(Jun-08-2017 13:42)
Oregon Senator Merkley`s Statement on Comey Testimony
The "cloud" over President Trump seems to be growing darker every day.
“Director Comey’s testimony painted a profoundly disturbing portrait of President Trump and this administration.
“Director Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the administration made statements about his firing that were ‘lies, plain and simple.’
Read Full Article (Jun-08-2017 12:40)
USS Liberty Attacked by Israel 50 Years Ago Today
Bonnie King
The USS Liberty was a spy ship, keeping tabs on Israel's Arab neighbors and their Soviet advisers.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Fifty years ago today, on June 8, 1967, 34 American servicemen were killed and 174 were wounded when Israel attacked the USS Liberty navy ship in international waters.
It was the highest casualty rate ever inflicted on a U.S. naval vessel. Still, no investigation.
Read Full Article (Jun-08-2017 02:34)
Politicians and FDA are Profiteers in the Prescription Opioid Epidemic. Wake up America!
Marianne Skolek-Perez Investigative Reporter
The US Senate called for an investigation into the prescription opioid epidemic in 2012. It is now 2017 and that report has been sealed.
Almost 10 years ago, I testified in front of the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary and asked for an investigation into Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin's criminal marketing of their opioid.
I had also testified for the US Attorney in Virginia when Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty to charges of misleading physicians and patients about the dangers of OxyContin -- also in 2007.
Read Full Article (Jun-07-2017 10:01)
Why It`s Very Important to Maintain Surveillance
Security even improves performance!
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Security will always be one of the prime concerns for those that run a business as well as those that frequent it. Having surveillance security is highly impactful because it brings certain needed benefits to the table.
It’s not really recommended to have surveillance-less business as there is no backup or safety net for when something goes wrong.
Read Full Article (Jun-05-2017 21:50)
Pulling Out of the Paris Climate Accord: The Great Prevaricator Strikes Again
Ralph E. Stone,
22 Republicans who have received millions of dollars from the oil, gas and coal industries urged the President to withdraw from the agreement.
In pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, Trump presented some false numbers – notably that the Accord would result in the loss of 2.7 million U.S. jobs by 2025.
This is inaccurate because Trump does not take into account normal job rate loss and creation, jobs shifting towards more "green" sectors, and the tangible benefits of cleaner air, water, and less risk of natural disasters along U.S. coastlines.
Read Full Article (Jun-03-2017 00:53)
Study Says Women Adhering to Traditional Stereotypes Less Likely to Refuse Unwanted Sex
College-aged women who believe in sexual stereotypes are more likely to engage in unhealthy sexual relationships
(PULLMAN, Wash.) -
“Our findings suggest college women’s acceptance of degrading media portrayals of women, like those we see in current popular music videos such as DJ Khaled’s “I’m the One” or Katy Perry’s “Bon Appétit,” plays a role in their real-life sexual relationships,” Hust said.
“Holding stereotypical beliefs about sexuality and endorsing music that degrades women may be a reflection of a broader attitude that men hold power over women...”
Read Full Article (Jun-02-2017 23:15)
Anti-Science Trumps Climate Change
Mel Gurtov Special to
A physicist named William Happer is the leading candidate for science adviser to the president. He considers climate scientists “like a cult", and has likened climate science to Nazism and ISIS.
(PORTLAND, Ore.) -
True to form, President Trump has pulled the US out of the Paris accord on climate change, joining Syria and Nicaragua as the only non-participating states.
He got an earful from the Europeans at the just-concluded G-7 meeting in Italy, but the US stood aside as the other six countries committed to fully carrying out the Paris agreement.
Read Full Article (May-30-2017 01:35)
Documentary Follows America`s Efforts to Find MIA
Colonel Bill Fortier
A first hand understanding of the cost of war in human lives.
(SAN DIEGO, Calif.) -
This film is the end result of his searching for a way to help in America’s search for those "still missing”.
Impressive considering America is the only country that continues to search for its fallen warriors around the world to return for an honorable burial at home.
Read Full Article (May-26-2017 21:12)
Senators: Don`t Repeal ObamaCare, Fix It
Ralph E. Stone
"Trumpcare: one of the largest transfers of wealth from working families to the rich in our history."
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was repealed in the U.S. House of Representatives and replaced with the American Health Care Act (AHCA). The AHCA is now pending in the U.S. Senate.
After the AHCA reached the Senate, all 48 Senate Democrats signed a letter asking the Republican majority for a fresh start on health care reform.
Read Full Article (May-25-2017 17:57)
Top Reasons to Use PDF for Your Business Documents Business
A universal format that relieves space of a huge workload.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
When it comes to a business environment, it’s important to recognize the fact that higher standards are required to prove a minimum of professionalism in terms of the quality of the documents that are being sent and received within the company.
What that means is that you need to use a format that will allow for clean and professional editing and will be easy to manipulate.
Read Full Article