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Feb-08-2011 01:18printcommentsVideo

How We Got Where We Are (Video)

There's a world comin' even worse than this one...

The two Presidents Bush
Special thanks to: Veterans Today

(CINCINNATI) - The son would kill more, millions in fact, rig two elections and run up more national debt in a single month than Jimmy Carter did in four years.

America would have its own GESTAPO, called 'Homeland Security' but managed by his good friends in Israel, cementing their partnership with what was once the party of Reagan, now running America into the ground; from 'triple crown winner' to 'glue factory nag' in 8 long and painful years.

Political dialog in America is a sick joke. Only Ron Paul ever talks about issues and can’t move in Washington without continual snickering behind his back. He is seen as a joke, a caricature, a anachronism, part of the “lunatic fringe” of “conspiracy theory” folks.

Paul, of course, totally charisma free and with the leadership ability of a cantaloupe, is the only one talking about the issues, albeit in a waffling “left handed” manner.

He knows very well that he is politically hopeless unless he packages himself for the Israeli lobby, an effort that would require him to reverse every stand he has ever taken. Expect him to do just that, everyone else has.

Wait for it, his statements on 9/11 alone show him to be morally flexible enough to succeed. He could be “Obama 2″ or even “Bush 3.”

After all, why should Ron Paul want to die of loneliness, talking about 9/11 conspiracies or the Federal Reserve? 

According to the media, these issues don’t exist. In fact, I am not sure what the issues are. 

Every two years we get a few bumper sticker slogans and personal smears, what now pass for electioneering in the United States; interspersed with a generous helping of race hatred, class envy and religious bigotry.

With the people of Egypt hitting the streets, there is a real outpouring of courage and political awakening- the kind of yearning for democracy that Americans have, for 235 years, talked about spreading around the world. Yet we here at home sit complacent in an increasingly totalitarian and dictatorial state.

Where did it get us?  Where are we? What have we earned for ourselves with our new version of political activism, bullied into compliance by news censorship and domination of the media by New World Order disinformationalists? 

Oh, are we dragging out the “NWO” term today?  Oh yes we are, thank you very much, I call it as I see it..

This is where we are:

  • Broke-busted, we can’t even file bankruptcy, China won’t let us.  America is 5 minutes away from a currency collapse.  94% of America’s 15 trillion dollar debt, built over 235 years, came from 3 presidents; Reagan, Bush and Bush.  That wasn’t money that was “trickling down.”
  • Continual decline in standard of living since Reagan and not by accident, the borders weren’t opened by the same people who crushed labor unions for nothing. 
  • 20 million empty homes, where did the people go?
  • Hyperinflation, totally artificial, totally planned, driven by speculation in oil and commodities, price fixing in health care and Wall Street looting of the economy is hitting now.  Buying gasoline, food and paying utilities will push millions of Americans into poverty.  The extra 75 cents a gallon for gasoline alone is the biggest tax increase in history, one no American voted for, not knowingly.
  • 80% of Americans believe their “news” is continually lying to them but continue to watch, accept and believe anyway.  The American media is an outlet for press releases from the New World Order and nothing else.  It doesn’t get any better than this!
  • When the Supreme Court gave corporations full political rights, they created a class of feudal overlords.  Americans are now indentured serfs in their own country!
  • Israel receives, not 3 billion but between 10 and 20 billion yearly from the US, inclusive of “off the books” military aid and “no bid” contracts.  2 billion of that is spent in “pump priming,” paying off American politicians to take the real figure to 30 billion soon.  Problem is, Israel is one of the richest countries on earth with nearly half the world’s 1000 billionaires holding Israeli passports though only 18 were born in Israel.  Israel could give the United States 30 billion a year and not even notice it.  Where did you think the 3 trillion dollars lost during the Bush administration went to?  Check the names.
  • After 9/11, an event Ron Paul rightly fears calling the “false flag” attack it was, laws were passed in the US that ended all constitutional rights for Americans including the right to bear arms.  When habeas corpus was suspended in 2006, gun rights went with it, yes, the 2nd Amendment was eliminated but only when the government feels guns are a threat.  The best part, they get to decide “when.”  Under the Patriot Acts, which nullify the constitution further, they can enter any home, take guns, seize any property and jail any person indefinitely without legal representation or trial.  When  habeas corpus went, due processwent with it, you know, all that stuff about trials and confronting your accuser, jury of your “peers,” etc, etc. (and you were worried about “Obamacare”…)
  • Almost 900,000 Americans have security clearances with 100,000 “top secret” and over 50,000 “SCI” (Special Compartmented Intelligence).  One thing that isn’t a secret is that Israel has their pick of any American secrets, peddling our military technology to the highest bidder and sending the rest to ”Wikileaks.”  The only people kept in the dark are the American people and the information kept from them is done so for a good reason.  If the American people knew the truth, they might just so something about it, and we don’t mean “vote.”
  • Since the collapse of 2007-8, most state and municipal governments, including school systems, have been bankrupt.  None have cash reserves, only debt underwritten by bonds, and a few assets.  Those assets are quickly being sold off, including, here in Ohio, the state’s turnpike system may be heading to China.  If you don’t think you may have to have a credit card out when privatized police arrive at your home to seize your guns or take you to debtors prison, you aren’t paying attention.  I hear that the prisoners in Gitmo are having to pay for torture.  Are we waterboarding with Perrier now?

How we got here is obvious.  Reagan put us here, or did he. Dick Eastman writes about that today:

“I can’t resist defending Ronald Reagan — and losing friends as happens whenever I defend that even greater man, Richard Nixon.

Reagan was really a good guy — but he didn’t know his enemy, and didn’t even recognize them when they infiltrated his administration — when they arranged an assassination attempt to but GHW Bush in the Oval Office — and then when it failed they controlled Reagan by gatekeeping non-Rockefeller viewpoints and actually actually slipping him poisons that degraded his functioning.

Donald Regan, his Secretary of the Treasury was part of the sabotage of the US economy — the co-architect with Burns and Volker of the so-called S&L scandal — that diverted all investment to junk while looting savers and destroying the Savings and Loan industry to effect greater financial-intermediary concentration in Rockefeller/Morgan/Sachs/etc hands — the biggest economic crime since crashing of the stock market in 1929.  But Ronald Reagan did not know what Donald Reagan was up to.

But I know Reagan was not evil — although he was used by evil — because I myself held exactly the same views without realizing the evil behind them  — in 1980 I was in the doctoral program in economics at Texas A M – a convinced Misesian and Friedmanite Monetarist and reader of Ayn Rand — such a perfect antidote for Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter economics (of Samuelson, Galbraith, the “inflationists” Miller) — who really understood what Donald Reagan, Volker and the rest were up to at that time?

Reagan looked up to Wall Street as the bastion of “free enterprise” — I doubt he had heard of social credit — I know I had not  (except for reading something about Kitson in the library one day — but then forgetting the name — until I rediscovered him and first learned about Douglas and Kitson in the early 2000s. These thinkers just were not known to Americans in Reagan’s time — communism and inflation and the welfare state were the issues. Yes, the big trade deficits began under Reagan, but there were justified as temporary and necessary for buying China off to keep her from reuniting with the USSR against us etc. ; — or so we thought.

I believe that Reagan of 1980 — if he could be moved to our time and given time to study the situation — would be a populist — would undergo the same realizations that I did — because the basic American virtues that are in many of us – most certainly lived in him.  He really was a good guy, and no one is going to convince me otherwise.”

When Ron Paul spoke in front of the House of Representatives, to an empty room of course, pinning the blame for Saddam invading Kuwait on President Bush:

(from the Congressional Record)

“It had been long assumed that the United States Government, shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, gave Saddam Hussein a green light to attack.A State Department cable recently published by WikiLeaks confirmed that U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie did indeed have a conversation with Saddam Hussein one week prior to Iraq’s August 1, 1990, invasion of Kuwait.

…Ambassador Glaspie affirmed to Saddam that “the President had instructed her to broaden and deepen our relations with Iraq.” As Saddam Hussein outlined Iraq’s ongoing border dispute with Kuwait, Ambassador Glaspie was quite clear that, “we took no position on these Arab affairs.”

There would have been no reason for Saddam Hussein not to take this assurance at face value. The U.S. was quite supportive of his invasion and war of aggression against Iran in the 1980s. With this approval from the U.S. Government, it wasn’t surprising that the invasion occurred. The shock and surprise was how quickly the tables were turned and our friend, Saddam Hussein, all of a sudden became Hitler personified.

The document was classified, supposedly to protect national security, yet this information in no way jeopardized our security. Instead, it served to keep the truth from the American people about an event leading up to our initial military involvement in Iraq and the region that continues to today.

{time} 1440

The secrecy of the memo was designed to hide the truth from the American people and keep our government from being embarrassed. This was the initial event that had led to so much death and destruction–not to mention the financial costs–these past 20 years.”

Stepping this back further into time, the October Surprise, once thought to be a “conspiracy theory” also, again George H.W. Bush the actor. Bush, a private citizen, meeting with Iranians in Paris, telling them that if they kept Americans hostage, he would reward them with advanced weapons systems, although they were “technically” an enemy. During the Iran Contra hearings, we learned of the weapons sales, missiles of all kinds, advanced systems, millions in profit for Bush friends.

When the younger Bush took office, based on this history, 9/11 was a given. Now proven to have been in the planning since 1999, even before taking office, it was the son upstaging the father. Dad had rigged an election by selling out American diplomats. Later, as president, he “green lighted” Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent war that killed hundreds of thousands. Remember when he sold out the Kurds in Iraq, allowing them to be slaughtered by Saddam; a favor for his friends in Turkey?

The son would kill more, millions in fact, rig two elections and run up more national debt in a single month than Jimmy Carter did in four years. America would have its own GESTAPO, called “Homeland Security” but managed by his good friends in Israel, cementing their partnership with what was once the party of Reagan, now running America into the ground, from “triple crown winner” to “glue factory nag” in 8 long and painful years.

This is how we got where we are.

Now a new generation of American geniuses are looking at Jeb Bush.


Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link:

He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his powerful words have brought about change. Gordon is a lifelong PTSD sufferer from his war experiences and he is empathetic to the plight of today's veterans also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to feature Gordon's timely and critical reports on, a news organization staffed by a number of veterans, particularly former U.S. Marines.
You can send Gordon Duff an email at this address:

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Luke Easter February 9, 2011 11:48 am (Pacific time)

Only Ron Paul talks about the issues because he doesn't get millions in contributions. Whereas he owes no one or group he can speak the truth and refer to the real problems with viable solutions related to America and not those who are trying to run it outside of the political arena for their own personal interests.

Anonymous February 8, 2011 6:02 pm (Pacific time)

Duff: "When the Supreme Court gave corporations full political rights, they created a class of feudal overlords. Americans are now indentured serfs in their own country!" So Mr. Duff were you saying the same thing over the countless decades as the print media and the television networks were essentially cheerleaders for the party and candidates of their choice? As far as Wall Street and other big bank groups, the biggest reciver of political funds in 2008 was Obama as per the FEC. The so-called housing bubble started in the mid to late 90's when pressures from the Dept. of Treasury (Rubin) and other Whitehouse appointees put pressure on banks to make mortgage loans to people who were not creditworthy, then Fannie and Freddie bought much of the paper. Back in 1982 the unemployment rate hit 10.8% (see Dept. of Labor) and the prime rate got up to 22%. The policies that pulled us out of that bad time are just the opposite of what has been happening the last two years. I could go on, but the facts easily refute this other ideological fantasy barrage.

Dave-O February 8, 2011 10:32 am (Pacific time)

Hey Anonymous @ 8:17am ramble on much about sweet fa. Excellent summary Duff.

Anonymous February 8, 2011 8:17 am (Pacific time)

As usual, above info has no sources. By the way "just the amount of deficit" that has happenened under Obama's Administration is more than all debt since our founding. That is CBO fact. Mr. Duff just rambles on with his propaganda aided by creatures of similar poor character. His income is not from his writings but from a VA disability that is bogus, i.e., when you evaluate him via the DSM...way beyond the pay grade of anyone on this blog. And it is a blog, a blog of propaganda for those who want to overthrow our country via sharia law.

Vic February 8, 2011 7:34 am (Pacific time)

We are talking about the United States..If Ron Paul ever looked like he might win the presidency, he would be "Wellstoned"..murdered like the Kennedys and Sen. Paul Wellstone.

i love america February 8, 2011 7:27 am (Pacific time)

hell yeah although the typos do this article injustice, I sincerely hope Americans are ready to listen to facts, considering the conditioned life of oil, oil, oil, is too costly. To make a long story short, I grew up in the 1990's and was told how America was this overwhelmingly powerful force, and since Sept. 11, 2001, I and many other Americans have had to deal with so much sadness and loss, as have other human beings. Who really thinks that sending more troops to Afghanistan is helping? I love, love, love our military for actually going along with something so freaking insane, considering how every time we increase attacks, we create new human beings hell-bent on revenge, whereas our only other alternative is to build an entire nation's infrastructure while our roads are poof crack crumble. I mean, I know as long as "there hasn't been another 9/11!!!" somehow the dark comedy in Afghanistan will continue to be overlooked (because it's too absurd to possibly rationalize), but thank God there are people like Ron Paul who will stand up and actually be American. I just want our troops to come home and be happy with their families. I mean, considering how many people we have to kill to "win hearts and minds", and how every American soldier costs 1 mil a year, could we not... spend the trillions on.. a super defense system or something? I mean, there is a difference in "smoking them out of their holes" to prove we will respond to terrorism, but do we really need 140,000 troops to hunt down 50 al qaeda dudes in Afghanistan, yet still somehow fail to capture Bin Laden? What in the hell kind of time period was I born into as an American?

edhelmstetter February 8, 2011 6:02 am (Pacific time)

ron paul in 2012 get on board or get left in the dust

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

