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Afghan `Buzkashi Boys` Makes It To Hollywood

Donations allowed the Afghan actors to attend the Academy Awards.

(LOS ANGELES) - Buzkashi Boys An Internet campaign paid for Afghan actors Fawad Mohammadi and Jawanmard Paiz to visit the Oscars.

The teenage stars of the Oscar-nominated short film "Buzkashi Boys" are here to attend the 85th annual Academy Awards.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2013 22:32)

Waging War Over Natural Gas

Tracing the money trail between the proposed Afghan pipeline and Keystone XL.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Taliban visit to Texas in 1997 Throughout the 1990's, major U.S. oil companies attempted to gain the rights to huge reserves of natural gas in Central Asia, mostly located in Kazakhstan.

In order to get the liquid natural gas from Kazakhstan, a pipeline needed to be constructed, and Unocal had the lead role. Enron was also directly involved. They proposed a 1,300 kilometre pipeline that would span from the Caspian Sea to the Arabian Sea.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2013 22:54)

High-Ranking Pakistani Taliban Leader Arrested in Afghanistan

Faqir reportedly led the Taliban in Bajaur for years...

(KABUL Khaama Press) - Maulavi Faqir, the former second-in-command of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) According to reports a high-ranking Pakistan Taliban leader has been arrested by Afghan security forces in eastern Nangarhar province.

Maulavi Faqir, the former second-in-command of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was arrested along with four other suspected militants while he was trying to enter Pakistan’s Tirah Valley from eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2013 22:43)

Heavy Clashes Reported in Daikundi Province of Afghanistan

Daikundi province is among the peaceful provinces of Afghanistan however the province is neighboring volatile southern Helmand province...

(KABUL Khaama Press) - Daikundi province of Afghanistan According to local authorities in Daikundi province of Afghanistan heavy clashes took place between Afghan security forces and militants on Monday morning in Kajran district.

The officials further added the clashes started early Monday morning and is still continuing.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2013 13:45)

Agron Belica Interviews Jay R. Crook PhD About Afghanistan

A visual exploration of Afghanistan in decades past.

(BOSTON) - Afghanistan research of Dr. Jay R. Crook Recently one of our associate journalists, Agron Belica, conducted an interview with Dr. Jay R. Crook via Skype.

The subject was Afghanistan which Dr. Crook had visited several times while living and working in Iran from 1964 to 1980.

Read Full Article (Feb-12-2013 11:07)

Infantry Deaths: Pres. Truman`s Atomic Bombs and Pres. Obama`s Drones

The bomb and drones both save infantry lives.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Atomic bomb and drone After barely surviving General Patton's Army in WWII, I and my infantry division was scheduled to attack Japan where infantry deaths were predicted to be about one million as the Japanese were going to attack troop transports with kamikaze suicide pilots.

We infantry couldn't possibly survive that. President Truman probably saved a million infantry lives.

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2013 22:11)

The American Manifest Destiny

Ultimate moral abandonment does not separate a man or woman mentally, emotionally, from unlawful acts when they, obeying orders, kill.

(LONDON) - American drone nightmare Americans and their European poodles coiffeured red white and blue in American power salons are unlawfully targeting, and killing from afar, suspected militants innocent bystanders, and helpers, labelled “collateral damage,” whilst avoiding more politically toxic body bags containing returning American “heroes” to military bases and more lachrymose wailing from American politicians.

Today, this day, men and women with “games console mentality” can kill your brothers and sisters and mine, by pressing a button caressed by their dutiful hands in America, for a drone strike against suspected militants and thereby international law...

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2013 20:29)

The A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance 2013

Includes overview of Afghanistan’s government.

(KABUL) - Kabul, Afghanistan hillside Eleventh edition and still going strong. The 2013 version of the annual “A to Z Guide” is now available.

The goal is to enhance understanding of the actors, structures and government processes related to aid and reconstruction efforts.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2013 20:06)

8 NATO Service Members Died in Afghanistan Last Month

Casualties of the insurgent groups have also dropped.

(KABUL Xinhua) - Logo for ISAF, International Security Assistance Forces in Afghanistan. Up to eight soldiers with the NATO- led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) had been killed in Afghan war in January this year, the lowest casualty in a month over the past four years.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2013 19:03)

Afghanistan Continues Iran Oil Purchase Despite US Pressure

Washington has called on the Afghan government and other allies to take the US sanctions on Iran’s oil sector seriously.

(KABUL Press TV) - US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland Afghanistan says it will continue to purchase oil from Iran despite the US pressure on Kabul to stop oil deals with Tehran.

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