back in Wales.'

As you learn more about Mr. Kirk, it becomes clear that while offbeat, he is not a political threat. Maurice Kirk was a Vet until a government board took action against him, he followed in the footsteps of his father who was also a Veterinarian and Adventurer. Maurice Kirk began his veterinary career in 1963, studying veterinary medicine at Bristol University,

During and after his university time, Maurice accomplished many things:

Maurice Kirk addresses the House of Commons with Norm Scarth,
also the subject of a recent article, sitting to his right.

  • He was a climbing instructor in North Wales, hitchhiking 8000 miles around North America,
  • Maurice paddled the English Channel in a home made canoe after swimming the ‘Iron Curtain' at the height of the Cold War.
  • He hitched, jumped trains or hid in the back of trucks to get across Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand.
  • He was also commissioned into the Royal Air Force Reserve.
  • In 1970, Maurice became the first person ever to parachute to his own wedding.
  • Then Maurice set out to fly around the world in his 1943 WW2 Piper Cub, believed to have been flown by General Patton after the 6th June 1944 D-Day landings. This somewhat risky adventure began when an American read Maurice's old web site in 2001 and laughed so much he donated £25,000 for him to enter the 2001 London to Sydney Air Race.
  • Perhaps his most interesting landing, at the George Bush ranch in Texas, was also the most notorious.

As the Daily Mail wrote of the event:

A(n) British pilot flying solo around the world was arrested by U.S. police today after trying to land his plane at George Bush's ranch in Texas.

Retired vet Maurice Kirk, 63, wanted to "drop in" on the president to say thanks after American coastguards saved his life two months ago.

Mr Kirk was impressed when they rescued him from shark-infested waters of the Caribbean after his World War II plane ditched in the sea on the latest leg of his around-the-world adventure.

(see: British pilot arrested after trying to land at George Bush's Texas ranch)

"If you put me back into that prison, they will kill me."

- Cardiff Magistrates Court, Tuesday, Nov. 15th

These were Maurice's words this week as the Magistrates Court took a lunch break.

The following is an entry from today in Maurice's Website:

His supporters saw his swollen ankles. He had told them not only about the freezing cell, but also the 17 prison officers who had beaten him. First and foremost prison officers 344 and 140.

The conspiracy to kill him is as fully fledged by South Wales Police regarding Maurice, as Haringey Council wants to see the Musa parents dead. For victims need to be silenced when they have evidence - whether it's about police corruption or child stealing.

It is dangerous to be right, when the state is wrong! It is not enough to falsely imprison him for nearly eight months, to take his computer, cheque books, credit cards and mobile phones.

If sectioning and bankrupting doesn't work, killing is the "last resort" for "royalle protected" criminals. Normal criminals at least need to fear prison!...

When leaving the court, one of the supporters asked whether he knew that the charges in Haringey were dropped yesterday. He asked "why didn't anybody tell the court?" But the judge ruled he won't take anything from the public gallery.

The four supporters heard Maurice tell the court that Prison Officer 395 had said "we have you in the block again and we're going to break you, you f... ing b...d.

Should Maurice die in prison, we at least know who the culprits are and who will be covered up, once again...

The limit of 56 days arrest is over this Thursday...

Can the magic of the internet save the lives of victims??? The Chaplain's telephone number is 02920 923 233.

He is due to be back in court in two weeks: Tuesday, 29th November. (see: G-Kirk Flying Vet)

I hope many people involve themselves and reach out to public officials to help this unfortunate family, originally from Nigeria, who seems to be running into dead-ends everywhere they turn; and also the high-spirited Maurice Kirk, who should immediately be freed from this terrible ordeal.



Tim King: Editor and Writer

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines. Tim is a former U.S. Marine.

Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Silver Spoke Award by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (2011), Excellence in Journalism Award by the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (2010), Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), First-place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Tim has several years of experience in network affiliate news TV stations, having worked as a reporter and photographer at NBC, ABC and FOX stations in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon. Tim was a member of the National Press Photographer's Association for several years and is a current member of the Orange County Press Club.

Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website. As News Editor, Tim among other things, is responsible for publishing the original content of 91 writers. He reminds viewers that emails are easily missed and urges those trying to reach him, to please send a second email if the first goes unanswered. You can write to Tim at this address:

End Israel's Unwarranted Murder of Kids

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Tad Davison November 26, 2011 10:34 am (Pacific time)

'It seems there are forces at work in the UK that have moved beyond the boundaries of respect.' You are absolutely spot on! But try and change it, and you'll be met with a wall of nepotism and vested interests, and to hell with what is right. The people at the top don't even know the meaning of justice, just how much money they can grasp, and how best to keep the gravy train rolling in their direction. Tad Davison Cambridge

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