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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-10-2012 16:35) Under Attack Again? disappeared today in the UK and on the U.S. east coast.

(SALEM) - I know we have enemies; we are a hard driving Human Rights news group with connections that would make any journalist's head spin.

I know governments that practice state terrorism would like to see us go up in a cloud of smoke, but something is taking place that we can't put our finger on and it is an invisible assailant...

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2012 18:55)

Victory for Human Rights: India and Pakistan Ease Visa Restrictions

The new agreement will replace the old and tardy visa regime that was signed in 1974.

(SALEM) - India Pakistan accord on Visas Just two days ago,'s William Nicholas Gomes wrote, INDIA/PAKISTAN: Remove the Abnormal Visa Restrictions to Ensure Right to Travel and Trade; calling attention to the difficult time people of Indian and Pakistani descent had with regard to visiting their home countries.

This weekend it was announced that this long hoped-for political change would indeed take place...

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2012 16:23)

Medical Marijuana for PTSD: Oregonian Newspaper Promotes Pot???

The Oregonian vilifies “sympathetic doctors”. Well there have been about 3,500 marijuana sympathetic doctors out of 8000 doctors in Oregon.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Military PTSD I couldn’t believe the latest spate of The Oregonian newspaper diatribes about medical marijuana (wolves in sheep’s clothing), I can see that The Oregonian and all of its minions are disregarding all medical science facts and figures in favor of the “Reefer Madness” and “Devil Weed” movies of the 1930’s.

For Shame!!!

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2012 20:33)

Help a Human Rights Activist Who Matters

Winter is upon us and one reporter doing important work can use a little assistance.

(SALEM) - William Gomes in Hong Kong I know people are dealing with their own struggles, but I also know that some would not mind supporting the important Human Rights mission of William Gomes. He writes about state terrorism.

His articles and letters to public officials have alerted officials to rogue behavior in their own government at least twice that we know of.

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2012 12:40)

The Election, the Market, the Fed and the Irish Bookies...
Now Poll This

The Republicans are predicted to prevail in both Congress and the Senate, winning clear majorities in both. The White House is something else.

(DAYTONA BEACH, FLA) - Howie Mandel With the launching of the second week of the Convention Circus, the main question on most people's minds is:

"What will the Democrats come up with to offset Clint Eastwood putting bad words in the President's mouth?"

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2012 02:50)

Let`s Talk About the Salem Police Department

What's it going to take to get police in Oregon's capitol city to treat media with respect?

(SALEM) - Salem Police pursuit It seems to me that any police department seeking good public relations would start by building good media rapport.

But my experience with the Salem Police Department as a news photographer covering the area for Portland television stations and, has been one of them demanding my cooperation and respect, and in far too many cases offering no respect in return.

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2012 16:43)

A New Chapter in Publishing

Digital books save rain forests.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Digital books Flip-flop is a term applied to describe what politicians do when they change their minds about a political issue.

Rarely do academics flip-flop about the issues they teach or the material they use. I'm an academic about to do just that.

Read Full Article (Sep-01-2012 14:32)

Daraya Residents Respond to `Astonishing` Fisk Report

Fisk's huge insinuation – that the Free Syria Army was behind the one of the worst atrocities of the Syrian uprising – was inevitably going to outrage the opposition.

(LONDON Independent) - The journalist Robert Fisk speaking at a conference. The Independent’s Robert Fisk raised eyebrows, as he rather often does, with a report yesterday from Syria’s Daraya.

It's the site of a “massacre” of over 300 civilians last week, in which he enticingly alleged that local residents “told a story different from the version that has been repeated around the world.”

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2012 15:15)

Concerning the Editorial Pot for PTSD? Oregon`s Medical Marijuana Law Needs Grounding in Science, Medicine

We have a preponderance of research on how cannabis works in the brain and body on PTSD.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Veterans are committing suicide because of PTSD; medical marijuana helps save lives I am glad that the Oregonian Editorial Board thinks enough of this subject matter to dedicate an entire editorial just to respond to the excellent article, earlier this week, by Oregonian's own Noelle Crombie.

However some of the things they say are incorrect and their tone is offensive to the men and women that I serve as a Veteran's advocate so I hope you will allow me time to address these issues.

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2012 13:24)

KSL NBC Censors Gay Families Banning Show `The New Normal`

KSL needs to broadcast The New Normal at NBC's scheduled time and on NBC (channel 5).

(SALT LAKE CITY) - The New Normal We live in a country where our personal freedoms are supposed to be valued. The local NBC affiliate in Utah, KSL, is trying to ban a TV show that starts this fall called The New Normal.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
