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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-09-2011 13:49)

Japan Tsunami Rubble Will Reach West Coast

West Coast residents have, for many years, found on their shores lost or discarded items originating in the Far East.

(STATE COLLEGE, Pa.) - Japan Tsunami reports some of the rubble swept out to sea by the devastating Japanese tsunami of March 11 will ultimately cross the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the U.S., an oceanographer has stated.

Oceanographer Curt Ebbesmeyer has said that it would take about three years before West Coast residents begin to see trash stemming from the tsunami aftermath.

Read Full Article (Apr-06-2011 03:33)

Pharmaceutical Industry Greed and the Greatest Medical Disaster in Human History

The 1918 flu epidemic was probably the deadliest plague in human history, killing more than 50 million people worldwide. - NY Times

(LONDON) - Vaccination Playing on fear of the 1918 flu and terrorists, GW Bush had Pandemic Preparedness laws passed in states across the country, just as he used 9/11 to get the Patriot Act passed. Both were written long before September 2001.

Those laws remove all rights and include mandatory vaccination with unknown and untested vaccines, forced diagnostic testing, forced taking of bodily samples and worse...

Read Full Article (Apr-04-2011 17:29)

The Public Health Community is WRONG!

Given the inability of American public health agencies to understand distribution and related toxic risks, it is wise for American families to store Potassium Iodide.

(SALEM, Ore.) - anti-nuclear protest in Japan Advice against distributing Potassium Iodide (KI) for use in the event of a nuclear emergency and rise in atmospheric radio-active iodine (I131) is misguided, because public health officials misunderstand distribution.

Read Full Article (Mar-30-2011 03:35)

Aurora Borealis & Magnetic Storms in an Accelerating, Expanding Universe

Scientists have considered magnetic fields as a dirty word and have almost completely ignored it until lat summer, while I have been trying to apprise them of its importance for over three decades.

(SAN DIEGO ) - aurora borealis For over 30 years scientists kept telling me that comparing electricity and magnetism is like comparing apples and oranges and that the magnetic fields of planets are so weak they are totally irrelevant.

There is a very simple explanation for this acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2011 20:44)

Oregon Delegation Applauds Administration for Quick Disaster Declaration

The damage to the Port of Brookings-Harbor couldn’t have come at a worse time.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Oregon tsunami Oregon's congressional delegation today applauded Presi. Obama's quick action in declaring a federal disaster in Curry County following the tsunami that severely damaged the Port of Brookings-Harbor.

Members of the congressional delegation issued a statement following the President's formal signing of the federal disaster declaration.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2011 20:07)

Audiodraft Crowdsources Japan Relief Songs

Aims to Raise $100,000 for Red Cross Japan Aid; Best 5 Songs- to be released on iTunes, Amazon, and other outlets.

(SAN FRANCISCO ) - Japan tragedy AudioDraft, the provider of innovative crowdsourced audio design contests, today announced that it has launched a contest to select the five best songs associated with relief and healing to be published through online music stores, including iTunes, Amazon, and others.

The proceeds will go toward tsunami and earthquake relief efforts.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2011 19:41)

Reactor Reax: Weekly Report on Nuclear Power

The latest stories making the news...

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Map shows the 104 U.S. nuclear reactor sites As news continues to develop in Japan from the recent disaster at the Fukushima nuclear facility; we learn that what is already a deadly, tragic scenario, could become much worse, depending on how events unfold.

This collection of stories is published at a time when questions about the dangers of nuclear radioactivity are at their highest.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2011 16:35)

Groups Seeking Full Fukushima Radiation Data From DOE, NRC

Why Aren’t Japanese and American Citizens Getting All the Facts? “Extreme” Step Seen As Indication of Much Higher Radiation Levels Than Revealed So Far by NRC, Japanese Government.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Japan nuclear reactor Three groups have filed a Freedom of Information Act request to get to the bottom of what led the U.S. government to call for a 50-mile evacuation radius for Americans near the Japanese reactor crisis in Fukushima.

The three groups are not satisfied that the incomplete summary provided so far by the DOE.

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2011 13:09)

DOE Actively Misleads on Risks of Radiation Exposure

We were interested in how the government translates differing potential levels of airborne concentrations of Cesium-137...

(NEW YORK) - Japan radiation The U.S. Department of Energy yesterday released maps showing levels of radiation observed to have been released from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plants in Japan, the accuracy of which Remapping Debate has no reason to doubt; more revealing, however, was the explanatory material that DOE included in the slide show purportedly to put the data in context.

On that front, it is clear that DOE was being misleading —

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 18:18)

Public Health Under Attack

One in three amendments in House budget affect environment.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Ignoring the risk to the public, the House Republican majority and a few Democrats have mounted a broad ideological attack on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s rules to protect public health.

These assaults on our public health protections could cause thousands of premature deaths every year, create billions of dollars in unnecessary health costs, and leave communities at risk of pollution-related cancers and other diseases.

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