(Apr-22-2019 23:38)
Someone`s Child: My Addict as written by a Forever Broken Mom
Marianne Skolek-Perez Investigative Reporter
This speaks to every parent who has lost a loved one to the opioid/heroin epidemic, or is fighting for the life of a loved one
All day -- every day so many of these faces come over to me. We are losing a generation of beautiful, young people. Do you think it is time to stop idolizing the "wannabe rock star advocates" and work on prevention, education and treatment like your child's life depends on it? (Because it does)
Can a focus be put on "harm elimination" rather than "harm reduction?" Can the word "stigma" be unspoken and the word "outrage" be shouted that financial profit has overtaken saving human life?
Read Full Article (Apr-17-2019 14:21)
How to Take a Loan from Family without Risk to Lender or Borrower Business
Be wary, money often does not mix well with close friends & family.
(SALEM Ore.) -
Did you know that friends and family give away over $89 billion in loans annually in the U.S? The bank of family is the most popular source of business funding for startups or for a home purchase.
Over 38% of all new businesses rely on startup funds from family while 6% of home buyers use funds sourced from family.
Read Full Article (Apr-03-2019 17:46)
Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family were exposed in 2007. Why was it ignored?
Marianne Skolek-Perez Investigative Reporter
Why has it taken 12 years for attention to be given to Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers when I begged for it in 2007?
Consider how many lives could have been saved if those responsible for the prescription opioid epidemic had been charged under RICO. Why should they have been charged and what exactly is RICO? Here is a simplified definition for those not familiar.
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or
RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.
Read Full Article (Mar-28-2019 12:51)
The Legacy of Scott Gottlieb, MD, Commissioner of FDA: Watchdog or Lapdog?
Marianne Skolek-Perez Investigative Reporter
"the root cause of this epidemic is the FDA's illegal approval of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain."-Ed Thompson
After a stint of less than two years as Commissioner of the FDA, Scott Gottlieb, MD has announced his resignation to "spend more time with his family."
On February 24, CBS 60 Minutes aired a segment on the opioid epidemic featuring a high-ranking executive from the pharmaceutical industry, Ed Thompson. Thompson has many years experience in the industry and, in fact, produces opioids for pharma and bravely accused the FDA of opening the floodgates on the opioid epidemic.
Read Full Article (Mar-26-2019 13:08)
Attractive Businesswomen Viewed as Less Trustworthy Femmes Fatales
Stereotypes are alive and well. The study results were independent of the women’s role or industry.
(PULLMAN, Wash.) -
A Washington State University researcher says attractive businesswomen are considered less trustworthy, less truthful and more worthy of being fired than less attractive women.
This “femme fatale effect,” as she and a University of Colorado colleague call it, goes beyond a commonly accepted explanation that attractive women simply aren’t seen as fitting in traditionally masculine roles.
Read Full Article (Mar-25-2019 11:14)
On the New Zealand Killings
Ralph E. Stone,
Note- I have erased the names of terrorists.
On March 15, 2019, B***** T*******, an Australian, attacked two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 50 and wounding several others. He posted links on Facebook that connected to a live video of the massacre from a camera mounted on his body.
The video showed unspeakable slaughter as a gunman moved through the houses of worship, saying nothing, shooting as many people as he could.
Read Full Article (Mar-12-2019 22:13)
Native Oregonian Returns to Roots as First CEO of Oregon FFA
Dooley started his FFA career at Dayton High School, where he raised Holstein bottle calves, sheep, and hogs.
Shawn Dooley, a former Oregon FFA State Officer and American FFA Degree recipient, will serve as the first CEO of Oregon FFA. Dooley begins work on March 18 and will manage the Oregon FFA Association, Oregon FFA Foundation, and Oregon FFA Alumni—three entities that have previously operated independently but with parallel aims.
For his part, Dooley believes the CEO position allows him to return to his FFA roots and to his degree in agricultural education from OSU.
Read Full Article (Mar-08-2019 18:49)
Can We Divest from Weapons Dealers?
Kathy Kelly special to
Impoverished people living in numerous countries today would stand a far better chance of survival, and risk far less trauma, if weapon manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, and Raytheon stopped manufacturing and selling death-dealing products.
(PORTLAND, Ore.) -
Attending funerals for young people in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood, at the time one of the poorest in Chicago, I felt deep dismay over the profits that motivated gun runners who sold weapons to students, some of whom would be soon fatally wounded.
In the ensuing decades, larger, more ambitious weapon peddlers have engendered and prolonged fighting between warlords, within and beyond the United States.
Read Full Article (Mar-06-2019 21:40)
FDA Should Examine the Watchdog, Janet Woodcock, MD
Marianne Skolek-Perez Investigative Reporter
Janet Woodcock, MD's superiors may find her behavior a threat to the lives of Americans
Janet Woodcock, MD is the Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
CDER determines what drugs are safe and effective to improve the quality of life for people in the United States and is promoted as overseeing testing in clinical trials.
Read Full Article (Mar-04-2019 14:29)
Why Data Analysis is a Trending Career Business
Live exercises, interactive test cases and lifetime access to online libraries make this course unique
(SALEM, Ore.) -
For the past few years, big data across multi-variate sources have been processed to provide forecasts and gainful insights that can help enterprises in many areas.
Some areas where enterprises across all sectors and sizes have found immense help are in risk mitigation, customer-service, marketing strategies, and decision making.
Read Full Article