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Putin`s Ukraine Adventure a Gift to Netanyahu

Netanyahu arrived with an empty bag – meaning a bag full of empty slogans.

(London Redress News & Analysis) - Putin and Netanyahu Binyamin Netanyahu is very good at making speeches, especially to Jews, neocons and such, who jump up and applaud wildly at everything he says, including that tomorrow the sun will rise in the west. The question is: is he good at anything else?

His father, an ultra-ultra-rightist, once said about him that he is quite unfit to be prime minister, but that he could be a good foreign minister. What he meant was that Binyamin does not have the depth of understanding needed to guide the nation, but that he is good at selling any policy decided upon by a real leader…

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 14:58)

On Abby Martin, Freedom and Tolerance

Truth, must be said, Martin’s TV appearance yesterday may suggest that Russia is now more tolerant and pluralist than the West.

(LONDON) - Abby Martin RT’s presenter Abby Martin has bought herself a reputation as a 911 sceptic and a vocal opponent of Israeli‘s policies . Yesterday she denounced Russian action in Crimea while she was live on air.

She said she 'would not sit here and apologise or defend (Russian) military aggression,' before saying her 'heart went out' to the Ukrainian people whom she described as 'the real losers here.' 
Ms Martin hosts on the American version of the channel and made her statement at the end of her show

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 13:39)

Who Were the Kiev Snipers?

The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation which emerged online.

(PORTLAND) - Violence in Kiev This leaked 11-minute phone conversation of Feb 25, confirmed by the Estonian foreign ministry, is not getting the attention in the western media that the leaked phone call between Victoria Nuland and the US ambassador in Kiev got. Ashton refuses to comment so far.

It’s also worth noting that in that previous leaked call, Nuland bragged how former U.S. (now UN official) Jeffrey Feltman "got" UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to send Dutch diplomat Robert Serry to Ukraine.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 13:18)

Thoughts on the Ukraine Crisis

While the Russian occupation of the Crimea is regrettable, the U.S. hypocritical bluster about the intervention impressed no one, least of all Vladimir Putin.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Map of Ukraine Secretary of State John Kerry recently denounced Russia’s intervention in the Crimea by declaring, “It is not appropriate to invade a country, and at the end of a barrel of a gun dictate what you are trying to achieve.

That is not 21st-century, G8, major nation behaviour." Guess which country has a sordid history of invading countries. As the saying goes, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 11:52)

Putin`s Price for Peace is Simple

Putin's price for peace is simple. The removal of the illegal Western-backed interim 'government' from Kiev. Otherwise he's moving in.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Russia-China map Behind the diplomatic verbiage, Russian President Putin was clearly on the offensive.

He let it be understood that unless the US and Europe rid Kiev of the “fascist gangs,” which had taken over, Moscow would move forces into additional parts of Ukraine to uphold its interests and “protect the Russian citizens and compatriots living there” for as long as the interim regime remained in Kiev.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2014 21:34)

Ukraine--Do you know? Why not??

Do you know according to polls if Crimeans were allowed to vote they would join with Russia?

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - Violence in Ukraine How about the irony or even the humor of John Kerry condemning Russia for “invading another country on a trumped up pretext”?

One might think media outlets would point out just how foolish his scolding sounds in light of our invasion and occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan on “trumped up” claims.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2014 12:02)

Ukraine-Official Statement from Liverpool British National Party

What's going on - and what should Britain do?

(LONDON) - Ukraine With William Hague and other Westminster warmongers traipsing between TV studios to condemn Russian intervention in Ukraine, most clued-up nationalists instinctively reject the controlled media's propaganda.

They are, of course, right. As principled nationalists, we naturally sympathise with the desire of Ukrainians...

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2014 10:56)

Ukraine vs. Egypt: Chaos in Progress

“Obviously, I was watching the Ukrainian version of the Tahrir Square revolution. Is it a coincidence? Is it only my imagination? … I don’t think so”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Cairo vs Kiev Though I’ve never been to Ukraine or Russia before but the minute I started following the news of the huge protests in Kiev, I felt like I was somehow connected /related in a strange way to this Ukrainian revolution.

This whole revolution thing sounded not so unfamiliar to me.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2014 00:59)

Ukraine, Syria, Solidarity and More ...

Russia's strong influence in the mostly Russian Speaking Crimean peninsula of the Ukraine threatens to ignite another Crimean war.

(BETHLEHEM) -  The Siege of Sevastopol 1855 It is sometimes instructive to learn a bit of history to reflect on current events because if we do not learn from history, we are bound to repeat the tragic history of useless wars.

This came to me as I read about the escalating situation in Ukraine, where the US and western countries invested heavily to dislodge the Ukraine (strategically located on the Black Sea) from Russian influence.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2014 22:14)

Ukraine: Propaganda War Turns Quickly Into Extremely Dangerous Reality

The United States calls on Russia to de-escalate tensions by withdrawing its forces back to bases in Crimea and to refrain from any interference elsewhere in Ukraine.

(NAIROBI, Kenya ECOTERRA) - Violence between Russia and Ukraine President Obama spoke to Russia’s President Putin today for about 90 minutes, and told him that he’s violating international law with Russian troops leaving their bases in Crimea to seize control of the Ukraine territory.

Both sides put out descriptions of the lengthy discussion.

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