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Salem-News.Com News articles for November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012, 11:01 pm A Few Notes on the Violation of Muslims Rights in Myanmar
November 1, 2012, 10:43 pm The Long Arc of History Bends Towards Justice
November 1, 2012, 9:49 pm Fear and Insecurity are Kagame's Principal Weapons
November 1, 2012, 8:43 pm Fooling Delhi and the Tamils for the Umpteenth Time
November 1, 2012, 5:53 pm British Ex-Envoy Told The Truth (for a change)
November 1, 2012, 5:44 pm 'Don't Let Them Evict Us'
November 1, 2012, 5:03 pm FNS: Please Support Border Journalism Today
November 1, 2012, 4:23 pm Bahrain Delegation to Visit Gaza
November 1, 2012, 2:00 pm Rohingya People are Paying Rakhine Buddhists to Stay Alive
November 1, 2012, 1:18 pm Ethnic Cleansing in Myanmar
November 1, 2012, 1:01 pm Zionists Against WSF Free Palestine
November 1, 2012, 12:53 pm No Hurricane Warning for What Could Be the Most Expensive Storm in History
November 1, 2012, 12:34 pm Kazakhstan: Risk of Criminal Prosecution of Human Rights Defender Mr Alexander Osadchenko
November 1, 2012, 12:33 pm FaceBook, Mordechai Vanunu: Wrapping it up and Moving On
November 1, 2012, 11:37 am Clashes or Ethnic Cleansing?
November 1, 2012, 10:54 am Uzbekistan: Arrest of Human Rights Defender Uktam Pardayev
November 1, 2012, 10:15 am Memorandum: Urgent Intervention to Stop Ethnic Minority Rohingyas in Arakan State of Myanmar
November 1, 2012, 10:00 am Myanmar Minorities Fight to Save Mother Tongue
November 1, 2012, 9:55 am Salehi Calls for Respecting Muslims' Rights in Myanmar
November 1, 2012, 9:51 am Myanmar Unrest Could Develop into 'Terrorism' Govt
November 1, 2012, 3:09 am Myanmar: Rohingya Genocide Witness Blames People, Not Buddhism
November 1, 2012, 2:17 am Peace or Perpetual Struggle in the Holy Land?
November 1, 2012, 12:50 am Global Day of Action
November 1, 2012, 12:39 am Philadelphia Site of Proposed Tun Tavern Reproduction
November 1, 2012, 12:13 am SANDY'S LANDFALL--a negative legacy
Articles for October 31, 2012 | Articles for November 2, 2012