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Salem-News.com (Feb-24-2013 15:17)

Palestinians Say Israel `Tortured` Detainee

Man was arrested for stone throwing...

(JENIN al Jazeera) - Israeli security forces clashed with protesters near the West Bank city of Jenin [AFP] The Palestinian government is alleging that a Palestinian man who died in Israeli custody was tortured to death.

They are dismissing claims that his death was due to a heart attack.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2013 02:10)

On Extending Sri Lanka`s Detention Period for 48 Hours...

A statement issued by the Law & Society Trust.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka Guardian) - Sri Lanka police abuse A new law stipulates that suspects arrested without a warrant could be detained for 48 hours.

Police routinely torture people into confessions, the new law cannot be justified...

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Salem-News.com (Jan-22-2013 14:34)

Bangladesh Awarded Torturer Police Officer

It is well known that that Bangladesh police have widely used torture as their method of law enforcement.

(YORK, UK) - Chattro League Police Beating Chief Whip Zainul Abdin Farroque Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes has condemned the prime minister of Bangladesh for awarding the police officer who were involved in torturing opposition political leader, Zainal Abdin Farroque.

In this letter to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, the Human Rights Ambassador asks for the implementation of 'zero tolerance against torture'...

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Salem-News.com (Dec-02-2012 15:25)

Democrats Make Sure Gitmo Stays Open

Oregon's Ron Wyden did not vote in favor of keeping 'Gitmo' open.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Gitmo in Cuba President Barack Obama signed an order in 2009 to close the Guantánamo Bay detention facility would be shut down within the year.

The nominally Democratic (but far right in fact) Senate voted 51-45-5 to prevent closing of the illegal Guantánamo prison in Cuba.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-19-2012 00:35)

Israel Packs Plastic Shrapnel Into Rockets- Leaving Palestinians Painful Deaths from Undetected War Debris

The folks in Geneva with ICC need to take a serious look at this.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Girl in Palestine hurt by undetectable plastic shrapnel Another war crime flying below the radar... the use of plastic shards intentionally placed in rockets that leave behind undetectable shrapnel in humans.

That puzzled doctors because they amputate human limbs by heat, and the massive killings of Palestinian farm animals and wildlife through the use of Israeli-manufactured tablets deposited on Palestinian land.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-18-2012 16:42)

Kazakhstan: Upcoming court hearings against Mr Kuramshin

Rallying for the rights and freedom of a noted human rights defender.

(SALEM) - Human Rights Attorney Vadim Kuramshin Vadim Kuramshin is a well-known lawyer and defender of the rights of prisoners in Kazakhstan.

It was the last day in October when police busted into the home of Vadim Kuramshin was arrested him in Petropavlovsk, northern Kazakhstan. They had no warrant or proper authority to conduct this arrest we are told.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-10-2012 15:42)

INDONESIA: Torture Victims Sentenced to Life Imprisonment on Fabricated Charges

Meanwhile allegations of their abuse are not investigated.

(SALEM) - File photo of police in Indonesia Indonesia is a beautiful place full incredible sights and history and danger for those who speak out against the government.

It is a government that still practices obscene torture and other degrading forms of illegal punishment as a person named Ang Ho learned recently.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-15-2012 23:01)

Tortured to Death in Burma - Extremely Graphic!

The Rohingya people of Burma are being slaughtered and nobody of political import in the west cares.

(SITTWE / SACRAMENTO) - Murdered man from Anaung Pyin Village, in Ra Tha Taung Township, Burma Any time a person is murdered it is a tragedy; but when a human being is tortured to death, it is more than a tragedy; it is a blemish of unrelenting shame upon the entire human race.

No such treatment of prisoners under restraint is ever acceptable, though one can understand from the example set by world leaders like former U.S. President George W. Bush, how people could get the wrong idea.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-08-2012 15:03)

Syria: Arrest of Prominent Human Rights Defender Mr Khalil Matouk

William Gomes asks President Bashar al-Assad to release human rights attorney from custody.

(SALEM) - Khalil Matouk The Syrian government has jailed a prominent human rights lawyer, Khalil Matouk, who provides legal assistance to victims of human rights abuses in Syria.

If any single government in the world today needs to set an example with regard to human rights, it is Syria.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-20-2012 20:08)

Philippines: Killing of Human Rights Defender Mr Genesis Ambason

His corpse had six gunshot wounds, there was dark bruising on his face and chest and he had lost all of his teeth.

(SALEM) - Mr. Genesis Ambason Murder is the ugliest of crimes; it is a case of life being robbed and the soul raped simultaneously and no crime more thoroughly robs a person's dignity.

So what gives in the Philippines? Officials say the death of Human Rights Defender Genesis Ambason took place during an armed encounter with elements of the New People’s Army.

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