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Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue Groups Brace for Onslaught of Flood-Caused Pet Homelessness

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard called for all residents of threatened areas in Pierre and Fort Pierre to evacuate their homes by 8 p.m.

(PIERRE, S.D.) - Homeless animal Animal rescue experts are ready to take in pets projected to be affected by South Dakota flooding of the Missouri River this weekend.

Animal rescue organizations will rescue domestic animals affected by the floods and provide them with temporary shelter.

Read Full Article (May-19-2011 14:08)

Advancement of Science

I've tried to entice scientists to consider this magnetic field concept for thirty years before these magnetic field currents were even measured...

(SAN DIEGO) - Saturn and Enceladus In a March 9, 2006 NASA report, Dr. Carolyn Porco said: “We haven’t found water, per se.

We’ve almost reluctantly been driven to this conclusion because any other possibility just doesn’t make as much sense as a geyser.”

Read Full Article (May-16-2011 18:53)

Greenpeace Statement on TEPCO Admission of Full Meltdown and Reactor Core Breach at Fukushima-Daiichi Reactor 1

“TEPCO must immediately make public any other information about the state of the other reactors at Fukushima.”

(TOKYO Greenpeace) - Fukushima Greenpeace today criticised TEPCO and Japan for continuing to underplay the seriousness of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis.

This came after TEPCO admitting that a partial meltdown of the reactor 1 core at Fukushima occurred a mere five hours after the tragic earthquake and tsunami. A full meltdown came 16 hours later.

Read Full Article (May-16-2011 16:33)

Senate Bill S.940 re: Closing Big Oil Loopholes

As far as big oil is concerned, enough is too much...

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - oil rig The Senate is expected to vote this week on a bill to end some tax breaks for Oil Companies grossing over $1 billion.

The full content of this bill can be easily read in less than 10 minutes. Once you read it, you will see that it makes sense and does not punish Oil Companies for making a reasonable profit.

Read Full Article (May-13-2011 14:03)

Contributions Connected to the Five Oil Companies Testifying Before the Senate Finance Committee

Includes total contributions from Big Oil companies and employees to current legislators.

(BERKELEY, Calif.) - Oli well The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on Thursday titled "Oil and Gas Tax Incentives and Rising Energy Prices."

The Democratic-controlled Senate invited executives from BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon, and Shell to testify on the rise in gas prices. Combined, the five companies and their employees have contributed $6.3 million to current lawmakers since 2001.

Read Full Article (May-12-2011 23:07)

False Maritime Distress Calls Affect USCG, Taxpayers, and Mariners in Distress

The Coast Guard must remain vigilant and take all distress calls seriously.

(SEATTLE) - John W. Graham, 37, of Seattle, was indicted, Wednesday, by a federal grand jury for three counts of making false statements related to phony reports of a vessel in distress.

The U.S. Coast Guard says most distress calls at sea are legit; usually the callers are truly in distress. But some of those calls are suspected or found to be false distress calls or hoaxes.

Read Full Article (Apr-29-2011 19:39)

Recent Tornadoes Spur Strategies for Improving Disaster Prep

We can demand that the Congress of the United States gear up and at least pass an Disaster Preparation Enhancement Act.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Tornado Our country is clearly vulnerable to havoc. Those recent tornadoes that spun across the South, wiping out over 200 innocent lives and millions of dollars in structural damage certainly drives home that point.

Hibernate not--it's a powerful wake-up call!

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2011 01:19)

Stellar Slowdown: Stubborn Scientists Ignore Einstein`s Rule on Empiricism

Scientific community's dependence on empirical data halts promising theories; slows advancement of space comprehension.

(SAN DIEGO) - Einstein True scientific methodology requires the unbiased and unprejudiced evaluation of data and factual information.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2011 20:41)

Saturn`s Rings

Regardless of the scientific community's inability to latch on, there are very simple explanations to assimilate these bizarre features.

(SAN DIEGO) - Neon Saturn In a January 2010 television program titled “Essence in Science”, Dr. Robert Granetz created a wave in a ribbon of glowing plasma while demonstrating how a magnetic field contains the plasma in their nuclear fusion reactor experiments.

Then he showed a glowing fluorescent tube and said this was an example of plasma conducting electromagnetism.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2011 16:42)

Salem Vigil on Monday Set to Salute Japanese Resolve

This is the first-of-its-kind vigil held in Salem to address a major international catastrophe.

(SALEM, Ore.) - In 2010, the mayors of Kawagoe and Salem renew Sister-City contracts after 25 years Imagine celebrating courage in the face of horrendous tragedy. Salem is ready to take that leap.

It will be done in the form of a Peace Vigil this Monday, the 11th of April, marking one month since the tsunami struck the heartland of Japan.

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