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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Mar-16-2011 18:06)

Japanese Nuclear Reactor Crisis `Very Serious,` - UN Atomic Chief

The Security Council began its meeting today with a minute’s silence for the victims of the quake and tsunami.

(NEW YORK) - Council Observes Moment of Silence for Victims of Japanese Quake and Tsunami Repeatedly calling the nuclear reactor crisis in Japan “very serious,” the head of the UN agency that coordinates global nuclear safety announced today that he'll fly to the country to see what further help he can offer.

IAEA Director Gen. Yukiya Amano said he would spend one night in the country and then report back to the Board of Governors.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 12:36)

Quakes Shake up Globe, Impacting Ethnic Terrain

There is only one winner: Nature. And so the world turns.

(SALEM, Ore.) - (AP/Matt Marek/American Red Cross) Shattered dreams touching a wide diversity of ethnic groups have turned the world upside down over the last decade, and this upheaval continues its cruel thrust.

Over the last five years the power of earthquakes has made dents in the landscape of at least three continents. It has crushed vast populations in both the poorer and richer nations on this planet. Destruction has girded the globe.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 11:59)

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Tragedy beyond imagination is now unfolding in Japan.

(IWAKI, Japan) - Fukushima Nuclear Facility CNN’s Anderson Cooper reported on AC 360 Tuesday night that 50 Japanese workers suspended operations at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Northeastern Honshu.

At the risks of their lives, workers had been attempting to control fires and flood the site with seawater and boric acid in an effort to prevent a meltdown of the nuclear rods.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2011 16:10)

From Hiroshima to Fukushima to US!

And one fine day the lion may just will lie down with The Lamb and man will indeed abolish nuclear everything and thus make war no more; and that will create the Kingdom of God on this tiny planet we call earth.

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Japan reactor burns Japan's quake-damaged northeast has helped recall the fact that sixty-six years ago Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s razed villages and burning shells of buildings were MADE IN THE USA! Japan has 54 nuclear power plants and about one-third of its nationwide electricity comes from nuclear energy.

There are 104 nuclear power plants in the United States!

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2011 22:45)

How to Survive Nuclear Fallout From Japan`s Reactor Meltdown

Highly radioactive dust-like particles will be carried on the prevailing winds for hundreds or thousands of miles.

(CHICAGO) - Reactor heart in Fukushima perhaps dissolving, radioactive cloud With six reactors failing in Japan and at least two undergoing partial meltdown, concern has been raised about a massive radioactive cloud escaping and sweeping over the West Coast of the U.S.

As the crisis continues and the Japan Islands are being rocked by hundreds of strong aftershocks, the probability of a Chernobyl-like disaster escalates. If such an event does occur what can you do to protect yourself and your family?

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2011 13:18)

The Revenge of the Supermoon

With the ongoing nuclear reactor emergency in Japan because of the earthquake, we may have radioactive fallout heading for Oregon in the days ahead. It shall be an interesting week indeed.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Our lives are measured by the cadence of lunar clockwork as the Earth-Moon system spins in gravity's embrace. The primordial influence of the Moon has synchronized life itself, driving our biorhythms and reproductive cycles.

Marching across the night sky, it's pale luminance has inspired countless works of art, poetry, and music.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2011 15:23)

Nuclear Nightmare: Japanese Reactor Meltdown Could Propel `Death Cloud` to US West Coast

This deadly, life-threatening substance can move throughout an environment with little or no difficulty.

(CHICAGO) - Fukushima Some Japanese officials have admitted that Tokyo Electric's Fukushima Dai-Ichi atomic reactor No. 1 may experience a total meltdown. That disaster would be followed by the release of a deadly radioactive death cloud that would drift over the Pacific and poison the people of the U.S. West Coast.

A worried Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency spokesman Yuji Kakizaki warned:“If the fuel rods are melting and this continues, a reactor meltdown is possible,” Kakizaki said.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2011 17:26)

Oregon Tsunami Damage

Coast Guard continues to assess, respond to Pacific Northwest maritime coastal infrastructure.

(SEATTLE) - Damage at a marina near Chetco River, Or A capsized civilian vessel floats adrift near Chetco River, Ore., Mar. 11, 2011. Group Air Station North Bend flight crews patrolled the Oregon coast all day to report and assess tsunami related damage and distress. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Group Air Station North Bend.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2011 17:01)

Japan Earthquake: Damaged Japanese Nuclear Power Plants Stoke Nuclear Fears

Reactor Reax Top Stories for 11 March.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - damaged nuclear plant in Japan As Japan suffered from the worst earthquake in the country's recent history Thursday afternoon, and a 23-foot tsunami ripped across the island nation carrying every possible thing in its path.

Attention turned to the country's multiple nuclear power facilities, with no real way of knowing if one of the world's most dramatic and deadly natural disasters, would in turn cause a malfunction within one of the nuclear reactors.

Read Full Article (Feb-08-2011 03:11)

Yellowstone Supervolcano, New Ice Age Could Topple US Government

Is Denver the nation's Doomsday capitol?

(CHICAGO) - As evidence mounts that the world may fast be slipping into the next Ice Age, Washington insiders are hurrying to solidify a new power base for centralized government operations.

Fears that the US capital might be struck by another more deadly terrorist attack—or other disasters—prompted agencies a decade ago to hurriedly establish back-up operations in case catastrophe struck.

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