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Aug-25-2011 19:07printcomments

Stooge Media Wipes Japan's Radioactive Horror from Minds of Americans

Maybe there are no easy answers, but why would a U.S. newspaper boldly lie about the daily Hell of Fukushima? Oh right, nuclear business interests...

Child in Fukushima disaster
Oh yeah, everyone in Fukushima is doing great, you can tell, after all a picture is worth a thousand words...

(SALEM, Ore.) - I was horrified when one of my best Fukushima contacts, Karin Rougeau, sent a link to our newsroom from a southern newspaper (An establishment that dates back to 1877), falsely describing the grueling circumstances in Fukushima:

Northeast Japan improving since disaster
By: Don Thomason - The Sentinel-Record -
Published: 08/25/2011

Improving? Not at all, in fact the truth is wholly opposite. What words descrribe journalists who seek to lie about hundreds of thousands of children living in a radioactive nightmare in the Fukushima prefecture? I felt like I was reading some propaganda trash - the kind America carried as regular fare in the 1940's. In those days newspaper people simply made it up, has that changed or not?

Ignorance is bliss, fine, not here though. It may serve the average Joe reading his Arkansas paper, but I'm stopping it dead in its tracks here, and now. I am not giving that story I referenced above the dignity of a live link, but I assume you can find it by searching the title, if you care. It is pure fluff designed to convince Americans that the scene in Japan is entirely different than it really is. Oh, and you have to be a 'member' of this paper in order to see the whole story, to me that is capitalism twisted into overdrive.

The article quotes a Deputy Consul-General from Japan named Shigenobu Kobayashi, saying, "Four months have passed and the situation is getting better and better. For instance, Sendai-city opened an evacuation center and many people came there – about 100,000 – but already almost all people have their own temporary apartments or something, right now. But, it’s still a most serious situation."

That is right Kobayashi, it is a most serious situation based on what the people in Fukushima keep telling us.

Japan is failing its citizenry. Let me state that again, the people of Fukushima are being viewed as damaged goods by their government, it is a repeat of what happened to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after WWII, and their pleas to evacuate children whose bodies are unable to withstand the contamination, are fully ignored. Those who somehow still have finances intact after the earthquake, tsunami and associated nuclear meltdown disaster can relocate, but those who were wiped out and lost everything are basically screwed.

This reporter and newspaper are a party to it. They are disinformationalists; the mouthpiece role in this world, it is shameful. Welcome to Arkansas, where media crawls in bed with corrupt government officials on scam missions.

Our regular readers know the chilling stories we have carried; video reports that show the parents of this region literally begging and pleading with officials from Tokyo to help them. The officials in one video report simply walked out of the meeting of concerned Fukushima residents when the going got rough, when the questions became too hard to answer.

Maybe there are no easy answers, the situation there is terrible and getting worse, with mutated crabs starting to show up, as kids and the elderly exhibit clear signs of radioactive contamination.

But to know that Japan is using the American media like Israel to carry its lies that shield their unjust contact from the world... that is too much. I don't know anything about "Don Thomason" of The Sentinel-Record nor do I care, but thinking of this deed, this act of a so-called reporter, makes my head spin.

It is one thing to make a mistake, but this is off the charts. Don't believe any government or media group that tells you things in Japan are OK, they are far from OK. This is Fukushima, it is not the more unaffected areas, it is the area.

Mainstream media reports about the difficulties that face the people of Fukushima are hard to find. I haven't seen anything close to what we have carried. Of course like always, we are one of the only groups operating at this level that is absolutely not supported by these industries.

We receive a great deal of contact over these reports, and they all touch our heart, but one comment today reminded me of the tragedy of the media's failure, utter, despicable failure, to even tell people the truth. Any reporter who lies or publishes false information of this magnitude has no business in this line of work.

Thanks so much. You are a man that sticks to his convictions and I can't tell you how much I know the People of Fukushima Prefecture appreciate you.

The young man who made this video is literally putting his whole life at risk. He owns a restaurant in Tokoyo right along Embassy Row. He is the only business owner with a sign on the front of his business that states EVACUATE FUKUSHIMA

He could be shunned and have pressure put on to not do business there. He could lose everything, but he loves his people enough to risk that. His name is Nelson and to me, HE is a HERO !!

We were advised that: nurses are tweeting of many many ill people, mothers are posting and tweeting on blogs in Japan about children they are treating and severe diarrhea, nose bleeds, goiters, vomiting, etc. These are all from Iodine 131. Children are much more vulnerable than adults as their cells are still dividing. Once away from the radiation most get better very quickly.

Older people are also very at risk and according to what we are learning, many have died of Leukemia already and a nurse blogging out of Fukushima says there are 30 more in one hospital alone.

This is caused by Strontium 90, another isotope in the deadly soup used to make Nuclear Power.. along with MOX Fuel, which in part, makes depleted uranium available for war heads and genocide.

Mutated vegetables are showing up and 2 days ago, a mutated crab was seen. Pictures were posted of all on a local blog.

This is an atrocity!! Thank you Tim and everyone else for signing and passing the video and petition around. We CAN help these poor people. will continue this coverage and we only find it sad that we are unique in conveying this immensely important truth. God bless the people of Japan in their time of crisis.


It will take a second... a second the children of Fukushima do not have ------>

Here are additional links:



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Anonymous August 28, 2011 5:10 pm (Pacific time)

For a look at a slick British-origin propaganda video in favor of nuclear power sponsored and financed by GE and Bloomberg among other power brokers…take a look:

You will love the cast of characters including well-known British communist Fiona Fox and her libertarian views of keep the government the hell away from anything my business wants to do.

Slickly produced and promoted as a volunteer student projects it covers three main scenes I watched..

1. Young Japanese woman in Britain video chats with her dad and brother in Japan who assure her the reports of radiation problems are wild allegations.

2. Professionally filmed round table discussion with the young Japanese woman with Fiona and several other young people including one young lady who expertly and without even looking at her cheat notes in front of her pulls out the old saw of how radiation is worse on a jet plane ride.

Fiona ramrods the discussion and this non-science background media expert who is the Director of the Science Media Centre funded by GE Health and other power brokers wastes no time in talking about how the “new British nuclear plants to be built will be so much better”.

3. Scene 3 is a guided tour and field trip for the young woman and her male student friend to a British nuclear plant on the sea shore and she is reassured by the plant operator that a Fukushima disaster will “never” happen. He also says sometimes workers get contaminated, but it is “easily washed off with soap and water”.

Hah…on that last note I can’t take anymore of this crap myself. *;-)

Rod Adams loved this video piece and he is a well-known pro-nuclear advocate and harsh critic of Arnie Gundersen. You can read his little flock of yes-men here:

Kennat Nyhus August 28, 2011 3:48 pm (Pacific time)

Chase August 28, 2011 3:34 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Rod Adams, Publisher(?) The link you provided with the video is not dated, it is OLD news really. Obviously with 3 full meltdowns, finally admitted to, this is by far worse than Chernobyl. (Do you understand what MELTDOWN means?) It continues to get worse with each day. There is no good answer. I wish there was. This is not fear mongering. It's making people AWARE so they can reduce their risk. People WILL DIE, they WILL SUFFER, and genetics HAVE BEEN affected. The stats of prior nuclear follies make this FACT indisputable. Exact numbers are debatable. There is always 'deniable credibility'. That argument does not work on me. I do not want to become an 'acceptable risk' statistic. The radioactive 'cat is out of the bag' and cesium 137, plus other stuff, will continue to SPREAD and disrupt the 'chain of life' planet wide for generations to come. It IS insidious. Be aware. (cesium 137's half-life is 30 years, which means it's actually HAZARDOUS' to humans for nearly 300 years) Come back here in a year or two Rod and see if you still feel the same. I'll bet your one sided opinion will change. (maybe not, some people are just thick headed) We must stop Nuclear Power NOW! It is a stupid folly whose time has come and needs to be gone!

Jebus August 28, 2011 11:19 am (Pacific time)

Rod Adams, May your tortured sick soul burn forever in the nuclear hell that you support so ignorantly.

COLLI August 27, 2011 8:33 am (Pacific time)

Good article Tim. Common sense should tell us that a disaster of this size would not be well on its way to mending in so short a period. Once again, GREED seems to be the prevailing impetus. It is too obvious to all that many shekels, at all levels of government, are crossing palms. I guess Japan has become much more Americanized than I thought!

Ralph E. Stone August 26, 2011 6:49 am (Pacific time)

In May, the New York Times reported on the incestuous relationship between Japan's nuclear power industry, Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, and politicians. Safety violations at the Dai-Ichi plant were allegedly covered up for years. This raises the possibility that a culture of complicity made the plant especially vulnerable to the natural disaster that struck Japan on March 11. Many experts argue that inconsistent, nonexistent, or unenforced regulations did indeed play a role in the accident. Clearly, this complicity continues. It is not clear how much access outside media has to the details of the catastrophe.

Rod Adams August 25, 2011 10:56 pm (Pacific time)

For a rather different point of view about the reality of the situation in Japan, I highly recommend watching the documentary recently released by WORLDbytes titled "After Fukushima: The Fear Factor." You can find it at the following URL:

That video documents exactly the opposite kind of misinformation from the advertiser supported media - one where editors pressed journalists to use as catastrophic language as possible to inflate and play on fears of radiation.

If you are a believer that money is a motivator, just think about the vast difference in wealth and influence between the nuclear industry and the coal, oil and gas industry. Partially as a result of the emphasis on scaring people with stories about radiation, Germany has shut down seven operable nuclear plants while Japan has shut down 2/3rds of its fleet of 59 reactors.

As a result, the world wide sales volume of coal, natural gas and fuel oil have increased, pushing the prices of all of those commodities up.

The hydrocarbon industry, already one of the world's most profitable industries, has been profiting immensely from the over reaction to a natural disaster that happened to strike at a nuclear power station.

By the way, there has not been a single radiation related death or illness caused by the releases of radioactive material from the Fukushima reactors.

Rod Adams
Publisher, Atomic Insights

Tim King: Rod, I will carry your thoughts in this event and I am also quite sure that some of our writers would agree with you, however I could not disagree more strongly because I am in direct contact with people in the affected areas and they are sick and scared, and just a few minutes ago, I added two new links that detail current problems people are suffering.

I have not been to Japan, I just have to rely on the information coming to me in real time, and I see the images every day, have you been to Japan to see this yourself Rod?  If not, are you in contact with people in Fukushima?  

I do believe you are right, there is a big hit on this industry, which I personally consider obscene by nature, even criminal, and I have been around it; studying nuclear power and weapons since I was a 16-year old surfing in the shadow of  Diablo Canyon, it isn't right.  I also knew several people who worked at Diablo Canyon and they had much to say that was disconcerting.   

I know much has been invested, I understand many things, but in the end you guys are all playing with fire and it is especially troubling that this fight to keep things glowing comes at a time when all types of  (actually) clean alternative energy is available. 

So I understand your point of view, you believe we are fearmongering, but we are not.  We weren't fearmongering when we were the only agency in the U.S. that was covering the developments at Fort Calhoun.  People convince themselves that there is a need for certain industries that simply don't need to exist.  People need to slow the hell down and start using their brains and finding answers that will allow our children and their children to exist in a nuclear free world.  

Anonymous August 25, 2011 8:34 pm (Pacific time)

God is with you,truth is the light to see by.  Thank-you save the Children.I am doing all I can,  I am spreading the word.

Editor: Thank you so much.

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