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Aug-05-2008 00:38printcomments

Op-Ed: Education Shapes
Our Economy, Then
Both Shape Our System

‘08 Election Offers Remedial Choices For 21st Century.

Hand raised in class
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(EUGENE, Ore.) - Very few people today will disagree that this nation --especially its economy and its schools-- are in “one mell of a hess!” There are unmistakable, undeniable, inevitable -- and insufferable-- reasons, clearly spread on our history for all to see, and understand, now.

That must surely be the first step for any possible rational, reasonable remediation which may return to us what we once had -- a democratic republic, proven in over 200 years of success and development.

Ever since the turbulent 60s and ‘70s, American education has been stagnated and stymied by near-fatal consequences, for itself and for our economy; forced by false choices and false confrontations, cannily compounded by contending political forces for their own malign purposes.

Those mistaken actions were further distorted and perverted by radical/neocon policies, broadened and then further sharpened during the Reagan-era in our political history.

Deregulation, privatization, and globalization driven by “free trade” were all put into widening practice, and have been decimating the American middle-class ever since.

Major union-busting --definitely designed to kill off any possible preventive and protective mutual actions by cooperating groups of workers at all levels-- was an essential tool, demanded by the dimensions of the other three most-damaging neocon dogmas.

Out-sourcing millions of American jobs to easily exploited lower-wage workers worldwide followed, as inevitably as the sun rising; with those developing nations being set up for such comprehensive manipulation by the “free-trade” myth, created by Chicago School/Friedman pressures --and adapted as the tool-of-choice by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

That profits-driven sequence of funding-access is now seen as widely responsible for manifold malign consequences, wherever applied; forcing even the Bank and IMF to back away in distress and dismay.

Deregulation removed essential governmental oversight and supervision separating commercial and investment banking, opening the door for the wild-woolywishful/thinking process finally forcing current widespread mortgage-security collapses.

That’s now recognized as leading to failures of credit operations across the world --and panic-forced action to apply “socialism for the rich and well connected” by unheard-of huge governmentally-funded rescues for “those too big to fail”.

The erroneous Supreme Court “purchased precedent” providing false “human-personhood” for corporations --and thus “corporate campaign contributions”-- has played a major role in the current climate of corruption and careless ethical/fiscal practice in Washington, and throughout corporate America.

Those massive amounts of easily-accessed cash -- often now brashly delivered hand-to-politician at every level-- have submerged and seduced whatever small remaining force-for-correction any oath-of-office may have retained.

To make it all work, over the ever-increasing objections of awakening middle-class and lower-income citizens, a political-precepts “noise machine” was created to kill off any effective “free press and broadcast” public-service communications with those same workers and all supporting citizens.

Millions of middle-class voters have been seduced by huge expenditures for political-noise and press-and broadcast propaganda manipulations; including distortion and perversion of true American values, the partial consequences of complex legislation cannily contrived for private-profit gains.

Those are now skillfully disguised as authentic -- and sometimes reasonable-sounding-- “political goals”. Indeed, that effort was at one time so successful that the very word “liberal” was converted to a kind of political-curse -- only now returned to ready use with no bad-taste grimace!

Meanwhile the neocons captured and beat into submission what had once been a proud, independent and fully-contributing political party; long proven an absolute essential addition to ANY successful workings of our republican democracy, early founded on two-party structure.

That effort has been further abetted and applied in-depth by Far Right billionaire fueling of a still burgeoning cabal-gang of lushly “foundation”-funded “think-tanks”; propagating neocon dogmas and manipulating the public view of our democracy --emphasizing our educational system--at all levels; while still further concealing those inevitable impacts on our culture and economy.

These malign forces recognized early-on the very close connection of the educational system on shaping and powering our whole economy. They understood and applied the power of manipulation by public opinion; providing long-range influences on our culture and its underlying democracy; especially for all considerations impacting their private-profit business-corporate interests.

Those private-profit major interests clearly always include worker-preparation and wage-levels, as well as many other economic essentials, bearing heavily on both corporate structure and its outmoded management, now, solely for profits.

That attention, most authorities now believe, is generated --and has been produced for a long time -- by the brute fact that educational costs for the common school system are, inevitably, near the top of the list for public expenditures.

Thus they become, willy-nilly, a major target for those whose goal is tax/slashes no matter how obtained; benefiting most the richest and overlooking most others in our middle classes; despite damage to the commonweal via consequences for all who gain by education.

Mainstream media have made themselves thoroughly complicit over all these years by surrender of their unique-in-the-world Constitutional responsibilities to inform and educate all citizens, still responsible for local, state and national decisions. Under increasingly insistent corporate ownership, our once-”free” press/members have monstrously distorted and perverted that responsibility --one main element in their specially-privileged status, treatment and protection under our American system.

But it’s the false-choice value-decisions, promoted and pressed on every front by neocon and other also complicit groups which have brought us to this far-from pretty/pass painfully familiar to all astute citizens today --surely demanding our thoughtful, informed action now, as great opportunity presents itself.

Given the already-known and well-appreciated circumstances of the coming Presidential election --and the accompanying new-choices involved, at every level, in every state-- we can change that picture once-again. We can not only “affect the politicians involved” but also the policies, the processes --even the working procedures --via our control of local and state levels, for all legislative and governance activities; as well as the Presidency, the Congress, and all of those burgeoning federal, state, and local bureaucracies, too.

Ironic, is it not, that “conservative” governance in place powerfully ever since the Seventies, pledged to the principle that “less is more” for ANY government, and deeply dedicated to the dogma that “Government IS the Problem !”, has found itself the failing perpetrator of these truly-desperate consequences.

“When will we ever learn ?” --not only what all our learners must have to progress into the new Century but WHY --and HOW we can win on all levels?

We can do so by building education, which in turn builds our economy AND our democracy.


(The second in this series will examine these impacts on education in detail, with specifics about what must be done, and how it can be readily accomplished NOW.)


Reader’s Note:
This is the first in a new sequence of Op Eds closely examining current developments striking heavily on the personal interests of every reader. Their content is now tested for comparative reading levels, to maintain easy, rapid access to the information requisite to their conclusion, when required. Checkable links are available for every relevant statement, on request with ID to Editor Tim, for your “see with own eyes” evaluation. We do NOT list all references-used here to fully conserve limited publication space, providing for more Comments to share your OWN evaluations and insights. For the record, more than 50 sources, including more than 100 Internet-recorded pages and the writer’s files, were consulted in preparation. Quotes are shortened, combined, summarized from a verbatim record-maintained, for the same purpose.

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Henry Ruark August 9, 2008 12:08 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Sometimes one finds a key supporting document after the original statement for which it is a foundation reference. That occurred for this Op Ed and I hasten to share it with all concerned on this vital concept of "choices" now shaping our democracy. "See with own eyes" in the NATION (7/14/08)"THE WHITE WHALE" by E.L. Doctorow, famed novelist and writer. It is his statement to a joint session of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society on "The Public Good: Knowledge as the Foundation for a Democratic Society". At all costs, avoid this one if you fear "probing personal cogitation" !! For others, it may be motivation for direct action as well as reassurance that all is not yet lost...

Henry Ruark August 7, 2008 10:37 am (Pacific time)

R.R. et al: Your key-phrase is: "So why didn't yesterday's growth fund today's schools ?" That clearly emphasizes the absolutely essential "local control" role still played by school boards, demanding close attention by those who love their children and can still demand wise choices based on realities. Willy-nilly, WE remain fully responsible for choices we allow, at local, state AND national levels !! That's how democracy works, when it does, and how it fails, when we allow that to happen. The dilemma you illuminate also highlights long-continued real/estate/promulgated myth that "growth can cure all ills" --surely now refuted when subprime mortgage finance debacle is dealing damaging blow to any possible further tax-income/flow for far too many localities --leading to precisely the deteriorating neighborhood problem you outline.

Richard Reid August 6, 2008 6:36 pm (Pacific time)

Salem activist Bradd Swank believes voting "no" on the school bond this Fall is the right thing to do. Given the downturn of the national economy and the collapse of the housing market, Swank believes this bond may be our last opportunity to raise taxes and fund schools for the next several years. He says this bond isn't big enough to fund fairness in educational opportunity for our children because new schools will be built at the expense of existing schools. Historically, as existing schools decay, property values and tax revenues in the neighborhoods around them decline. New homebuyers traditionally bypass declining neighborhoods and crumbling schools leading to further decay in the inner city. The new schools benefit from the latest innovations in architecture and technology while existing schools will continue to be denied even routine maintenance. Swank says the School Board failed to consider these impacts outlined in testimony about the bond. City Hall says more growth and population will solve the problem as more people move here to chase jobs. So why didn't yesterday's growth fund today's schools? I'm with Swank, until we get our city finances straightened out we should vote "no" on the school bond and "no" on annexations that make matters worse.

Henry Ruark August 5, 2008 9:26 am (Pacific time)

To all: Strong impact for Oregon of "false choices" is emphasized by this report today in the R/G and carried widely in other Oregon dailies: One of three Ore. schools misses federal targets By JULIA SILVERMAN Associated Press Writer PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- New data suggests that just 61 percent of Oregon schools are meeting federal academic goals, down nearly 14 percentage points in a single year. "The drop comes as Oregon sets the achievement bar higher for students and their teachers. This year, for the first time, 60 percent of all students had to be up to grade level in reading, and 59 percent in math, for a school to make the grade. "Last year, the bar was at 50 percent, and 49 percent, respectively. "Schools also must meet an attendance or graduation requirement. "And things are only going to get tougher for Oregon schools, thanks to the state's decision in 2002 to backload the implementation of the federal law known as No Child Left Behind." ------------ NCLB forces schools to conform to very controversial "teaching-to-the-test" techniques, by its heavy emphasis on that highly questionable approach --among other major difficulties, including rewarding with federal fund approval those who then fall into line. It is broadly now seen as an unsubtle, amatuerish attempt to destabilize educational progress, forcing still more failures, emphasizing waste of funding, and demoralizing many both in the profession and in the public --all to support dogma that "Government can do nothing right, and IS the problem". NCLB is analyzed in some depth in previous Op Eds; see Staff "Written by..."line.

Henry Ruark August 5, 2008 7:45 am (Pacific time)

To all: This "see with own eyes" report hits so closely on target it is shared here for your own evaluation: Factory Facts C.E. Weller and Diego Flores Center for American Progress: "US manufacturers across the country have suffered dramatic job losses over the past seven years of economic growth, with these losses falling particularly hard on states that are heavily dependent on manufacturing and are now suffering the most as the US economy struggles to cope with the housing crisis and slowing economic growth." ---------- One inevitable consequence of that is loss of stable revenue by states and local educational jurisdictions, adding that much MORE to the ongoing neglect already suffered from false-choice actions on failed premises, sold by lushly-paid propaganda effort for thirty/forty years.

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