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ISIL Demands First Formal Political Bureau in Turkey

Abu Hamza al-Baghdadi may be responsible for suicide operations especially in the city of Diyarbakir.

(SALEM, Ore.) - ISIL fighters As reported by the TimeTurk News Agency, Turkish authorities met representatives of ISIL terrorist group (Daesh) and held talks with them a few weeks ago in Turkey.

A well-informed sources in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who requested anonymity, said in this regard: Abu Hamza al-Baghdadi as the head of ISIL's representatives formally asked the AK Party authorities to establish the first formal political bureau of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in the city of Izmir.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2015 20:40)

Yemen Army Destroys Saudi Convoy in Jizan

A number of Saudi soldiers were killed during the operation while the rest fled the scene.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Saudi vehicles Yemen's army and popular committees have stopped a Saudi convoy near the military base, Jareh, in Jizan and destroyed dozens of armored Saudi machines.

The Sabanet website quotes a military source saying another Saudi convoy loaded with significant arms and military equipment was destroyed in Alkhoube district located in Jizan, adding that this caused the mass runaway of Saudi troops.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2015 18:25)

Who Sent Saudi Documents to WikiLeaks?

Who stole the Saudi documents, and why?

(SALEM, Ore.) - Saudi cables WikiLeaks' publishing of "The Saudi Cables" ( - more than half a million top-secret documents from Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry, has gained significant media attention in recent days.

The released documents, which expose Saudi involvement in regional affairs and also its hostile policies towards Iran and Syria, in addition to its allies, has triggered a wave of concern & uncertainty in different countries.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2015 18:03)

The Iranian Threat

Who Is the Gravest Danger to World Peace?

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Iran Throughout the world there is great relief and optimism about the nuclear deal reached in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 nations, the five veto-holding members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany.

Most of the world apparently shares the assessment of the U.S. Arms Control Association that "the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action establishes a strong and effective formula for blocking all of the pathways by which Iran could acquire material for nuclear weapons for more than a generation..."

Read Full Article (Aug-23-2015 22:22)

Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates: A Bitter Rivalry Over Yemen

Wielding influence in Yemen won’t result in stability and security, neither in Yemen, nor in its neighboring countries.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Airstrike in Yemen The precarious situation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its neighbors, namely United Arab Emirates, deteriorated recently over sharing power and influence in Yemen—the most impoverished Arab nation.

This, as [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Emirati forces in particular intervened directly to support militias loyal to ex-President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, which in return rendered the Yemeni crisis a ground for intense rivalry between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.

Read Full Article (Aug-21-2015 01:08)

Islamic Radio and Television Union Summit Ends With Celebration of Great Film Director Majid Majidi

Nine journalists killed last year were also given special recognition.

(SALEM, Ore.) - The Islamic Radio and Television Union summit (PBUH) Majid Majidi, the director of Muhammad (PBUH), was greatly appreciated during the event for his valuable work. Majid Majidi said that "we must try in recognition of the Prophet and introduce their characters in this regard, all of Muslim countries must try."

He said that some media have tried to say that the Shiites, with the film Muhammad, are trying to offer their own interpretation of Islam. He said the script of this work is factual, adding that he also takes advantage of the most important Sunni scholars.

Read Full Article (Aug-19-2015 13:38)

Ayatollah Khamenei: We Condemn Insults to the Sunnis` Sanctities

The arrogant the most objective instance and complete manifestation of "the concept of the enemy."

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ayatollah Khamenei Monday, the leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei referred to the plots hatched by the arrogant powers in the region over the past century.

He said, "Although the arrogant powers’ plots in the Islamic region have a long record, pressures and conspiracies intensified in the wake of the [1979] Islamic Revolution in Iran so that this experience would not be repeated in other countries."

Read Full Article (Aug-19-2015 13:20)

George Kurdahi: The Media is a Mirror of the Society

"... the media is not merchandise that can be imported. The media originates from the nations and it’s the mirror of the culture of the represented society..." - George Kurdahi

(SALEM, Ore.) - George Kurdahi George Kurdahi, a famous Lebanese presenter and anchor, attended the 8th summit of Islamic Radio TV Union (IRTVU) in Iran's capital, Tehran.

In the sidelines of the summit, Kurdahi stated that the media is the mirror of the society and what we are is reflected in our media.

Read Full Article (Aug-17-2015 15:55)

8th Summit of IRTVU Kicks Off in Tehran

Conference slogan: "the Prophet of Mercy; the mission of resistance media"

(SALEM, Ore.) - IRTVU The 8th Summit of the Islamic Radio and Television Union (IRTVU) was opened today with attendance of 220 radio and TV networks from 35 countries.

Institutions and some Islamic Countries’ Ministers of Culture are participating in the opening ceremony of this international assembly.

Read Full Article (Aug-15-2015 16:40)

US Confirms Daesh Used Mustard Agent in Syria

Poison: "Mustard" gas creates large blisters on the exposed skin and in the lungs.

(SALEM, Ore.) - mustard agent Several US intelligence and military officials have confirmed that Daesh Takfiri terrorists used a mustard agent as a weapon in the strategic northeastern Syrian city of Hasakah.

On Friday, US media outlets cited multiple sources as saying that the government has test results from the militant attack in the Syrian town from two weeks ago that confirm the terror group used the mustard agent.

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