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Salem-News.com (Apr-11-2014 14:16)

Looking Back at Last Year`s Meteor Over Siberia

Again, the scientists focus on the resistance of the atmosphere and pressure while completely ignoring the fact that the meteor is passing through the magnetic field current of the Earth at high speed.

(SAN DIEGO) - Tempel Alive with Light. The meteor that “exploded” in a brilliant flash in Siberia on Feb. 15, 2013 offers important clues to meteors and comets if it is viewed in proper pragmatic context. Unfortunately the importance of this flash is ignored or unnoticed, as were these other reports.

NASA Flight Director said the Vega spacecraft was “Zapped by an electrical charge” when the International Cometary Explorer “zipped right through the Giacobini-Zinner Comet tail” in 1985.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-10-2014 14:55)

Aerojet Rocketdyne Propulsion Supported United Launch

Alliance Successful Atlas V Mission for the National Reconnaissance Office

(SACRAMENTO) - Aerojet Rocketdyne Aerojet Rocketdyne, a GenCorp (NYSE:GY) company, played a significant role in successfully launching a national security payload into orbit for the U.S. government.

The mission was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida aboard a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket, with an Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10A-4-2 upper-stage engine, four AJ60 solid rocket boosters, five helium pressurization tanks and a dozen Centaur upper-stage thrusters used for roll, pitch, yaw and settling burns.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-08-2014 15:11)

Electromagnetic Loops & Weather

Satellite photos and data have already proven that I was right in 1978 when I stated electricity and planetary magnetic fields were the same.

(SAN DIEGO) - Electromagnetic loop I am making another attempt to convince the meteorologists that weather patterns are influenced by electromagnetic energy.

In a two hour discussion of my electromagnetic explanation of weather related phenomena with a professional meteorological consultant, I was told that all of the weather related phenomena are satisfactorily explained by currently accepted and proven scientific theory and data.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-30-2013 19:19)

Black Holes

It would be a great help if the astronomers had a better understanding of what they were looking at before they waste more billions of taxpayer dollars on a false premise.

(SAN DIEGO) - center of the Milky Way galaxy Happy New Year. It could be a banner year for the solution of mysteries in the universe. On Dec. 7, 2013 the Science Channel broadcast a program again titled Swallowed by a Black Hole, copyrighted in 2013. I made comments on the program in my July 3, 2013 article titled, “Black Hole Discoveries”.

It reported discoveries that confirm my contention that black holes are created by the combined magnetic fields of all of the stars and planets of the galaxy.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-09-2013 13:17)

Science Community Finally Concludes that Electricity and Planetary Magnetic Fields Are the Same

With my concept the core energy of the Earth produces a swirling magnetic field around the primary current flow and this swirling magnetic field current spins the Earth along with its flow at a slightly slower speed that conforms to the laws of physics.

(SAN DIEGO) - Magnetism Now that the scientists in the Nov. 20, 2013 Nova broadcast, At the Edge of Space recognizes the electricity when they stated:

“In fact our planet is surrounded by electric current from the surface to the edge of space”, we should expect them to consider the involvement of electromagnetic energy in many phenomena in and around the Earth.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-29-2013 16:00)

`Comet Encounter` - Ison

The current research could have begun over 30 years ago and saved billions of taxpayer dollars on unnecessary research.

(SAN DIEGO) - This new view of Comet C/2012 S1 Exciting reports in science should be coming soon. On Nov. 20, 2013 KPBS broadcast a program about the new Comet, Ison that is now approaching the Sun titled “Comet Encounter”.

The Narrator said: "We’re able to see Ison because of sunlight reflecting from ice and dust but as it continues to warm up, something incredible happens. The gasses start to glow with a light of their own."

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Salem-News.com (Nov-26-2013 00:07)

Air Glow Layer and Sprites

"Air glow is due to the short wavelengths, the ultraviolet wavelengths that cause sunburn if you don’t use sun block, or X-rays..."
- Dr. Kerri Cahoy, M.I.T.

(SAN DIEGO) - Green oxygen airglow is seen as a thin line beneath the red and green aurora. (Photo: NASA ISS-6 crew). On Nov. 20, 2013 KPBS broadcast a “Nova” program titled, “At the Edge of Space”. It included data and video of lightning, sprites, and explored the air glow layer that is a part of the ionosphere, which is a vast sea of electrically charged particles, or ions.

The program explains that these particles with help from the Sun, create this glow, and the most important thing about the airglow may not be why it glows but where it’s located. It’s the lowest part of the ionosphere, the uppermost region of the atmosphere.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-21-2013 20:17)

Celestial Orbits

The scientists claim that they cannot recreate many of the phenomena in a laboratory so they must send satellites to observe them where they occur in the universe.

(SAN DIEGO) - Supermassive black hole On July 10, 2013 the Science Channel broadcast a program titled “Clockwork & Creation, Celestial Orbits are examined” This was copyrighted in 2012 by Discovery Communications, LLC.

Prof. Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist, City University of New York, stated: “The atom is a basic unit of chemistry. In the same way, the orbit is a basic unit of the universe itself. If you understand all possible orbits, you understand the dynamics driving the universe...

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Salem-News.com (Jul-03-2013 01:28)

Black Hole Discoveries

The problem with the scientists is that they associate black holes with the force of gravity when it is exclusively the result of electromagnetic energy.

(SAN DIEGO) - Black hole On Sunday, June 30, 2013 the Science Channel broadcasted a program titled “Swallowed by a Black Hole” copyrighted in 2013 by BBC.

It began with “A systematic black hole is getting ready to have dinner as a gas cloud 3 times the size of the Earth is caught in its gravitational hold. Across the world astronomers are getting ready to discover what happens when a black hole gets ready to eat.”

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Salem-News.com (Mar-31-2013 22:53)

Scientists Change Their View on Space: It Is About Time

While I endured many years of frustration, now I can enjoy and take pride in the fact that I have been trying to promote a concept that has been proven to be correct.

(SAN DIEGO) - Ed Chromie's theory of electromagnetism In a Nov. 5, 1997 NASA news conference, Dr. Alan Title said: “We have finally solved a 55 year old puzzle; why is it hundreds of times hotter outside the Sun than inside. The Sun is surrounded by the equivalent of an electric blanket. The blanket is heated by magnetism, however, not by electricity.”

What they discovered is the electromagnetic energy fields depicted in the photo.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
