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Jul-04-2008 20:16printcomments

Op Ed: 'Econ 101' Corrupted
By Corporate Design
Kills Demo-Dreams

"Wealth-Creation" Demands Continuing "Worker/Capital" Cooperation For Competitive Success.

Photo courtesy:

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Here we make no pretense to more than natural understandings of the dismal science of economics. There are, however, some few natural facts from which common-sense can deduce the most-damaging situations also highly visible to many others that can be verified through multitudinous Internet resources.

Start with this single inevitable, inescapable natural fact: "Private property depends on the rule of law."

Without that rule of law, nobody can achieve the excess-beyond-natural/need from which cometh "the capital for cooperative application" (read "investment") --from which all wealth doth necessarily flow, in this 21st Century.

The "single hunter-gatherer" role is clearly now desperately out-moded, even with working-wife assistance!

Wealth therefore must depend not only primarily, but also essentially, unavoidably, on cooperative activity. That mandates cooperation among all-involved, especially where competition with other nations is now de rigeur-unavoidable, forced via free trade impacts.

With rapid change as the only universal 21st Century expectation, ignorance OR malign intentional distortion or perversion of this inescapable reality will have "heavy, complex ascending-costs and unforeseen consequences" as universal and unavoidable sure-outcome.The Right/Far Right heavily promoted "myth of perennial government failures" always overlooks the fantastic, far-ranging, still-continuing stunning long term achievements”, including the New Deal and others; totally undermining that Reagan-era trenchant but still-erroneous line: "Government IS the problem".

When effective conditions are achieved, cooperation from capitalists and universally required work-force is absolutely essential. Those workers --the true second-foundation for any wealth-creation--must find reward-and-satisfaction also, as far too many small-business and large corporations have learned to their continuing sorrow; often carelessly -- OR carefully !-- forgotten.

Only thus can continuing competitive impact be assured; otherwise destructs the work-force. It doth no discoverer any good to find a gold mine when no shovel, ore cart, rail-run, crush --and all else demanded for cooperative exploitation-- are also demanded before one can dig and develop for profit.

Effective operation requires others to man (or, today, woman !) more-than-that one lone shovel can ever do. All the essentials for any business depend primarily and inevitably on governance to guarantee and aid in supplying: Arrival at site for serious exploration; Worker access, training, safety, compensation; Management under laws protecting public commonweal; Transport via road or river or air, for both product(s) and people; and so on, and on ...and ON!

Those services no business can do-without come primarily from government.

That’s WHY we pay taxes: To provide our equitable share of costs inevitably consequential for what government DOES that no other societal institution can do for us.

That’s why we VOTE: To put into place representative government to organize, provide, allot and guarantee what no other societal institution can do for us.

IF we don’t like how governance is operated, we can still change it (read "them"!) for better; or discard what we have and replace it --as we choose.

(From here we wrap up with some further examples and points, with kicker yet-to-come)

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Henry Ruark July 11, 2008 4:00 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Phil Gramm --now infamous for his "mental regression" line to which he insultingly added reference to economic "whiners-- boasts a doctorate in economics. (!!??!!) Out of compassion, I have NOT named the degree-granting institution here... See why it is called "the dismal science", even by its honest, open, demo-dialog best examples ? It is also noteworthy that Gramm, with his wife on the Enron board, while a Senator, was motivating force behind the mentally dismal decison to deregulate major portions of the financial industry, thus opening the door for the now devastating sub-prime mortgage debacle still shaking the foundations of finance and credit worldwide. Enron, of course, is still infamous in Oregon since its desperate raids on the California energy market took place via activities in the PGE offices, since it then owned PGE... !! Never believe the intense world of snatching dollars wherever they bloom cannot reash YOU, right in Oregon !! "See with own eyes" in numerous places via Internet; will file several links here shortly.

Henry Ruark July 9, 2008 12:16 pm (Pacific time)

"Anon" et al: Be patient, friend-Anon. As with any website, innumerable difficulties WILL occur, some unforeseeable and some often impenetrable, too. Yours DID appear, which is straight-signal no censor at work on printable copy. "Been there, done that", too, in other media-situations in both print and digital. Hang in there, and keep Commenting - we offer open, honest, democratic dialog to all, with minimum protective coverage re nutty, nasty, nonprintable stuff...and I doubt if yours was like that. Chances are great that huge numbers of "incoming" now challenging less-than-huge staff possibilities, on way to remediation. Thank you for renewed patience, and keep on coming to us, please ! Think what S-N CAN become, given even minimum of solid support from Commenteers -and well-earned attention from any wise investor seeking close connection with the fuure of communications in this nation and the whole world.

Anonymous July 9, 2008 10:08 am (Pacific time)

Henry: I cant continue on this website. I am finding that several of my comments do not get thru. Censorship I suppose.. I am a good guy, I recycle, been a single parent and both kids are in college and doing well. I wear my seatbelt and follow the speed limit regulations. But, I cant spill my heart out and have it censored anymore..its a waste. For anyone who cares, my email address is feel free to write me, but I cant post on this website anymore. In fact, this message will probably not go thru, but at least I tried. Many good people posting, I just cant follow this line of communication. Besides that, great website, and I will share it with others in a kind and compassionate way. :-)

Henry Ruark July 7, 2008 1:22 pm (Pacific time)

Dodd et al: Corruption today cometh heavily via corporate campaign contributions, ostensibly as personhood right to free speech (i.e.political). That's supreme error by the Supremes, documented as only finally achieved after decades of determined corporate effort by intentional distortion of "precedent", recorded by court clerk as pretext for Court action --and now followed as if legally determined Court decision. That powerful dollar force is very large portion of what keeps committees you mention from doing their sworn duties, so we need to change THAT, too as well as many now in office, knowingly seduced by this sad situation. Tht's why Supremes balance now hangs by one-judge/thread, which if allowed to happen will confirm, consolidate, and cement current situation. "Had enough ?!" --If so, you know what to DO...

Dodd July 7, 2008 10:02 am (Pacific time)

All elected officals who because of their positions receive, let's say special considerations, by those who potentially may profit from the politican they provide a favor to should be compelled to resign. Of course there are so-called ethic committees who look into questionable behaviors, they usually overlook transgressions based on party associations. This is so true during these times of forclosures. There are many senators who have been given special rates because of their positions, they need to go.

Henry Ruark July 7, 2008 9:11 am (Pacific time)

To all: This Op Ed and its companion second-half are strengthened and perfected by much more detail, included in "A Nation Long-Seduced"; 8/30/07 -easily accessed via STAFF-section and my Written By...lines. That one reports a whole series of authoritative source links for your "see with own eyes" examination and your "own mind" evaluation.

Henry Ruark July 6, 2008 3:29 pm (Pacific time)

To all: This is Part One, albeit not so error ! Be sure to see Part TWO, on the way, with Conclusions and ref. to exquisitely-detailed background and update information from major source.

Anonymous July 5, 2008 7:49 pm (Pacific time)

good job henry. :-)

Henry Ruark July 5, 2008 1:32 pm (Pacific time)

Glen et al: Telecom and "free press" are surely among "complicit perpetrators; we'll add others in second-half following. BUT all-of-us bear heavy responsibility in allowing the insidious but well-reported situations, trends, incidents and violations ever to happen to our democracy AND our families...with ggg-children paying interest/penalties for decades to come.

Glen July 5, 2008 6:45 am (Pacific time)

That's why so many feel frustrated with the state of our nation at this point. We are not a nation of laws. We are a nation where those who are privileged skirt the law and their obligations. This is demonstrated in corporate irresponsibility. This is demonstrated in politics of the Bush administration. I am all for impeaching Bush. Let's not forget his crimes nor the crimes of the telecom industry. -- Nice job, Henry.

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