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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Mar-05-2012 16:23)

Another Newborn Dies from Orthodox Circumcision Ritual

It’s common sense that placing your mouth on a fresh, opened wound is unhealthy for any baby, on any body part, let alone a newborn’s penis...?

(BROOKLYN, NY Babble) - So-called religious practices that kill babies have no place in society. In a truly horrifying story, a two-week old baby boy died in Brooklyn after contracting herpes through an Orthodox religious circumcision ritual.

The official cause of death recently released from the boy’s death last year has been ruled as “disseminated herpes simplex virus Type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction.”

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2012 13:32)

Sri Lanka Against Itself

Rajapaksa could have saved Sri Lanka the diplomatic energy now being expended.

(DELHI, India The Hindu) - Sri Lanka soldiers Sri Lanka is engaged in an all-out effort to stave off a resolution against it at the ongoing session of the United Nations Human Rights Council at Geneva.

The United States, the prime backer of the resolution, has circulated a draft among the Council's 47 members calling on Colombo to do nothing more than implement the recommendations of its own LLRC, and initiate credible investigations into violations of international human rights laws not addressed adequately by the LLRC.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2012 15:39)

Truth Jihad Radio is Baaa-aaack!

Includes new schedule...

(SUNDANCE, Wyoming) - Like a mythical terrorist the authorities keep killing and bringing back to life, the most subversive and uncompromising truth-terrorist radio show of our time - Truth Jihad Radio - is baaa-aaaack!

A huge thank-you to all of you who sent gifts or subscribed by way of the Website.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2012 14:50)

Gunmen executing people in the streets - Homs eyewitness

Western-backed rebels in Syria are gunning down Christians from rooftops...

(MOSCOW RT) - Members of the Free Syrian Army patrol an area in Qusayr People have been left without water or electricity as rebels destroy water pumps and power converters. Civilians are forced to stay inside as snipers shoot from the rooftops.

RT in Damascus managed to contact an eyewitness in Homs, who says gunmen are killing civilians in the streets. Galina says leaving home is out of the question, as snipers “can shoot you in the back.”

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2012 14:01)

Secular Humanist Jewish Circle Joins Society for Humanistic Judaism

Humanistic Jewish communities serve the “just Jewish,” secular, cultural and Humanistic Jews, Jewish atheists and agnostics, intermarried families, and the LGBT community.

(PHOENIX, AZ) - The Society for Humanistic Judaism The Society for Humanistic Judaism welcomes the Secular Humanist Jewish Circle (SHJC) in Tucson, Arizona, as its newest affiliated community.

Secular Humanist Jewish Circle is the first community dedicated to Humanistic Judaism to be organized in Tucson.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2012 13:16)

`Jesus Predicted Coming of Prophet Mohammed` in Bible Found in Turkey

Muslims claim the text, which many say is the Gospel of Barnabas, is an addition to the original gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

(DUBAI, UAE) - The text is said to contain Jesus’ prediction of the Prophet’s coming but was suppressed by the Christian Church for years for its strong resemblance to the Islamic view of Jesus. A 1,500-year-old Bible in which Jesus is believed to have foretold the coming of the Prophet Mohammed to Earth has attracted attention from the Vatican this week.

Pope Benedict XVI has reportedly requested to see the book, which has been hidden in Turkey for the last 12 years, according to the Daily Mail.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2012 22:40)

Guardian Crimes get `Cover` from Government Agencies

Someone goes to court and says you can't handle your affairs. There is no attempt made to prove this allegation and as a result, you lose all access to your money and cannot hire an attorney to get it back.

(PROGRESO, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico) - Government agencies pledged to provide oversight for those handling the affairs of the most vulnerable.

The degree of 'cover' provided those pledged to care for the elderly and infirm could be seen as providing absolute immunity for acts of criminal misconduct.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2012 21:02)

`From Misurata we came to free Syria!`
Homs in the Hell of Armed Groups

If you want to speak of "heroes" in Syria, then you should refer to all parties who are suffering, not only to the "heroes" recognized by the West ...

(ROME) - Homs under destruction Homs, now, is nothing but a sinister battlefield.

Government soldiers face armed groups which, according to independent witnesses about the true nature of the rebellion, are blindly firing cannon shots to sow terror and death, then pretending that only government forces are bombarding the city.

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 22:41)

Crimes of the One Percent Conference Update, Schedule, Facebook

Crimes of the 1% Conference, Saturday 17 March, London (Friends House, Euston Road).

(LONDON) - Crimes of the One Percent Conference Campaigners who say radical changes are required to curb the power of the top one percent are holding a conference in London on March 17.

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 22:10)

Impact of Male Circumcision on HIV Doubted

“Male circumcision is a dangerous distraction and a waste of scarce resources that should be used for known preventive measures (such as condoms which are 80 percent effective.” - Australian Journal of Law and Medicine

(BIRMINGHAM, WEST MIDLANDS, UK) - New doubts ... Men waiting to undergo circumcision MALE circumcision is a dangerous distraction in the fight against HIV/AIDS, researchers have warned.

Zimbabwe is among several countries that launched mass male circumcision campaigns in 2007 as an HIVAIDS preventive measure.

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