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Mar-22-2012 18:51printcomments

Over Complicating Our Electronic Universe

Electricity is generated simply by forcing the magnetic field current of the rotor through the magnetic field of the stator.

Rube Goldberg cartoon

(SAN DIEGO) - You know Rube Goldberg became famous for constructing clever but ridiculous mechanisms using balls, mouse traps, strings, mallets and other items to perform a simple task that could be done directly in just a few seconds.

Similarly, the scientists seem to be having a contest to see who can concoct the most preposterous, complex and convoluted theory to explain the many mysteries of the universe.

Rube Goldberg’s contraptions always worked but as you can see the theories the scientists have devised have failed to explain many of the mysteries remaining in the universe.

This paragraph is from page 1 of the Feb. 17, 2012 e-mail I received from Vivian Robinson:

One of the major problems facing modern physics is that their ‘standard model’ for the formation and structure of sub atomic particles is beginning to unravel. Put bluntly, the standard model theoreticians for the structure of the universe say that the observable universe represents only 4 % of their universe; with another 24% being dark matter that causes the galaxies to rotate in a manner inconsistent with gravity acting upon the observed mass; and dark energy blowing the universe apart at an ever increasing rate, based upon anomalous SNe1 a intensities and the observed distribution of galaxies, constituting the remaining 72%. Of that 4% detected matter, most of it is baryonic, i.e., made up of protons and neutrons. The ‘standard model’ fails here because the quarks and gluons the ‘standard model’ practitioners insist is components within them have never been independently detected, they cover this by developing a theory as to why they can’t be independently detected. They know very little about the electron but have been able to manipulate it so well that we have this marvelous modern technological world of great benefits. This is now unraveling because they appear now unable to find the Higgs Boson, responsible for giving everything mass. In other words, ‘standard model’ theoreticians are unable to give a satisfactory explanation for the edges of the universe, the smallest structures of sub nuclear particles and the largest structures of galaxies and the universe as a whole. Scientific censorship through editors ‘maintaining scientific standards’ prevents alternative views from appearing in mainstream literature, even if the paper give a perfectly plausible explanation for dark energy, the 72% of the universe that astronomers can’t find.

Vivian Robinson also stated on page 2 of the Jan. 30, 2012 e-mail I received from him:

Intense magnetic fields are only ever created by the intense flow of charged particles, be they electrons or ions. Sunspots radiate charged particles. Because they are moving they create a magnetic field. The magnetic field is influenced by the Sun’s magnetic field and by the magnetic field created by other charged particles also moving away from the Sun. Thus you often see the charged particles following curved trajectories that look like magnetic field lines. Moving charge generates magnetic fields, which in turn influence moving charge. They are intertwined. However it must always be the moving charge that generates the magnetic field that influences the moving charge.

Actually, the reason these charged particles follow “curved trajectories that look like magnetic field lines” is because it is the magnetic field current flow that ionizes the charged particles.

In “The Electric Universe” article, it refers to concocting a 5th state of matter and states:

Three of them: solidus, liquidus and gaseous states of matter are known since millennia. This paper shows that the fourth (plasma) state of matter is not clear, however. Plasma should cause not only the understood pressure of the stars but also the ejection, form, energy of filaments. However, nobody understands that the strongest jets are ejected at gravity of the heaviest black holes. Attraction cannot cause repulsion. The solution is the introduction of a new concept: the fifth state of matter. This shows the electric origin, form, energy of the solar and almost all filaments and jets. Bodies in the plasma state of matter consist of particles which move thermally i.e. in zigzag. Therefore, the thermal laws of physics are valid. However, bodies in this fifth state of matter e.g. as the solar corona consist of particles which move non-thermally i.e. parallel to each other. Therefore the thermal laws of physics are not valid. For example the solar corona radiates no heat only cold light like fluorescent lamps. Its iron ions are made electrically, not thermally. In Bose-Einstein Condensate matter has almost zero energy. This state of matter should get the name: zeroth state of matter instead of “fifth state of matter.

Again, electricity is generated simply by forcing the magnetic field current of the rotor through the magnetic field of the stator. Only this magnetic field pulsating back and forth 60 times per second is the only energy flowing through an electric wire that produces the swirling magnetic field around the wire, always clockwise, when viewing with the direction of flow of the primary current.

While this magnetic field current flow will ionize atoms of gases and particles, it is still only a magnetic field current flow through the wire that produces the swirling magnetic field around the wire. Nature has many moons, planets and stars with magnetic fields traveling through other magnetic field currents in the universe at very high velocity.

This is exactly how electricity is generated by the utility company. The magnetic field current flowing at high speed is what gives particles its mass, not the Higgs Boson. And it is the repelling characteristic of magnetic field currents of like polarity that ejects the strongest jets from the heaviest black holes, not gravity or the introduction of the fifth state of matter.

And it is the swirling magnetic field around the primary core of a black hole that stimulates the gases around a black hole to a glowing state of visibility the same as the glow of a fluorescent tube or a sodium lamp. And it is this same swirling magnetic field that causes the gases in the accretion disk to glow, not particles reflecting sunlight. It is the same with comets, the auroras, the rings of Saturn, the plumes of Enceladus, the “volcanoes” of Io, the great red spot of Jupiter, and many other similar glows that cannot be explained by the incredibly complex and convoluted “generally accepted beliefs” of the scientists.

In other words, all that is necessary is using common sense and recognizing the incredible characteristics of magnetic field current, not new concoctions. We use coils to feed a weak current through many outer windings to produce a powerful flow of energy through the core of the coil exactly like the jet from a black hole.

NASA has reported hundreds of interesting photos, video and recorded scientific data since they began their space probe program over 30 years ago. Unfortunately, while these reports are interesting, they did not receive the interest of the scientists they deserved. For instance, the probes designed to gain an insight into the “mechanics” of how the auroras, comets, black holes, the plumes of Enceladus, the volcanoes of Io and the rings of Saturn have all detected an abnormal intensity and activity of magnetic field current in the vicinity.

Not one particle has been collected from any of them to analyze in order to determine how they are creating the glow of these phenomena. Yet, the scientists continue to persist in their belief that it is particles reflecting sunlight that produces these often fascinating and “dancing” anomalies.

Even after the very clearly visible video and comments by scientists that the solar flares, the most powerful explosions in the solar system, are caused by magnetic field energy, in a March 19, 2012 article the scientists continue to express their belief in the “Solar Dynamo” in which “The turbulent plasma in the interior of the Sun that generates the magnetic field.”

The magnetic fields of all of the planets, moons, stars and the Sun are created simply by the accumulation of an incredible volume of atoms with their accompanying electrons producing an encompassing magnetic field around all of these electrons. This can be proven by putting many magnets together in a cluster. It will immediately form a magnetic field around the entire mass.

Certainly, every atom does not have turbulent plasma creating the magnetic field surrounding the nucleus. And, if you put thousands of small iron magnets in a cluster, it does not generate turbulent plasma to create the totally encompassing magnetic field surrounding the cluster. Why should it be so difficult to understand how the immense accumulation of atoms in the total mass of the Sun will produce a totally encompassing magnetic field around the mass without the necessity of the turbulent plasma belief?

While the magnetic field of each atom is extremely weak, the immense volume of atoms 1 million times larger than the Earth will certainly create a magnetic field of awesome power. The moon has a magnetic field but certainly does not have a turbulent plasma core. The Earth is much larger than the moon and has a stronger magnetic field and does have areas of internal molten lava. And the magnetic field of the Earth creates the awesome static electricity discharge of lightning.

The lightning does not create the Earth’s magnetic field.

If the magnetic field intensity is related to size and the moon does not have a turbulent plasma core, isn’t it more likely that the cause is simply the accumulated mass that creates the magnetic field intensity that creates the molten core via the resistance of the magnetic fields? Or is it sensible to continue believing that it is the turbulent plasma that creates the magnetic field?


Edsel Chromie is a Detroit Michigan native who moved to San Diego in 1965. Edsel is a World War Two Navy veteran who served as a motor machinists mate on diesel electric systems where he learned about the magnetic field current swirling around the primary current flow through a wire as a part of Navy training to trace the direction of flow of the electricity in case of torpedo damage.

This led to Edsel's unique explanations of many phenomena of the universe. He also has four approved patents on solar energy and Sun tracking systems. Today Edsel writes about this unique set of life experiences for, conveying information that seems especially relevant as nuclear disaster, potential changes in the earth's atmosphere, and what many view as an increasing level of natural disasters continue to dominate headlines. Perhaps many of the answers are on hand, yet unaccepted by the scientific community. You can write to Ed Chromie at this address:

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