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May-24-2012 01:56printcomments

England's Savage Treatment of an Immigrant Family

Racism in the UK: family terrorized over jailed children. Mainstream press ignores substantial case.

Musa family children- before they were taken from their parents.
EMusa family children- before the kids were taken from their parents.

(SALEM) - A Wood Green Crown Court case in North London may be one of the ugliest debacles in a 'court of law' that I have ever heard of.

Musa family children

A case fabricated against an immigrant family on baseless, unfounded charges, reminds us that while the UK may have halted its colonizing of other lands (for the most part) it hasn't stopped trying to control people from other countries, in this case Nigerian immigrants who moved to the UK for a better life.

'Musa' as a word, has several meanings. In Arabic, 'Musa' موسى‎; means Drawn out of water. However in England, 'Musa' is increasingly becoming synonymous with two things: raw blatant injustice, and the government theft of children.

That is what happened to the Musa family from Nigeria who have had everything stolen from their civil rights to their infant baby; literally ripped from her mother's arms- a mother she has never been allowed to know.

Musa baby hours after birth, shortly before being taken

Chiwar and Gloria Musa moved to the UK, only to be greeted by a nightmare. Among several charges, authorities claimed in an unfounded allegation that one of their beautiful children was 'drugged'. Kids were yanked from the household as if the family had no rights at all.

Chiwar is a businessman

Authorities took five of the Musa children on the 8th April 2010. Eight policemen attained a key to the Musa family home in Haringey North London and the 'officers' took all of the youngsters into custody, without any notice or prearrangement.

Gloria is a church Bishop

The allegations; ambiguous at best, were disproved; they ranged from the children 'not being the Musas offspring' to false allegations of beatings, and drugging, and trafficking. It was all utter rubbish.

These authorities who removed the five children, could not place their hands on all of the Musa kids, as Gloria was pregnant.

So they waited.

Then, when the child was born, in June 2010, police forcefully removed the newly born infant at the hospital. Gloria as I have detailed in past reports, is an Evangelical Church Bishop who has never committed a crime, she has never been a suspect in anything at all.

From Chiwar and Gloria Musa

Perverting the course of justice

(see this link on for the full document)


London Borough of Haringey and its agents and others have previously made allegations that:

Gloria Musa was given opium by her step father and takes opium at the age of 15.

Gloria Musa does not and has never had a step father and cannot therefore ever have taken opium give by a nonexistent person and in any case has never taken opium or any other illegal street or non prescribed medical drug. Gloria Musa does not even smoke or drink.

London Borough of Haringey have been repeatedly told the above information, know that both of Gloria Musa's parents are living and are still married and never separated and have refused under their obligations under the data protection act to correct the above false hoods as well as many others.

Also involved in these matters is Joyce Agyekum who has also committed crimes against us with Rosita Moise that have been reported to Bun Hill Police by Paul Randle-Jolliffe and are being dealt with a DCI at Islington Police Station.

We hereby allege that the above have committed the above crimes by deliberately giving the police false information to enforce their view that we would harm our child, causing the police to falsely arrest us and remove our child.

We are obviously aware that the police are "independently" investigating the alleged induced illness of our daughter how ever it should be born in mind that the same peter lee as above informed the hospital and the police of falsehoods and that there can be no evidence that we have harmed our child although the child was given and injection at the health center in Haringey earlier . We ask the Police to get the records from the health centre.

We have other a whole catalogue of crimes committed LBH and its agents for which we have evidence and not only on us but on many others in Haringey and her majesties constabulary have a duty to protect both us as foreign nationals and its own citizens, we and others in Haringey live in fear of these people who know no restraint and seem to be above the law.

Please confirm this is logged as a crime report.

Mr & Mrs/Rev Musa

The baby girl taken in June, was returned, for ‘failing to thrive’. She was vaccinated in June 2011, which seems to have caused that temperature and the staged drugging.

Bishop Gloria Musa told in a letter dated 28 November 2010:

    "Regrettable, painful and inhuman as it were, the action of the police did not only cause pandemonium, discomfort, unnecessary tension, and embarrassment to the patients and staff of the hospital, it revealed a Haringey that is Devilish in character and lacking in human feeling, insouciant in her approach to assigned duties, amateurish in style, brutish in operation, and dastardly in her acts of executing a hidden agenda that runs counter to westernized forms of civility in Police modus operandi. It is unbelievable that a country like the U.K, highly respected as an icon of democracy with commendable Human Right records could stoop so low to authorise police to perpetrate acts that are antithetical and inimical to the course she goes all out to protect".

On the 28th November 2011: the entire family was imprisoned. Then, on 6th March 2012, came the birth of family's 7th child – 2nd boy – called Nasara, which means – the victorious one! He was taken immediately after birth IN prison in March 2012.

Indeed, there is a complicated story now, however the complications are concocted ones based on testimony from government agents that by all credible accounts are false, yet they bear merit because they are allegations that benefit the Haringey Court case against this family.

Now it is day three and the Haringey Court has issued, first:

a ‘Blanket Ban’ on all public reporting of these proceedings, including on the Internet

then, a 'no taking notes' order...

and now, a direct threat of 'arrest' for any reporting.

As we reported earlier this week:

    With a kind of wry grin, as if attempting to be humorous, Judge Patrick then told the jurors that they too are not allowed to go online to research the case and were reminded that 3 jurors have recently been sent to jail for doing just that.

It is a travesty of justice, Ian Josephs, Publisher of Forced Adoption, wrote "The parents were not allowed to give any evidence!"

I have news for the Wood Green Crown Court, they are going to become famous for their deeds and the Musa family case will eventually have a positive outcome. I have to say that the fact that this is taking place in North London, is appalling. Most people do not realize anything like this is possible over across the pond. Reporting is free speech.

At any rate, this court is in charge of its own destiny and legacy and they are wrong for savaging this beautiful family that I have corresponded with in the past, I have felt their pain and I admire their courage as they face state terror from the original home of state terror, Great Britain, where some things never change.

I know, I know... I'm an American, I mistakenly think England has similar laws, yet this one is outrageous even by American standards, and they do rip kids out of homes in the U.S. frequently. But it is usually because people are selling heavy amounts of drugs, or over physical abuse, danger, etc.

The Haringey Council by all accounts, made a mistake. Then they made another mistake, and then another. One of the daughters, Favour Musa, reports having been sexually abused in foster care. There has not been suitable response from authorities over that bit of horror, all of the official focus has been on imprisoning the Musa family and assuring that they are fully separated.

Now their trial is underway in a public court but it is not public, it is fascist. The court is ordering things just like you would have expected in Rome around '37 or so. They are apparently unaware of how foolish it all seems, how large the impropriety is.

The British press is ignoring this case yet they know it is taking place. The court has refused to answer questions for and we are highly dismayed by the 'no reporting order'.

As a final note, it is clear that the story of the Musa family is highly suited to be the subject of a book and I suspect I may be the author. Then every barrister, the 'witnesses' and the judge(s) can be forever named in history for the kangaroo court they are in charge of. No, you don't need to venture to the old prison colony just to find a kangaroo in North London.


Tim King in 2008, covering the Iraq War

Tim King: Editor and Writer

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. Tim is's Executive News Editor. His background includes covering the war in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007, and reporting from the Iraq war in 2008. Tim is a former U.S. Marine.

Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing from The Associated Press the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, Electronic Media Association and The Red Cross In a personal capacity, Tim has written 2,026 articles as of March 2012 for since the new format designed by Matt Lintz was launched in December, 2005.

Serving readers with news from all over the globe, Tim's life is literally encircled by the endless news flow published by, where more than 100 writers contribute stories from 20+ countries and regions.

Tim specializes in writing about political and military developments worldwide with an emphasis on Palestine and Sri Lanka, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the U.S. Marines. You can write to Tim at this address: Visit Tim's Facebook page (

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Jackie Holden May 30, 2012 3:38 pm (Pacific time)

A very good news report Tim. You write the book. I dreamt I saw the whole thing as a film. What a dramatic film this would make. Makes me hang my head in shame as a Brit.

Tim King: Thanks very much Jackie.

gp May 24, 2012 7:19 pm (Pacific time)

As a nurse in Oregon I have seen a baby prevented from breasstfeeding due to a nurse saying in report "she was acting really weird, she was probably in the bathroom snorting lines". I was in report and witnessed this flippant remark by a nurse known for her malicious gossip. The young mother had a history of sexual abuse and was freaking out in labor as many of these women do. It turns out that she had confided in her care provider that she had taken lsd several years earlier and also that she had smoked pot until she found out that she was pregnant at which time she promptly stopped. Later, when she became hysterical and threatened the hospital with a law suit for separating her from her newborn, a psychiatrist was sent (seemingly at the behesst of administration) to make an assessment. I was present at that assessment. At no time during the interview did she display anything but tender maternal concern for her infant. After a tedious 4 or 5 days in the hospital pending social service intervention and only being allowed to breastfeed her infant in the nursery (if there was a nurse to guard the baby) she was released on a years follow up by social services with the baby in their guardianship. While this case is not as severe as the one described in the article, it is by no means the sole case of maternal and infant torture and meddling that I witnessed in Oregon hospital in the valley and on the coast during my 35 years of nursing. I approached my nursing supervisor about what I had witnessed and was told to keep quiet and not talk to anyone. I am convinced that the whole set up was damage control to avoid a lawsuit.Another nurse prevented a grandmother from holding her first grandchild as the baby was being placed in children's services custody. This was entirely arbitrary on the nurse's part. There are plenty of do gooders nurses, doctors and social workers out there with lots of selfrightous classist, racist opinions that interfer in people's lives and they are not only in other countries. Beware Oregonians, this was that same big charitable institution which I mentioned that uses slave labor.

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