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Mar-31-2013 22:53printcomments

Scientists Change Their View on Space: It Is About Time

While I endured many years of frustration, now I can enjoy and take pride in the fact that I have been trying to promote a concept that has been proven to be correct.

Ed Chromie's theory of electromagnetism

(SAN DIEGO) - Note in the photo of the article by Dave Schwab published on Oct. 17, 1990, I am pointing to a ball I made with wires representing the magnetic field lines of force of the Earth and the jet stream along with white circles representing the swirling magnetic fields and the connecting loops between them.

In a Nov. 5, 1997 NASA news conference, Dr. Alan Title said: “We have finally solved a 55 year old puzzle; why is it hundreds of times hotter outside the Sun than inside. The Sun is surrounded by the equivalent of an electric blanket. The blanket is heated by magnetism, however, not by electricity.” What they discovered is the electromagnetic energy fields depicted in the photo.

A Feb. 28, 2001 NASA program, Space Science Update, contained photos and information gathered by the SOHO, IMAGE ad polar satellites. Dr. Craig De Forest, said: “This is what the Sun looks like today. You can see it’s completely covered by active regions. They look like flames all over the surface that were caused by the emergence of new magnetic fields that opposes the direction of the old field. And they’re causing really exciting and dramatic events on the Sun; the largest explosions of the solar system and also profound effects here on Earth”.

What the satellites revealed very vividly is the unnoticed swirling magnetic fields and the electromagnetic energy loops connecting the circular magnetic fields around the high and low pressure areas depicted in the Oct. 17, 1990 Daily Californian newspaper photo over 22 years ago.. Since then many videos have been taken of the visible, vivid electromagnetic field current loops on the Sun. (see Click to see the page one - newspaper article from the Daily Californian Page 2

Many scientists believe in “what you see is what you get”. If they wait to see the Earth’s magnetic field current lines of force like they can now on the Sun before they recognize their importance, it may take another billion years before the Earth becomes large enough and the magnetic field becomes intense enough to become visible to the naked eye.

Since the magnetic field's current energy of the Sun can cause the largest explosions of the solar system, it should be apparent that weaker magnetic field current energy can cause the earthquakes, volcanoes and contribute to hurricanes and tornadoes. The energy and the characteristics are identical. Only the relative intensity is weaker.

An article in the San Diego Union in the early 1980’s stated: “Eerie glows coming slightly before, during or after quakes have been reported for decades, but scientists were at a loss to explain them. Scientists with the U. S. Geological Survey, in a report released today, say the puzzling lights could be generated by frictional heating in the earthquake fault. But Byerlee said that sightings at sea would indicate there must be other causes of the lights operating in different circumstances. The lights at sea demand some other explanation because the high electrical conductivity of sea water would neutralize the forces we are talking about in our theory.” Some scientists believe this is due to the friction of the movement that generates this glow. However, the local residents report that the glow occurs before any ground movement is detected.

At a University of Cal. Berkeley conference in 1995, researchers from Greece described how they monitor Earth’s natural electromagnetic fields to predict quakes. Panaylotis Varotoas of the University of Athens, said: “There is a long–duration electrical anomaly before an earthquake,” and Stanford Researcher Tony Fraser-Smith, reported detecting an unusual surge in electromagnetic activity on the peninsula shortly before the 1989 Loma Prieta quake.

Like other geologists, Professor Abbott adheres to the plate tectonics theory that they slide and move around with one plate diving under another plate and lifting up mountains. What they do not mention is the phenomenal amount of energy it requires to cause this movement and why they move in the first place or why only a very small segment of the plate moves at any time when the force of gravity pulls downward. The entire plate does not move at once as would be expected under the common explanation. It is more likely that each of the plates is basically of slightly different composition with different levels of magnetic field potential. When any local segment of the adjoining tectonic plates accumulate an abnormally intense magnetic field current of like polarity, it will cause a sudden shift to return to the normal positive/negative polarity relationship of magnetic field current forces. Since the very same magnetic field current forces on the Sun create the most powerful explosions of the solar system, this is the only force capable of causing the incredible movement of land mass for many miles around the earthquake site. This concept can be proven when you align two magnets of like polarity. They will suddenly and violently flip to their common positive/negative polarity state even while you try holding them in position.

Like comets, the rings of Saturn, the geysers of Enceladus, etc., there is proof of electromagnetic activity relative to earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes and thunderstorms but no proof to support the science community’s concept.

Here is an interesting insight into the arrogance of the science community and the reason the scientists have not been able to make any significant advancement in science in decades. These two newspaper articles prove that it is easy for a reporter to discuss my concept with a local professor and a scientist with the very prestigious Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater and Science Center. The Executive Director of the Reuben Fleet Science Center, Jeffrey W. Kirsch, Ph.D., was the Program Director of KPBS Broadcasting in 1978 when I telephoned him to try to make an appointment to discuss my concept with him. He said: “If your concept was written without the involvement of a credible scientist, I have absolutely no interest in discussing it with you.”

Then in 1990, Dr. Kirsch was Director of the Reuben Science Center when Mr. Patrick Glynn, Program Director of Copley Radio News Service tried to get one of their scientists to participate in a three way discussion of my concept. Dr. Kirsch replied in a letter dated March 14, 1990: “Mr. Chromie’s concept encompasses a number of disciplines including geology, physics and chemistry as well as astronomy. It may be difficult to find someone who is an expert in all of these fields, but we would suggest that you approach some of the researchers he refers to in his letter. These researchers would be ‘experts’ rather than generalists like our staff, and the resulting discussion would reflect up-to-the-minute research information to produce a highly interesting interview for your news service.”

I received the following 3 sentences in an e-mail from Gijs on March 28, 2013.

    Magnetism is something we totally forgot. (Since Einstein’s mass came mainstream and by that gravity won the headlines in physics). (Magnetism as driving factor behind many things is rediscovered aka emerging very fast in physics)

Imagine the progress that could have been made in science since 1978 if the scientists seriously began considering the concept of magnetism I have been trying to convince them is as important as they now recognize! For instance, I have received letters from the Editorial Director, Tim Chelling, of our local station KCS-TV, dated Feb. 12, 1979, stating “Thank you for your letter of Jan. 22 regarding electrical energy and other mysteries of physics.”

Walter Sullivan, Science Editor of The New York Times, in a letter dated April 18, 1979, wrote "Thank you for your letter sharing with us your ideas on the role of electromagnetism in the solar system.”

In a letter dated June 23, 1980, Pamela Cantori of the program Real People, wrote: “I have passed this information along to the head researcher of “Speak Up, America” and they will be researching it for the show”.

In a letter dated Sept. 4, 1980, Harold Keen, Moderator of our local Telepulse TV program on Channel 8, wrote "Thank you for your explanation of the Saturn “ring shadows” as caused by the magnetic field forces of the planet itself". Harold Keen did forward my article to the noted physicist Hannes Alfven and tried to have him discuss my concept with me on his program. However, Hannes Alfven never responded to his offer.

Keller Knauer, from the Publisher’s office of Discover Magazine, in a letter dated Oct. 27, 1981, wrote: "Your speculations as to the nature of Saturn’s rings were most interesting. I’m no planetologist, but they sounded very convincing to me."

Nobel Laureate, Arno Penzias, in a letter dated Sept. 30, 1982, wrote: “I am afraid your analysis is much too narrowly focused to be valid. In Saturn’s rings you haven’t even considered the gravitational effects of the planet’s moons as another alternative”.

Christine Gilbert, Letters Editor for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in a letter dated June 10, 1985, simply wrote: “Thank you for your letter of March 2. I regret that we are not able to publish it”.

Editor Elinor Griffith of Readers Digest, in a letter dated June 2, 1987, wrote: “Thank you for your letter containing an idea for a piece on black holes. It was nice to hear from you, and we’re certainly glad you took the time to write”.

In a letter dated May 11, 1988, the Editor of Popular Science wrote: “Much as we would like to be helpful to you, our limited staff time does not allow for answering individual problems requiring extensive research in specific fields.”

This lack of evaluation of alternative ideas by the experts is why I think we have progressed from the Dark Ages only to the Dim Ages while the scientists believe we had entered the era of enlightenment. While I endured many years of frustration, now I can enjoy and take pride in the fact that I have been trying to promote a concept that has been proven to be correct and all the experts I contacted obviously thought it was too foolish to even evaluate it in the proper context of the unbiased and unprejudiced manner of true science.

Some, like our local 10 News newscaster, Jack White, said: “I have only a miniscule knowledge of science so I can’t judge whether you are right or the scientists so I must rely on the experts.” Many of the others I contacted apparently did not think my concept was worthy of a reply. Most of the scientists and professors I spoke to personally bristled with indignation at the fact that I was questioning their knowledge and their explanations. I was particularly disappointed with the reply by Dr. Arno Penzias because shortly before I sent him my articles, he stated publicly that the scientists do not have all of the answers and they needed help from the public. Perhaps he meant more public grants of funds for more research.



Edsel Chromie is a Detroit Michigan native who moved to San Diego in 1965. Edsel is a World War Two Navy veteran who served as a motor machinists mate on diesel electric systems where he learned about the magnetic field current swirling around the primary current flow through a wire as a part of Navy training to trace the direction of flow of the electricity in case of torpedo damage.

This led to Edsel's unique explanations of many phenomena of the universe. He also has four approved patents on solar energy and Sun tracking systems. Today Edsel writes about this unique set of life experiences for, conveying information that seems especially relevant as nuclear disaster, potential changes in the earth's atmosphere, and what many view as an increasing level of natural disasters continue to dominate headlines. Perhaps many of the answers are on hand, yet unaccepted by the scientific community. You can write to Ed Chromie at this address:


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Anita April 16, 2013 9:20 am (Pacific time)

Always enjoy reading your articles Uncle Edsel.

Stewart Simonson April 1, 2013 8:43 pm (Pacific time)

Edsel, I believe you are correct regarding the magnetic fields triggering Earthquakes. I do believe you are missing one piece though. Those magnetic field lines are also thermodynamic and gravitational. They are strings of Dark Energy (collapsed matter, micro black holes). The Sun is collapsing hydrogen into these strings of dark matter and then expelling them towards Earth during CMEs. I have a creative blog @ if you want to read and a provisional patent. I am a Chemical Engineer by trade.

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