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Mar-10-2009 18:50 ![]() ![]() Salem-News Article on Socialism Leads to Drive Time Interview on LA Radio StationTim King Salem-News.comThe interview with KPFK 90.7 FM's Sonali Kolhatkar aired in Los Angeles and on 14 other NPR stations.
(SALEM, Ore.) - Barack Obama is under a constant siege of accusations over bringing Socialist policies into the fold of U.S. politics. What Socialism exactly is however, remains a mystery for most Americans. That ignorance is largely owed to mainstream media; a group that has lowered the bar considerably when it comes to selecting which controversy to cover. The biggest purveyor of ignorance however, is the divisive media pundit like Rush Limbaugh; a man who has disclosed publicly that he actually hopes the United States fails under the President's Stimulus Plan. He has pressed non stop in his ongoing quest to brand and tarnish any ideas Obama brings forth. These highly-paid pundits are equating the notion of socialism; which we already have in terms of public response agencies and Social Security as the largest example, with the murderous years of the Soviet Union. When examining facts, this ideas seems ridiculous. Several European nations and Canada have successfully implemented aspects of Socialism over continuing, long-term periods, with great success. This is being completely overlooked of course by people like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Riley who remain intent on magnifying any flaws they perceive in the new U.S. president. They make deplorable and erroneous remarks about the success of Socialized healthcare with the now notorious GOP approach of lying vigorously over extended periods of time; knowing that their followers will climb onboard eventually - once worn down by fear tactics and paranoia. An article that was published on March 9, 2009 about Barack Obama and Socialism, quickly found its way into the news aggregators like Google and almost immediately the story being pounded by comments and a steady flow of email to our newsroom. The story caught the eye of KPFK 90.7 FM's Sonali Kolhatkar in Los Angeles, host and lead producer of Uprising. The program emphasizes connecting global issues with local ones. Simply informing listeners of the problems in the world and our communities is not enough - we hope to motivate our listeners to take an active role in their communities. (see the article: Accusations of Socialism Against Barack Obama - Tim King Here is the radio appearance from this morning in two parts: Part I Get the Flash Player to see this player. Part II Get the Flash Player to see this player. Uprising airs daily on KPFK, Pacifica in Southern California from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on weekdays, Pacific Standard Time (If you live outside the Southern California area, you can listen to Uprising live every day online.) Sonali Kolhatkar is a 27-year old software engineer from Caltech, with a background in Astrophysics. She decided to make a career change, tried out for a position as host and producer for KPFK’s Morning Show, a two hour daily public affairs program. Today she hosts and produces Uprising every weekday morning. Sonali had long been an activist on the side, speaking out on issues such as women’s rights and US foreign policy in Afghanistan and is one of the founders and the co-director of Afghan Women’s Mission. As a reporter who has covered the war in Afghanistan and the tragic plight of the people there, I can not overemphasize how important the efforts of Sonali's group are. The people of Afghanistan are in dire need of so many things and our military efforts there are contingent on winning the hearts and minds of these people. It is imperative that the mission of the Coalition always remains humanitarian. This means not just building roads; it means food supplies and medical access. People's needs must be addressed. Afghanistan has been at war continuously for thirty years. These articles are on-the-ground reports that I filed from Afghanistan. They tell a lot about the conditions people there are living under: Oregon Soldiers Give Aid to Remote Afghanistan Village (VIDEO) - Tim King Independence Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan Opens with Many Needs (VIDEO) - Tim King, To learn more about Uprising, please visit: STATIONS AIRING UPRISING ![]() Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 in Afghanistan with Oregon troops. Tim recently returned from Iraq where he covered the war there while embedded with an Oregon Guard aviation unit. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website, affiliated with Google News and several other major search engines and news aggregators. You can send Tim an email at this address: Articles for March 9, 2009 | Articles for March 10, 2009 | Articles for March 11, 2009 | ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html Support Quick Links
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Harlan Drysacker of December 30, 2009 8:49 am (Pacific time)
Hi folks, I don't think the term "PBS" is correct here. "Pacifica Radio" is correct. Thanks, Harlan Dec-30-2009 02:29 Top Comments: The Stories on That Really Got People Talking Tim King The stories that received the highest number of visitor comments in 2009 on ".......the eye of KPFK 90.7 FM's Sonali Kolhatkar in Los Angeles, host and lead producer of the PBS radio program Uprising......."
Dennis Jette March 17, 2009 12:36 pm (Pacific time)
To clarify the political reality for any Obama appointment, they have all the votes they need to pass and become seated for their appointment, for any appointment. So after three pulled out for Asst. Sec. of Treasury, then I have to assume that we have a judgement issue. This is not one or two, but three pulling out after filling out an extensive questionaire (which has been publically posted as to information content requests), being interviewed where they accept the appointment and that becomes public record, but they still pull out even though they have the votes needed to be seated. Anyone have other guesses on why this is happening?
Henry Ruark March 17, 2009 8:38 am (Pacific time)
S-Jesus: Yours appreciated, sir, but for me you seem to overlook the necessity that the conservatives so set on class warfare are in any way either capable or at all seeking the Jesus-Way. If they cannot recognize the necessities for freedom, honor, and ethical treatment for all, then why would they have any concern whatsoever about applying war-rules to all possible connections with all possible others ? Does not our national experience --ever since Reagan played role as President-- surely so demonstrate the will to win politically by any means, any cost, any consequence to opponent OR to the nation ? Probing review ever since by ever-increasing consensus of historians and social and also economic authorities has built strong evidence of close tie to current consequences on the world level starting with his noconnery, so recognized by Budget Director Stockman early in '81. That is now acknowledged by others, so illuminated in his chosen biog. DUTCH, and other key references. That my be worth your full consideration, sir, in light of renewed similar full-attack on Obama administration, by those who refuse to learn from history or any other way.
Henry Ruark March 17, 2009 8:27 am (Pacific time)
Dennis: You wrote: "the same judgement was used in selecting them for the appointment." Probably true --but what you overlook is current very critical tightening of the rules by those doing the accepting --Congress-- due to special emphasis politically motivated to hamper, delay, deny and if possible defeat the was yours, for same reasons. SO perhaps rules need some tightening even in your alleged "transparent" process, right ? Note lower-case "r" ! Old edit-habit: Judgment spelled without middle-e... forgive me, happens allatime.
Sweet Jesus March 16, 2009 12:05 pm (Pacific time)
Is AIG's robbing of the txpayer an exaple of the War between classes? If AIG had the money for bonuses why did take 170B in bailout loot needed to keep afloat? If this is the WAR you so badly want, it was begun by corporate greed and crooks who violate the poor to benefit the super rich. Conservatives should go with Jesus on this one, not crooks
Editor: Jesus, thanks for shining your light!
Dennis March 16, 2009 11:53 am (Pacific time)
I say the process was transparent in that the nation saw 3 Treasury Department appointment candidates, who were vetted, pull out before their Q and A with congress. One can assume different reasons why they pulled out, but one thing would be applicable to all three: the same judgement was used in selecting them for the appointment.
Henry Ruark March 16, 2009 8:34 am (Pacific time)
Starsky: Thank you for that sharp insight...which may do much more for the "transparent" process involved than ten times the clamor and consternation expressed by our so-called "conservative" friends here, seeking malign negative impact on President O via something over which he had no control.
Starsky March 15, 2009 11:34 am (Pacific time)
I see a silver-lining to these cabinet appointment delays. So far President Obama has collected over $150,000 in back taxes for America, including back taxes and penalties from the individual who oversees the IRS, now that is ironic, but true.
Henry Ruark March 15, 2009 6:16 pm (Pacific time)
DJ: You wrote: "It is what it is, a publically transparent process." Unfortunately that merely reflects still further lack of reality; the process occurs only when the rest of the work (and the rest of the story, too !! as reporters learn rapidly) has already occurred. In this and all other Congressional (and many Legislature) sessions for some decades, what always happens NON-transparently willalways far outweigh what is permitted to surface for citizens to see and know as easily as they should...for many complex reasons, not only from politics played by campaign contribution power through the msmedia/brdcst failures we all know too well. Re ref. to Un and Mis with Stiglitz, not meant personally but to emphasize value of the powerful way in which he does present the realities we must now realize, accept, and work in concert to remedy --else we will suffer consequences of desperate danger to our now-tattered democratic republic.
DJ March 15, 2009 7:47 am (Pacific time)
Maybe I should not have used the word "professional", possibly "competent" would be a more acceptable description? I must admit I am troubled by the fact that the last three individuals appointed as Asst. Sec. Of Treasury have pulled out. Would you not think that a vetting process, along with a competent interview before they were publically announced to hold those positions would have taken place? Three out of three in sequence pulling out is not something I have heard of before for an assistant to a cabinet postion. It also seems that many of those who have been appointed have had tax liability and other problems. I still hold out hope that number #4 will be a lock, but the position does require a public "Q and A" process by congress, that's why I wonder what is going on with their vetting process. It is true I may be uninformed and misinformed, but that is not relevant or applicable to this situation. It is what it is, a publically transparent process.
Henry Ruark March 14, 2009 6:35 pm (Pacific time)
DJ: By "professional" you cannot mean anyone but those who brought us to this very dangerous pass. Surely you, too, as common sense person, must seek very transformative change, from whatever source ? Cabinet appointment problems surely not unique to O, nor in any way meaningful here except to denigrate a uniquely difficult situation. For open, honest plan to cope, by Nobel winner economist Stiglitz, following Obama pattern and adding his own insights, see NATION in current issue. Until, unless you have read, you are UNinformed, if not MISinformed or malignly misled.
Dennis Jette March 14, 2009 11:16 am (Pacific time)
I certainly agree that when each president enters into office they all have their unique set of circumstances to deal with. Plus the fact that they all inherit the good and the bad from the previous administrations. Unfortuanely the majority of the public generally deals with the "here and now", so they can be very impatient if things remain sour. Fair? No it isn't. Hopefully Obama can get more staff into the Treasury Department, as of this last week, three who were appointed as Assistant Sec. of Treasury have pulled out. We need more professional input in dealing with the current financial crisis.
Henry Ruark March 14, 2009 7:46 am (Pacific time)
To all:
You may find it intriguing, as I did, that three national major "opinion" publications each carry major reports on "socialism","collapse of capitalism", and impacts on the Obama Presidency, in their current issues.
NOT listing titles here since too long, involved; see esp. Stiglitz in NATION, repeating Reagan-beginnings of current world economic crisis.
We will report on summary of all these sources soon, via Op Ed or special content.
Henry Ruark March 13, 2009 12:38 pm (Pacific time)
DJ et al: Comparison of President O's numbers vs past prexies is entirely meaningless since the overall problem situation is far different, more difficult, more demanding. He is faced with changes in the world few Americans ever even begin to notice yet, but they will ! --and regret both their UNinformed and malignly MISinformed status when it comes home to these millions what has truly been done to our nation and its "fledgling" democracy...
Dennis Jette March 13, 2009 11:27 am (Pacific time)
Glen, Obama's high popularity rating is below past presidents for the same time period in office. Opinions can change fast, especially for various groups who feel slighted. Obama's poll numbers are trending lower, of course this might change if economic news gets better. You think that will happen anytime soon? Americans, unfortunately are impatient, self-interested and quick to look for a scapegoat.
Henry Ruark March 13, 2009 10:50 am (Pacific time)
To all: For any who still do not undrstand the cataclysmic changes underway in our world, reflected everywhere via money and its impacts via "managed capitalism" in crisis, the single Introduction chapter of this reference will serve as basic anchor for cogitation and appreciation, sure to shape your ref. and response to all else. See: "The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World";Niall Ferguson; Penguin 2008;ISBN 978-1-59420-192-9
Glen March 12, 2009 6:19 am (Pacific time)
Stephen and ChrisJones: For civil war you have to have a sizable opposition. Obama's high popularity rating doesn't support the notion of the people's willingness to revolt. Any small group proposing violence to express their political opposition to the current government should leave their name and number with the local FBI office. They'll be interested.
Henry Ruark March 11, 2009 6:56 pm (Pacific time)
To all: From last Chris comment, only fair to ask if he now serves the separatist cause rather than the nation to which all the rest of us belong. Last time I checked, the Nov. 4 election had chosen Obama, Constitutionally and by considerable margin both by electoral and popular vote. I suggest that his revolutionary fervor, if it can be so described favorably, might be better directed to strong efforts to assist rather than sabotage the radical changes most of us know we really need...with his intensities a sure sample. OR do some really prefer, all over again, a Civil War solving nothing, costing even more billions and even more millions of dead, wounded, and decimated ? Silly, misinformed and/or malignly directed dialog can and has lead to precisely that kind of outcome in our past history. Which side are YOU on, in this rational, reasonable and very direct challenge to such inanities in a civil, social, democratic --and honest--channel ???
ChrisJones March 11, 2009 1:16 pm (Pacific time)
I think it is readily obvious to all at this point that the government has become the enemy of freedom. The question everyone is going to have to ask themselves is this--Which side do you stand on? This tyrannical renegade government, or will you stand on the side of Liberty, with the people?
ChrisJones March 11, 2009 1:08 am (Pacific time)
Republicans are only small government and free market when democrats are in power and democrats are only anti-war when republicans are in power. And around and around we go, and it only gets worse and worse for us, the cattle, as the elites call the common people. (which is everyone who isn't a billionaire or political elite)
ChrisJones March 10, 2009 11:55 pm (Pacific time)
You gotta love chavez at times, the little devil...this guy used to crack me up when he was clownin bush, but this had me otglmao, he really let the cat out of the bag--Chavez Tells Obama He Should Follow Venezuela’s Socialist Path ---By Daniel Cancel March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez comments on U.S. President Barack Obama and the state of the U.S. economy. He made the remarks today on Venezuelan state television. “It’s regrettable the crisis that the U.S. is living through. Millions of workers are being left in the street, thousands of companies are closing, in the U.S. there isn’t a single new infrastructure project. Go look for a highway there, the country has gone bust.” “Now President Obama arrived with some announcements, hopefully, but the capitalist model and its perverse values have failed.” “I recommend to Obama -- they’re criticizing him because they say he’s moving towards socialism -- come Obama, ally with us on the path to socialism, it’s the only road.” “Imagine a socialist revolution in the U.S. Nothing is impossible.” To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Cancel in Caracas at
stephen March 10, 2009 7:13 pm (Pacific time)
I have come to the conclusion that the "obama is socialist" is nothing but a distraction. It has nothing to do in regards to what is going on. Civil war in the U.S. will happen, and how it turns out afterwards will be for the time then. IF there is an afterwards.
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