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American Journalist Mocks US Justification for Anti-Islam Film

Fars News Agency's interviews American war correspondent and journalist Tim King about the release of the offensive anti-Islamic movie and its international repercussions.

(TEHRAN FNA) - Tim King is the news editor of Former US Marine and war correspondent Tim King dismissed the US claims that it cannot stop the display of an anti-Islam movie which has recently been produced in the US due to the freedom of expression.

He says that freedom of speech in the United States is an outdated promise and is only applied to few people.

Read Full Article (Sep-16-2012 16:28)

When Penury and a Lack of Education in Quantity...

I thank God the people here have shown more respect for religion by not making such films criticizing Jesus or burning bibles as in Florida.

(EAST JERUSALEM, Occupied Palestine) - Palestinians protest against The Innocence of Muslims When penury and a lack of education in quantity and quality, are amalgamated with the circumstances of a war torn region, such acts of indiscriminate violence, a desire to reach out at the closer and weaker constituents of those perceived as oppressors occurs.

It is a human phenomena that one can even see in US history and around the world in different contexts and times.

Read Full Article (Sep-15-2012 13:47)

How A Hate-Driven Anti-Muslim Film Led to the Death of Four U.S. Diplomats

The AP found that Nakoula had both Coptic and evangelical Christian associates in the shooting of the film.

(CHICAGO) - Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama Leave it to Juan Cole to come up with just the right metaphor to interpret the events in Libya and Egypt this week.

Cole knows the Middle East and he has the writing skills to clarify the complexities of the region and how they interact with U.S. politics as they unfold.

Read Full Article (Sep-14-2012 16:46)

Thoughts on the Violence in Libya and Egypt

Who made the film? The knee-jerk reaction by too many, "It must be the Jews." But we should have been extremely skeptical of the source of the movie.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - The nation mourns the loss of Chris Stevens in Libya While the nation mourns the killing of J. Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and four others, there lingers misunderstandings of what happened in Libya and Egypt and why.

Here is an accumulation of my comments on other Salem-News articles.

Read Full Article (Sep-14-2012 12:35)

Israeli Friendly Movie Killed Chris Stevens

Last photos of Chris Stevens are viewed in the context of an attempt to save him.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Libyans tried to save Chris Stevens dying after inhaling too much smoke. AFP / STR. The U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens died in the invasion of thousands of protesters in Benghazi, Libya. It is a tragedy any time a person is violently killed, but in the case of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, it is a sharper, more painful tragedy.

All politics aside, this is a man who dedicated his life to understanding the Libyan people, language and culture.

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2012 14:22)

An Israeli Film-Maker, 100 Jewish Donors and their Salafi Allies

As Andrew Brown said in the Guardian newspaper, it is "purely and simply an incitement to religious hatred".

(LONDON) - Death in Benghazi In Egypt and in Libya popular outrage at a film on the Prophet Muhammad has escalated into violence.

In Libya's second city, Benghazi, gunmen believed to be Salafis belonging to a group called Katibat Ansar al-Sharia (Partisans of Islamic Law Brigade) stormed the US consulate and set it on fire, killing the ambassador and three of his staff.

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2012 13:07)

AMP Offers Condolences to the Families of the Innocent Victims of Unacceptable Violence

AMP condemns the senseless violence and asserts that it is in no way sanctioned by Islam or by the examples of the way Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the prophet of Islam, led his life.

(CHICAGO) - Ambassador Chris Stevens With heavy hearts the American Muslims for Palestine, a national grassroots organization, today offers condolences to the family of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three of his staff.

They were killed when people stormed the US embassy in Libya Tuesday.

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2012 11:42)

A New Hasbara Production

The film depicting Muhammad as a fraud, womanizer and madman was funded by 100 Jewish donors.

(LONDON) - Sam Bacile film An anti-Islam movie sparked riots in Egypt, and an angry mob killed four American diplomats in a fiery and brutal attack in Libya.

It all ties back to the film made by Sam Bacile, who self-identifies as a Jewish-Israeli American real estate investor.

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2012 10:33)

US Ambassador, Consul Among 4 Killed in Militia Attack on Benghazi Consulate

The outbreak of violence is part of global Islamic outrage against the American amateur film 'Innocence of Muslims.

(BENGHAZI, Libya) - John Christopher Stevens, US ambassador to Libya, shakes hands with Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil (R) after presenting his credentials during a meeting in Tripoli, June 7, 2012.(AFP Photo / Mahmud Turkia) The US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed when local militia assaulted Washington's consulate in Benghazi. President Barack Obama has condemned the attack.

Reports from various sources paint an unclear picture of the circumstances surrounding Ambassador John Christopher Steven's death.

Read Full Article (Sep-11-2012 13:22)

MilSpeak Books releases How To Not Tell A War Story

Explore with Michael Lund the lives of these veterans who discover being in the service is not something to be edited out of a personal history.

(CHARLESTON, SC) - MilSpeak books Please welcome MilSpeak Books’ latest title, HOW TO NOT TELL A WAR STORY, written by Michael Lund, Vietnam War correspondent and author of nine novels about the great American highway, Route 66.

HOW TO NOT TELL A WAR STORY is a collection of short stories about veterans who went to war but left without a war story to tell.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
