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Basic Problems of Human and Environmental Consequences of Toxic Chemicals/Dioxin in Vietnam

Vietnamese scientists, in their research, have discovered alteration of genes, chromosome, protein, immunodeficiency among those with historical exposure to chemicals/dioxin and with high concentration of dioxin in blood.

(HANOI) - Doctor Le Ke Son is the Deputy Director General of The Vietnam Environment Administration. With about 80 million liters of herbicides, containing at least 366 kg dioxin, the chemical/dioxin war by the America in Southern Vietnam is the largest chemical one in the history of humankind.

The high and very high concentration of dioxin residues in the environment, animals and humans, at present, in some hot spots is clear evidence for the long-term impacts of chemicals/dioxin, confirming the origin of dioxin from warring herbicides used by the US.

Read Full Article (Nov-12-2011 21:12)

Dennis Ross Resigns As Middle East Advisor

Since the Reagan administration, Dennis Ross has played a crucial role in crafting Middle East policies that never served peace...

(CHICAGO) - Girls in Palestine After working for five US presidents, Dennis Ross has resigned his position as President Obama’s chief Middle East advisor.

Presidents Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama, all arrived at the White House determined to recast the nation’s role in finding a permanent peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2011 12:36)

Veterans . . . a Debt Owed!

Veterans include those who have served and those who are serving.

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - Traveling Wall To me, the perfect way to understand what our country owes to our veterans is to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. This monument was designed not to be a memorial to the Viet Nam War but to the men and women who served there.

Read Full Article (Nov-10-2011 00:17)

Remembering LIBERTY for Veterans Day

11/11/11 is Veterans Day and also the day Palestine is to receive a response from the U.N. Security Council regarding their official membership in that global body.

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Palestine boy and USS Liberty I will never be a politician for I speak TRUTH:

But as a candidate for US House of Representatives 2012, if elected among my first acts of Congress will be to invite all surviving USS LIBERTY veterans to speak on the Congressional record regarding what they saw on that day in infamy, when the LBJ Administration failed to support the troops and American foreign policy aligned itself with the perpetrators.

Read Full Article (Nov-08-2011 10:29)

Vietnam approves Czech-funded Agent Orange project

During the Vietnam War, the communists quietly shipped deadly chemicals to the ‘imperialist’ Americans through back channels.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved a project funded by the Czech government to aid victims of “Agent Orange”.

It's the notorious defoliant and extremely toxic dioxin compound used by the US military in its herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War that left some 500,000 children with birth defects and killed or maimed as many adults.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2011 16:06)

The Demons of War are Persistent

Some manage the demons’ onslaught successfully, others ignore the stealthy domination of their soul...

(POICVIANA, Fla.) - Treating the wounded in Vietnam Forty years have passed since my deployment as a combat Marine to Vietnam. Like many veterans of war, the “Demons” have haunted me through nightmares, altered personas, and hidden fears.

The purpose of this story is to help veterans of all eras recognize that there is no longer a need to fight the “Demons of War” alone. Civilian and VA health communities understand the psychological transformation that haunts veterans.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2011 14:47)

Veterans Toxic Exposure ~ TCE

Please write to us if you know of anyone that spent time on Guam, from the 40's through the 90's, chances are they were exposed to TCE and/or PCE in the water supply plus AO in the 60's/70's.

(PERTH, Aust.) - Anderson AFB in Guam Andersen AFB was placed on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) National Priorities List (NPL) on October 14, 1992, due to the extent of groundwater contamination under the base.

As early as WWII, United States Air Force and other Military bases used and disposed of chemical degreasers and other toxic substances that were later determined to contaminate drinking water and pose multiple health risks including: Cancers, Reproductive disorders, Birth defects, and Multiple other serious difficulties.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2011 21:51)

Agent Orange--Vietnam`s Last Battle

This essay is part of the Vietnam Reporting Project, a journalism fellowship program created by the Renaissance Journalism Center and funded by the Ford Foundation.

(DANANG, Vietnam VTimes) - Woman and son in Vietnam, affected by Agent Orange The famed China Beach where war-weary GIs once went on R&R is now lined with luxury beachfront villas, five-star resorts, and even a golf course designed by the great Greg Norman.

Not far from this sun-drenched, white-sand stretch of paradise, I met a 57-year-old illiterate subsistence farmer and her 19-year-old severely deformed son, who share a one-room shack with a leaky roof and no running water.

Read Full Article (Oct-28-2011 00:39)

Agent Orange Action Group Calls for protest at Monsanto`s annual general meeting

Monsanto stockowners can express anger and concerns by asking questions to the board members for the criminal damage of Agent Orange.

(DA NANG Vietnam) - AAOG Monsanto, the company that manufactured Agent Orange used on Vietnam resulting in the deaths of many thousands of Vietnamese and the abnormal births of many thousands more, set its next annual meeting of shareowners on 24 Jan. 2012.

Monsanto’s annual meeting will be held at the company’s headquarters facility in suburban St. Louis.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2011 20:24)

Seeking Positives from the Negatives of War

War would eventually shadow the memories of my formative years, and positive events throughout my life.

(POICVIANA, Fla.) - PTSD After writing the "The Demons of War are Persistent," my personal story of Vietnam, and the struggle over forty years against emotional conflicts, nightmares and guilt, which today is universally recognized as PTSD.

Like many warriors, I never spoke about the war, nor stayed in touch with brother warriors, dreading the likelihood of talking about horrific memories.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
