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Salem-News.com (Jul-01-2020 18:05)

Dairy Supply Chains Will Need to Adjust as Consumer Behavior Changes

Forecasts suggest that the U.S. could lose up to 25% of its restaurants.

(DENVER, Colo./GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - family dinner As consumers heeded the stay-at-home advisories, they increased purchases of products that in recent years had fallen out of favor.

Processed cheese sales increased by nearly 20% during the eight weeks ending May 31. White milk sales gained more than 10% during the same period. Cereal is also doing well with sales up almost 15%.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-30-2020 13:57)

Hey Congress, Move the Money

No other nation spends even half what the United States does on militarism.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - police If we want local and state governments that provide experts in de-escalating conflict, professionals to assist those with drug addictions or mental illness, and skilled experts at handling traffic or responding to various sorts of emergencies, the funding is easily and logically found.

It’s sitting in the oversized budgets for armed policing and incarceration.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-28-2020 14:29)

Fighting the Pandemic and Reopening the Economy

The U.S. is still doing battle with the first wave of the pandemic.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - drinking in bar Few would disagree that the collapse of the U.S. economy into a recession was mainly caused by the coronavirus pandemic and worsened by the inept leadership at the federal level.

It would seem to follow that the priority should be to contain the causative virus and reduce the deaths associated with it as quickly as possible before reopening the economy.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-22-2020 00:13)

Functions of HGH: Can It Change Life For the Better?

A sedentary lifestyle and high sugar intake increases the natural slowing of hormone production.

(SALEM, Ore.) - coupe exercising Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, is produced by your body throughout your lifetime. As we age, factors such as inactivity, obesity and endocrine disorders can reduce the amount of these hormones produced by your body.

IGF, or insulin-like growth factor, is a specific growth hormone related to overall pituitary function.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-21-2020 12:55)

Who Will Go to Prison Next: Purdue Pharma? The Sackler Family?

Insys Therapeutics founder, John Kapoor is serving a prison term -- why not Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - John Kapoor Tuesday evening, June 23, PBS Frontline will air an hour episode on the sordid crime spree by Insys Therapeutics, maker of Subsys (fentanyl), resulting in a brave attorney representing a family in the death of their young daughter because she was prescribed Subsys for non-cancer treatment.

Damning evidence was uncovered which helped lead to convictions and prison sentences of executives of the disgraced pharmaceutical company.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-19-2020 13:21)

Withdrawal of Las Vegas Sands a Major Setback for Japan`s Casino Efforts

Las Vegas Sands recently withdrew from building a major casino resort in Japan. This withdrawal has been a substantial hit to the efforts of Japan's investments in casino gambling.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Las Vegas Economic development is one of the significant aims of Japan today. Projects that enlarge the net exports and imports of a given nation are considered vital signs of economic growth and development.

Therefore, as an integrated casino resort was to be put up in the country, this should have contributed to economic growth and development in Japan.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-17-2020 00:25)

COVID-19 - Pandemic or Profit Maker?

“Dexamethasone is inexpensive, on the shelf, and can be used immediately to save lives worldwide."

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - COVID-19 In April, Dr. Sidell was treating COVID-19 patients and began questioning the protocol used in ventilators.

He said, "COVID does not appear to be a pneumonia, instead resembles something similar to high altitude sickness. We are treating the wrong disease." (via Twitter)

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Salem-News.com (Jun-16-2020 20:18)

Top Challenges Restaurants Face Today

Stand out from your competitors by being a vigilant problem solver.

(SALEM, Ore.) - restaurant food service The food industry is one of the businesses with high-risks prepositions. It requires a lot of capital, it faces a lot of competition, and the diners’ choice may be beyond overwhelming.

That’s why research shows that about 60% of restaurants fail within the first year of operation, while 80% of them fail within the first five years of operation.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-15-2020 02:31)

A Recession, Protests and a Pandemic: Trying to Reconcile the Irreconcilable

The University of Washington model projects 145,000 deaths from COVID-19 by August 2020.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - COVID-Trump On May 8, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom started reopening the California economy. On May 25, after the Memorial Day weekend, California had its highest one-day total of 2,565 new positive COVID-19 cases.

There were similar spikes in many other states due to re-openings and the disregard of social distancing and wearing of masks over the long holiday weekend.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-04-2020 13:48)

The End of Othering: Another Kind of Global Climate Change

The triple evils of American militarism, racism, and materialism have resulted in what we have today.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - social justice There is another kind of climate change, a mental one, we are undergoing, catalyzed by the combination of the pandemic and the police lynching of George Floyd.

Mr. Trump’s non-leadership is a classic example of the mental climate that is dying. His way is division—into the Us of his base, and the Other: the left, minorities, protesters.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
