(Aug-05-2008 00:38)
Op-Ed: Education Shapes Our Economy, Then Both Shape Our System
By Henry Clay Ruark for
β08 Election Offers Remedial Choices For 21st Century.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Very few people today will disagree that this nation --especially its economy and its schools-- are in βone mell of a hess!β There are unmistakable, undeniable, inevitable -- and insufferable-- reasons, clearly spread on our history for all to see, and understand, now.
That must surely be the first step for any possible rational, reasonable remediation which may return to us what we once had -- a democratic republic, proven in over 200 years of success and development.
Ever since the turbulent 60s and β70s, American education has been stagnated and stymied by near-fatal consequences, for itself and for our economy; forced by false choices and false confrontations, cannily compounded by contending political forces for their own malign purposes.
Read Full Article (Jul-09-2008 17:43)
Op Ed: `Econ 101` Corrupted By Corporate Design: Part Two: Conclusions
By Henry Clay Ruark for
Natural fact: what Franklin, founders knew in 1779.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
As early as Revolutionary days, canny Ben Franklin put it potently, as well as succinctly: "Private property is a creature of society and is subject to the calls of that society, whenever its needs may require it." --Ben Franklin - 1789.
The Founders, prescient men-all, knew a natural fact when it was completely obvious from their long-continued study of famed philosophers over centuries.
What Founder Ben was telling us-all even then is now, more than ever after 150 years of the American Experience, is natural fact, long recognized. It is the most-essential fact on which much, if not most, of our "Revolutionary concept of shared complicit and essentially cooperative governance" has come to be based.
Read Full Article (Jul-04-2008 20:16)
Op Ed: `Econ 101` Corrupted By Corporate Design Kills Demo-Dreams
By Henry Clay Ruark for
"Wealth-Creation" Demands Continuing "Worker/Capital" Cooperation For Competitive Success.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Here we make no pretense to more than natural understandings of "the dismal science" of economics. There are, however, some few "natural facts" from which common-sense can deduce the most-damaging situations also highly visible to many others; then checkable vs multitudinous Internet resources.
Start with this single inevitable, inescapable natural fact: "Private property depends on the rule of law."
Without that rule of law, nobody can achieve the excess-beyond-natural/need from which cometh "the capital for cooperative application" (read "investment") --from which all wealth doth necessarily flow, in this 21st Century.
Read Full Article (May-27-2008 07:24)
Converting Electric Cars for the Road in Oregon
Tim King
Some new developments about green technology in Oregon.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
We have covered the development of the electric car movement for years here at Now, with the price of gasoline accelerating like a rocket, it seems like the business timing of Larry Dye's Electric Wheels could not be in better sync with our economy.
There are many questions about electric cars, and those who read our stories, see the videos and take the time to visit the dealership in Salem, learn that the cars are more viable than they often initially realize.
Read Full Article (May-27-2008 07:20)
Lies, Liars, and Those Who Suffer the Consequences of Impeachable Offenses
Bonnie King
Nothing really "fits" when all the pieces come together. Why has Charles Schwab, the billionaire, not had to answer for charges? Is the U.S. government protecting one of their own?
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Over five and a half years ago, Wayne Pierce, of Eugene filed formal charges with the FBI and SEC against billionaire Charles R Schwab. His allegations included harassment, stalking, computer hacking, email theft, and insider trading.
Charles R Schwab is an icon in the financial realm for starting the country's first discount brokerage firm. Its philosophy of making the stock market accessible to everyone through online trading proved enormously successful.
Read Full Article (May-26-2008 16:52)
Curious Woman Discovers Crashed Truck With Injured Driver
It happened on Territorial Highway south of Crow, Oregon.
(CROW, Ore.) -
A Eugene-area man was cited by Oregon State Police following a Sunday afternoon single vehicle serious injury crash about 3 miles south of Crow.
Read Full Article (May-24-2008 20:38)
Body of Eugene Man Discovered at Surf Line Near Devil`s Punch Bowl
Police are trying to find a man who turned in the victim's cell phone, Ipod, and flashlight to the Inn at Otter Crest's front desk.
(OTTER ROCK, Ore.) -
The fully clothed body of a Eugene man was discovered on the beach this morning on the rocks above the surf line at the base of a cliff between the Inn at Otter Crest and Devil's Punch Bowl State Natural Area.
Oregon State Police and the Lincoln County Medical Examiner are completing the investigation into the death. They say a preliminary determination by the medical examiner indicates that the man died from drowning.
Read Full Article (May-05-2008 10:36)
Safeway Bread Dough Spill Halts Freeway Traffic
The northbound lanes were blocked until about 10:58 PM when one lane was re-opened.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Police say a commercial truck driver was cited following an injury traffic crash Sunday night on Interstate 5 in the Eugene/Springfield area that spilled a load of Subway bread dough products and blocked the northbound lanes for approximately 3 hours.
Just after 8:00 PM, a 2001 Freightliner truck pulling a 48-foot trailer loaded with Subway bread dough drifted onto the northbound shoulder of Interstate 5 near milepost 193 and crashed into a bridge support post for Centennial Boulevard.
Read Full Article (Apr-30-2008 17:40)
Driver Receives 95 Month Sentence for Fatal March Crash
The driver of the Honda was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene where he was pronounced deceased.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
A man driving a vehicle in a March 4th 2008 crash that caused the death of a Eugene man, was sentenced to 95 months in prison in Lane County Circuit Court on Tuesday.
41-year old Eduardo Gutierrez of Eugene, was sentenced to 95 months in prison after being convicted of Manslaughter II, Assault III, DUII and Reckless Driving related to a fatal traffic crash on Highway 99 north of Eugene.
Read Full Article (Apr-21-2008 01:34)
Fiery Truck Crash Halts Traffic on I-5 Sunday
Neither the driver of the truck or her passenger were injured.
Police say a commercial truck was destroyed following a Sunday evening fire after it crashed on Interstate 5 southbound between Eugene and Coburg in a highway construction zone.
The driver and passenger were not injured, and the southbound lanes are anticipated to remain closed for about 3 more hours, according to Sergeant Ted Phillips with Oregon State Police in Springfield.
Read Full Article