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Jun-25-2009 04:00 ![]() ![]() Joshua Nordman: Victim or Criminal?Daniel Johnson Salem-News.comIf Nordman had had some economic lifeboat so he and his family could continue to live (not just survive) with dignity and decency, the idea of robbing a bank would surely never have entered his thoughts.
(CALGARY, Alberta) - On the morning of June 23, 2009, Joshua Nordman walked into the Willamina branch of Bank of America, handed the teller a “threatening” note and walked away with an undisclosed amount of cash. (see: Yamhill Deputies Arrest Willamina Bank Robbery Suspect - Salem-News.com) He apparently made no attempt to hide his identity from the security cameras and was apprehended without incident a little more than two hours later at his home. Under our system of law, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty, but in this case, I doubt that anyone would dispute the facts as just presented. Joshua Nordman is a married father of four who lost his job last week and who, for an unknown reason, was unable to admit this to his wife, Tammy. She wrote to Salem-News.com: “That man in those photos to me is a man who loved his family so much that he didn't have the courage to tell us that he lost his job, so he lost himself and did a stupid thing.” He is “someone who just had a breaking point.” I don’t know Joshua or anything else about him other than what I’ve read in the news stories but Tammy told us: “He is one of the best fathers I have ever seen, I was so proud that my kids had him for a father.” Did he really commit a crime? I don’t believe he did, at least not the one he is charged with. He terrified the teller, no doubt, and for that our thoughts must go out to that otherwise innocent person. If it was up to me, I would require him to somehow make amends to her. After all, he gave the money back which is, I suggest, the least relevant issue in this whole story. American society under indictment There are two fundamental approaches to the meaning of this story. Conservative law professor John O. McGinnis once wrote in The National Review that “The depiction of our species that is emerging from Darwinism—as composed of individuals who are basically self-interested yet capable of altruism toward family and friends; who are unequal in their abilities yet remarkably similar in their aspirations—comports with fundamental premises of conservative thought.” To conservatives, man is an animal who has not risen above his animal nature and that, for survival, it’s every man for himself! This, in my view, is an indictment of the American people who have been brainwashed into allowing such an anti-human attitude to dominate their social life. As film maker Michael Moore said: “We're plagued with an every-man-for-himself attitude. That attitude may have been good in helping us build this country and helping us become the innovators that we are. But we won't make it through the 21st century intact as a great country if we don't adopt a different ethos that says we're all in the same boat. We sink or swim together. We have to help each other.” (It’s not a great deal better up here in Canada.) Some do have a larger perspective. When she was at the International Space Station last February, astronaut Sandra Magnus said in an interview: “Up here I've seen the world from a different viewpoint. I see it as a whole system, I don't see it as a group of individual people or individual countries. We are one huge group of people and we're all in it together.” WAKE UP, AMERICA! Who owns the earth? The 13th century Roman Catholic, Saint Thomas Aquinas argued in Summa Theologica that private property is a public trust. “Whatever some people possess in superabundance is due by natural law to the purpose of succoring the poor” concluding that “if there is no other remedy it is lawful for a man to succor his own need by means of another’s property by taking it either openly or secretly.” Although Nordman has almost surely never heard of Aquinas’ argument, I argue that there is a cosmic law that overrides the limitations of what comes out of our heads and onto the statute books. We are all part of the cosmic web of life and this idea of every man for himself is a concept of Social Darwinism which is simply an extension of the Victorian ethos of the nineteenth century, so horrifically described by Charles Dickens. For those who still believe that man is still stuck in the mud of the earth—I leave to their sterile and barren thoughts. The Bank of America The Bank of America is a multi-billion dollar corporation (2008 revenues: $119 billion, profit $15 billion). The key word is corporation which, in law is a fictitious person. Who owns the Bank of America? Nobody, it turns out. As a corporation it is a limited liability entity with no one responsible for the corporation’s actions. The B of A has many shareholders, but they have no responsibility for anything. All they do is what Gordon Gekko said in the 1987 movie Wall Street: “I create nothing. I own.” So, in a moral sense, Nordman didn’t steal from anyone. I would never try to convince a judge with any of these arguments, but they set us up to look at the system from a different perspective. I don’t dispute that there are legitimate investments and shareholders. Take Salem-News.com as an example. It started as an idea in the heads of one or more people. It requires the existence of some capital to establish and operate but it is in the process of creating something new in society. The mammoth corporations of America are far beyond this limitation. There are individuals who just buy and sell shares in these companies. The richest 400 people in America have combined assets of about $1.5 trillion. But, remarked business critic Ferdinand Lundberg more than 40 years ago: “Today, the biggest money rewards in the American system come from simply sitting and listening to the reading of a will, which can scarcely be construed as a social contribution. Intellectually, it looks medieval.” It’s even more medieval in 2009. I once wrote a book (never published) called The Milk and Cream Theory of Economics. The theory, simply put, is that there are economic cycles and through each cycle the workers get the milk to survive, but the elites siphon off the “cream”. A simplistic, but accurate theory. In 2008 the Fortune 500 companies had total sales/revenues of more than $10 trillion and profits (after taxes) of nearly $650 billion. This latter amount, the cream, goes to the shareholders. Most importantly, none of this money goes into the commonweal to make the nation and world, better for everyone. The rich keep it for themselves. The workers, the disenfranchised, create this wealth. We work to live, not live to work Joshua Nordman had a job and, being in jail notwithstanding, now he doesn’t. He is what I call one of the “economic dead”; one of many such millions in today’s society. As long as a corporation needs a worker, he has a job. BUT when downsizing and offshoring occur the worker is economically murdered. I cannot stress this point strongly enough. It is at then that the worker is cut loose to survive on his own. There is no adequate safety net for workers who are left to twist in the wind. How is a worker to survive until jobs come back? The corporation takes no interest or responsibility. This is where the immorality of the corporate system appears. The corporation takes when it is of advantage to itself and, when it is not, it does not give back. It leaves it to the rest of society, you and me (it’s no different here in Canada) to give the economically dead a subsistence existence. Think of the last great economic dislocation of the 1930s. No longer needed, the excess workers were cast off to ride the rails and beg at the back doors of houses. If Nordman had had some economic lifeboat so he and his family could continue to live (not just survive) with dignity and decency, the idea of robbing a bank would surely never have entered his thoughts. Work should always pay more than idleness but in situations of enforced idleness, the living standard should not depend on food banks and charity. Joshua Nordman is a victim, broken by an inhuman system, not a criminal. Wake up, America. You have created for yourselves a shallow, materialistic, money-grubbing society. There’s nothing great about America beyond its military might—and what some individual Americans do. America is a country about which you can say you love the people, but hate the country. Also see: Crime and Punishment - Daniel Johnson Salem-News.com Yamhill Deputies Arrest Willamina Bank Robbery Suspect - Salem-News.com =========================================================
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Joshua nordman (different josh) November 16, 2012 1:02 pm (Pacific time)
God bless man, hope you in there long bro! it aint fun.
his girlfriend February 14, 2011 1:49 pm (Pacific time)
All u people who says stupid crap on here get a life. For one josh takes good care of his kids I would kno Im his girlfriend we have a beautiful daughter. I'm with him all the time u have never done drugs un my life and will not let him. Oh so he robbed a bank oops he made a mistake. I'm sure lots of u ppl have stole small things before. Sh**t happens. He is doing good we are doing good.
Simple January 15, 2010 3:33 pm (Pacific time)
I have known Josh for a long time he use to be a friend but after I got to know him and his lifestyle he became Nonexistent to me. Josh and his wife Tammy are drug addits and have been for a very long time. Drugs come first not there 4 children. I do not feel sorry for Josh or Tammy. The ones that are suffering are the children. Child services have been called on them many times but the problem is they keep moving. Tammy and Josh need help and the children need a real Mother and Father.
oneangrymom October 23, 2009 4:06 pm (Pacific time)
WOW! I came upon this article while doing a google search for Josh Nordman. As he still owes over $10,000 to me in back child support. I was not surprised to see that he has resorted to robbing banks. It is a step up from robbing the drug dealers he buys his dope from. I am shocked and speechless that some of you have posted that he is not a guilty man but just a victim of "hard times". The man is a drug addict and deserves to spend some time in jail.
KittyCat 2009 August 30, 2009 2:14 pm (Pacific time)
Joshua Nordman is not guilty there are people all over robbing places. Its because the world is turning into a s&*t hole and nobody can get jobs and everybody is losing jobs. He is so not to blame. :D
Anou ous August 30, 2009 2:12 pm (Pacific time)
Josh is a good guy. I know him as a friend. What he did was a f*%k up yes. But everybody deserves a second chance.
Editor: You can't cuss here man!
Anonymous June 30, 2009 12:26 am (Pacific time)
the nordman children and their mother are now homeless shelters are full long waiting lists ect.
Ersun Warncke June 28, 2009 5:03 pm (Pacific time)
If an average person steals a few hundred dollars from a bank they spend years in prison. If a banker steals trillions from the public they get a bonus. Both are wrong, but they are crimes of a dramatically different scale. If our society had any legitimate rule of law whatsoever the punishments for these two types of crimes would be proportional. As it is, the biggest criminals are rewarded while the most petty are paraded around in meaningless show trials that do nothing to uphold the rule of law in society or protect people from crime.
Anonymous June 28, 2009 4:05 pm (Pacific time)
some people do not mind flipping burgers or holding several of these jobs till something better comes along what does he tell the kids i loved you enough to rob a bank but not enough to flip burgers or give up drugs to pass a drug test at the good job he had enough find another topic because you know nothing about this man
Mike V. June 28, 2009 2:43 pm (Pacific time)
I’m sorry in, advanced, for what I say here, even if apologies are not reciprocated. The movement towards acceptance of “crimes committed against society,” should not, cannot, whether inflicted from corporate entity, or stems from individual might alike, be tolerated. Society, whether democratic or communistic, and all other belief systems in-between, is governed by laws that guides the principals by that all people within those societies must abide. For the author to make bold statements of such: “Joshua Nordman is a victim, broken by an inhuman system, not a criminal,” and “There’s nothing great about America beyond its military might…” invites critical posturing. The editor called me out over earlier comments that I made – and was quick to label me a corporate thug and made unfair judgments to my character. Here I am, one of your READERS: Conservative-Democrat, who votes 95% of the time for democrat candidates. Environmental issues, healthcare, fiscal responsibility, and social responsibility are all important to me; AND I believe in decriminalization of marijuana (even though I played devils’ advocate in an earlier post). I’ve never made over $31,000 a year in my life. I live simply and try to “expand” my mind through reading and writing. I do not use my last name here for obvious reasons and because I don’t wish to drag my wife’s last name into the fray. I am of mixed ancestry, with a quarter-blood being Native American. However, on this issue, I will not sway, nor should I or anyone else who believes in the freedoms, however limited, we all share. A crime, is a crime, is a crime! By its very application, this truth will not be distorted.
Editor: It's a hard position I find myself in sometimes Mike, thanks for explaining.
Daniel Johnson June 28, 2009 1:20 pm (Pacific time)
Thank you, Hank, for your input. As you've probably learned many years ago, we just do what we can.
Henry Ruark June 28, 2009 9:04 am (Pacific time)
D.J.: Any published writer on real issues these days faces far too many foolish, futile, fleeting, "uninformed, misinformed, malign" comments. Most seem contrived from the consummate and psychologically commanding necessities of fantasizing by some in the public eye. Damaging in the extreme to full public attention to solid presentation of fact, to guide wise attention prior to fully informed decision, abuse of the First Amendment damages the very democracy which still allows it to occur. The only reasonable remedy is publication care in full statement of reasonable policy permitting channel access, and disciplined detailed action in maintaining that care. Another limiting factor of real application here is the patience and continued payment of costs-involved for these spaces, by Editor/Owner Tim. We may be approaching that critical "tipping point" here, after long-continued, often radical, always un- or mis- or malign-made rabid responses. Be not benighted by these few. Editorial experience here and elsewhere provides full proof of at least one hundred serious readers for such as those-characterized by fluff and flotsam and folly.
Eddie Zawaski June 28, 2009 8:21 am (Pacific time)
When I saw the photo of Joshua Nordman in the original story I saw myself. At age 33 in 1979, I had lost my job and was desperate, too. I only fantasized about robbing a bank back then because I didn't have a family to support. That look of desperation and confusion in Joshua's eyes in the photo is the same look I saw in my mirror for several years. In a society that demands a person produce and spend capital to thrive and survive, you go crazy when that rug gets pulled out from under you. Any correspondent to this article who doesn't "buy" Nordman as a victim, hasn't had to live in the dead end that Nordman lived in. There is an irony in this story that was not, however, really touched on. Who did Joshua hurt? While he may have frightened a bank teller, he didn't hurt the bank. After all, they got the money back and money was all that Joshua was after. Where did that money come from? We know it wasn't the savings of poor little old ladies in Willamina because nobody in America saves. That money was the product of a countless series of meaningless transactions and transfers that spills over into the coffers of banks in the form of little green slips of paper. Somewhere along that chain of transactions, homes were foreclosed, businesses went bankrupt and money was stolen from future generations by Federal Reserve transfers to the banking system. None of the people involved in the transactions that put that money into the bank will ever be branded as criminals or serve time for the pain and suffering those transactions cause. Yet Joshua Nordman's desperate act of attempting to take a small part of that money will end him up in Federal Prison for a long long time. The bank operators will remain free to deny funds to Nordman's family while he is in prison so his children may grow up desperate and poor like their dad. This is what passes for Justice in America. Frankly, I am on the side of the author of the subsequent story in believing that Nordman committed no crime. The real criminals are still at large.
gp June 28, 2009 7:09 am (Pacific time)
I live across the street from a forested green space owned by a criminal real estate wheeler dealer in Patagonia. Every winter there are a few more trees that are stolen for firewood. The interesting way the law is executed down here is that firewood theft is not prosecuted if the deed is done with an ax and a hand saw. If done with a chain saw, the perpetrator can expect to have a visit from the police. If you can afford a chainsaw you don't need to steal to stay warm. I was miffed by the platitudes of other comments to hang on and hope. I suppose they would give the same advice to the Palestinians. Hang on and hope the bank won't foreclose, hang on and hope the credit card won't be yanked, hang on and hope(....or just go hang yourself?..)so much empathy is missing here. Where is the government bailout for real people? The crisis lines are swamped. Just who was the guy supposed to turn to for assistance, there is none.
Daniel Johnson June 27, 2009 6:48 pm (Pacific time)
Wiseguy: Read what I wrote about Kanizsa people in "The unbearable emptiness of being conservative": http://www.salem-news.com/articles/may042009/cons_dil_5_dj_5-4-09.php then write back.
Tim King: FYI Daniel, this guy is not worth arguing with or giving the time of day. He leaves some really heavy racist comments and writes personal things to the newsroom which you would not even start to believe. In fact, this may be the one who likes to write insulting things about my dead parents. So, at least be aware that he is a real creep and has zero credibility; I just ran his IP and saw that he has been using different names on all kinds of posts. I think people like this are the very worst we see the likes of and I am going to try and get his name and address so he can have the opportunity to step away from his keyboard of bravery and have a little talk.
WiseGuy June 27, 2009 5:52 pm (Pacific time)
Read what I wrote, Daniel. I said when things get tough... It tests your character and he failed the character test. Plain and simple. Being unemployed is not "failure" of a test of character. It is simply one of the things that can come your way in this viscious thing we call "life".
What Diversity? June 27, 2009 5:25 pm (Pacific time)
The editor above states that this site has fantastic diversity. No, it has none. IT is a single note song without rests for radical leftist thinking. There is NO intellectual diversity whatsoever here. Nor is any allowed.
Editor (Tim King): I don't allow your Nazi racist rants or racist anti-poor dribble because you're a rotten little man with little meaningless angry man BS. I'll bet your name is Ebenezer or something like that. Man, you don't even have the balls to use your own name, yet you always write and use different ones. What a stinking impostor. And don't say it isn't the case, I know your IP. I'll bet you don't even know what diversity means. You say we're left, but we're not, we're normal Americans. You are part of a mindset that developed on AM radio. Sheep. We cover the wars, we know more about the military than your pathetic little ass could ever hope to learn. You are a mental inferior and your philosophy is highly flawed, and that is putting it lightly, believe me. You and your lot have expensive gas guzzlers and businesses that pillage and rape the environment while you root for STUPID NEEDLESS WARS. You have no sense of right and wrong. But most of all, you're a nameless irritant with keyboard courage that is not real. No, not real at all. Here is what I do know, in the last two days alone, you have used the names Sage of the East, Wiseguy, SayWhat? OldGuy and Oregonian, and that is like in the last two days. Are you one of these freaks that I actually catch arguing with themselves and using other names to support the point of the first one? Good lord, get a life will you?
Daniel Johnson June 27, 2009 4:09 pm (Pacific time)
Okay Wiseguy, and you've picked a good nome de plume. So you write "that guy failed". You, like so many people are missing the bigger picture of what society is and means. Go to Michigan or Ontario and you'll see hundreds of thousands of people who have "failed" by your definition. But have they failed? The auto industry failed and brought all these people down with them. They are helpless pawns of corporate moral malfeasance which really comes down to SOCIETAL MORAL MALFEASANCE that tolerates the setting up and maintenance of such an anti-social society. This, in fact, is what America has become--a society with fundamentally anti-social attitudes at its foundation.
Gf. June 27, 2009 3:37 pm (Pacific time)
He was under a lot of stress I cant blame his. I am his GF. I don't think he did anything wrong yeah he robbed a bank. He was so stressed. Bills losing his job. People make mistakes so get over it. a lot of people do crazy crap when they are under pressure and regret it when they do it. He went crazy. He wasn't himself. But i still love him. So back off
Wiseguy June 27, 2009 2:56 pm (Pacific time)
So, the man can't even be truthful to his wife about the chains of events outside of his control, but yet, his actions in bankrobbing is an indictment of... Me? Or my neighbors? Since when? Yes, this is the good old American tradition of being responsible. Yes, he is to blame for his actions. Yes, he committed a crime. Yes, he and he alone is guilty. The writer obviously doesn't like the fact that life and does toss you VERY hard circumstances, including the loss of everything you own, and your means of existence. But that is when the test of your character begins. That guy failed. Good news, though, we tend to believe in second changes. He'll get out of jail and have his chance to start over. Yeah. I've been there. I've lost my home and everything else before. Been evicted with nowhere to go. I know just what it's like. I also knew that such pain educated me. Tought me lessons that a billion words would not. In the end, I am smarter, stronger, wiser. And far more likely to offer charity to others. And far less likely to excuse their failures and blame a vague and undefinable "us" or "the system". That's the devil's way out. His actions are his fault and his fault alone. He must face up to that, or he will never confront who he is, nor learn what's real.
Mike V. June 26, 2009 4:39 pm (Pacific time)
What a perfect scapegoat you have created here, for this story: The downtrodden man, whom corporate America has driven to crime by taking away his dignity, hope, and self worth. Conservative thought aside, we are all created equal in a society that labels us for the color of our skin, our religion, our beliefs, our sexual orientation, how much money we make or don’t make, were we live and with whom - and our actions. He is now, and probably always has been, a criminal; it just took a bit of stress to bring it out. We all make out own choices. To place blame on others, or other entities, for our wrongful, or in this case criminal, actions, seems to me, at this transitional time, or any time for that matter, a tad contrived. Further, it is curious to me why Salem-News did not use the editors’ pen but instead allowed this writer to trash America with his hateful blather.
Editor: You're the one with the hateful blather, and you know what they say about opinions don't you? I'm so happy and proud to have Daniel Johnson as a writer on this staff and he meant to get your goat a little I'm sure. By the way, DJ isn't our only writer who isn't American, we have writers in Mexico, Malaysia and in Occupied Palestine. We have have several writers from California and the diversity we have been able to generate from Salem is never anything less than outstanding. You are so funny taking Daniel's open minded and kind thought about this and making this out of it. Why don't you come out and tell the people who you root for? And when you do, I will say that your corporate BS is just as criminal as any act this guy committed in Sheridan. You guys gouge and bleed and attack the poor, and he went out Bonnie and Clyde style. There you are with your nose in the air, judge and jury. How sickeningly un-American.
in-law June 26, 2009 12:51 pm (Pacific time)
thanks D.J. for trying to express what is happing in others situations i'm sure but Josh is not a victim as i am sure you know by now.My prayers go out to the tellers God Bless them and their families.ZM
Henry Ruark June 26, 2009 9:11 am (Pacific time)
D.J.: Reality rears its sometimes threatening head and denial surfaces automatically, for many far too buried themselves psychologically even to comprehend what's being done to them. Action here-described pits one man openly protesting, and probably with full knowledge of consequence but doing so anyhow as the only way to protest -- for him, in the circumstance. That's well-known syndrome to far too many psychiatric counsellors, and especially to those specializing in what society terms "criminal activities." We need far deeper, always painful understandings of self and others, obscured, hampered and prevented by modern lifestyle, to move society from the basics you build here to what we can and MUST become, in 21st Century. Most of threatening issues, problems and demands, cultural and economic AND social, arise from those lacks, and from our own abilities to apply insight to our own personal status. Thank you again for your excellent insights, especially well-expressed in this one. For those discommoded by your probing words here, best possible remedy is to build, strengthen, then apply those personal insights so well mirrored here by your report.
just me June 25, 2009 6:51 pm (Pacific time)
Yup, there we go again. It's not his fault. It was the society. My heart is bleeding. Many people lose their jobs and don't go out committing crimes. They hold on to what they got and have hope. Salem-News is getting so low its disgusting.
Britney June 25, 2009 1:19 pm (Pacific time)
Plenty of people have been layed off, just what percentage of them threatened the safety of others, and took things that did not belong to them? Don't we have unemployment?? Aren't our first time unemployment claims numbers higher than I don't know what? I have two friends, lost their jobs, can't get unemployment, and they didn't do crime. Felonious
jimmy June 25, 2009 12:37 pm (Pacific time)
I feel for the guy, but having been in his position, that is something that never was an option... it takes a special breed of idiot to resort to a CRIME to provide for his family without fully understanding the consequences of his actions and how it will affect said family.
Mike H. June 25, 2009 12:36 pm (Pacific time)
The people are the country, and I love the people, therefore, I love the country. Great article.
Anonymous June 25, 2009 12:05 pm (Pacific time)
i do agree with the corp. issue but i does not pertain to this incident.
Anonymous June 25, 2009 12:00 pm (Pacific time)
dirty ua's often cause job lose several of them leave an employer no choice, the victims are my grandchildren.
Daniel Johnson June 25, 2009 10:42 am (Pacific time)
James:New thread. The main point of my article was that in the corporate world, people are ruthlessly used. Whether you admit or not YOU ARE EQUALLY USED. And when your usefulness is ended, you are going to end up on the public dole sooner or later. No matter how much profit you have brought into the company through your efforts, the company feels exactly zero responsibility towards your fate. A person might think themselves okay if they are self employed. They are equally vulnerable because their main customers tend to be in the corporate world. I was self-employed as a computer programmer for nearly 25 years. My main customers were the large oil companies. But if they decided that they could get what they wanted cheaper or easier through Microsoft or HP, my usefulness in the "free market" was over. If your customers are individual people in a retail or service situation, just wait until one of the large corporations decides that they can make a profit with a chain and opens up a competing operation across the street. The only self-employment that is reasonably secure is that of the professions--doctor, dentist, etc. I gave the numbers in my article--the little people are like dust beneath the wheels of the corporate behemoths. It's not the 18th century anymore where, if you don't like the way things are going, you can just pull up stakes and head west. With the exception of the plot of land where your house sits, almost all the useable land in the North America is owned by corporate interests.
Dave June 25, 2009 10:36 am (Pacific time)
What is with Salem News lately? Has it become a rag for "social Injustice" and personal commentary. Many of us read the paper for news. If we want comment we go to the Editorial page-not the Front page.
Daniel Johnson June 25, 2009 10:28 am (Pacific time)
James: Neither of us knows what was going on in his head but the practical result is that he believed it was his only option and he acted on that belief, no matter what others might think of it.
James June 25, 2009 9:11 am (Pacific time)
Sorry, I don't buy it. According to your article the guy lost his job a week earlier! A week! The image you portray might work for someone who was stealing money from a large company such as B of A without anyone knowing. The major issue issue hear is that he threatened a real person with some type of retaliation if they didn't provide him with the money they had in their possession and were entrusted with. Sorry, but this guy committed a Robbery and he's going to federal prison for it. I don't feel sorry for him at all. He made a stupid decision and it clearly wasn't his only option.
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