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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-02-2010 10:35)

Busting Willie Nelson for Weed Bolsters Cannabis Movement

You can't keep a good man down, especially when he is supported by tens of millions of average Americans.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Willie Nelson If he wasn’t a freedom fighter, a warrior, a martyr before, Willie Nelson certainly is now. Posing absolutely no threat to society, those that arrested Willie Nelson have created the perfect cannabis poster boy- and that’s what people are talking about around kitchen tables and in living rooms all over the world.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2010 22:57)

The Battle for World Public Opinion

(PUERTA VALLARTA) - Navanathem Pillay Internationally, migration stands out as one of the most heated issues of the times.

Representatives of 146 governments met in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to discuss how public perceptions of migrants figure in the contemporary global political landscape.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2010 18:54)

In Memoriam: Pro Surfing Icon Andy Irons

On September 3rd 2010 Andy Irons won the Billabong Pro in Tahiti.

(DALLAS, Texas) - Andy Irons The pro surfing world said goodbye to a good friend today; former World Champion Andy Irons who was 32 years old, died on a stopover in Dallas, Texas. The Association of Surfing Professionals said Andy "had reportedly been battling with dengue fever, a viral disease".

Read Full Article (Sep-27-2010 21:58)

Los Angeles gang member arrested in Texas

The man will be processed for removal to his country of origin.

(Mission, Texas) - U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas apprehended an 18th Street gang member Thursday.

The agents encountered the man while conducting patrol operations near Mission and he admitted he was illegally in the United States. The man was transported to the McAllen station where agents noticed he had numerous tattoos consistent with 18th Street gang affiliation. The man admitted to having ties to the 18th Street gang, which is considered to be the second largest gang in Los Angeles.

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 08:34)

The Border of Death

The summer of 2010 has been a deadly one for migrants.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Relatives of migrants who died crossing the border hang white wooden crosses on the U.S. border wall Despite periodic campaigns to warn would-be border crossers of the dangers of jumping the US-Mexico line without papers, the people keep coming from the south. And instead of a better life in the Promised Land, many encounter horrible deaths.

US and international media reported this week that 170 people have been recovered from the scorching desert lands of Pima County, Arizona, this year. The bodies have been so numerous that forensic authorities have resorted to using refrigerated trucks to store the human remains.

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 07:03)

Bodies of 72 Migrants Discovered Near US Border

The crime is connected to the Zetas drug cartel; it is the worst in Mexico's history.

(MEXICO CITY / SALEM) - Survivor of attack that left 72 dead at a Mexican ranch Texas has the reputation as the place where 'Everything's Big", but when it comes to mass murders and piles of dead bodies, the XXL award certainly belongs to the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, where the bodies of 72 people were discovered this week.

'White drugs', particularly methamphetamine, can quickly alter a personality and the need to maintain a supply leads people to do terrible things. That is likely part of the puzzle in a grisly discovery of 58 male corpses and 14 female bodies, described as Central and South Americans, who were killed this week.

Read Full Article (Aug-22-2010 00:39)

BP Gulf Oil Spill`s Walking Dead

"And I think the media now has to...tell the American people who’s getting money for poisoning the millions of people in the Gulf." - Hugh Kaufman, senior EPA analyst, admits millions have been poisoned in the Gulf states.

(CHICAGO) - NASA image of gulf oil spill A biochemical bomb went off in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010--as dangerous and destructive as a nuclear blast.

Read Full Article (Jul-16-2010 14:53)

Ghosts, Migrants and Visa Gold

Similar to the San Diego and El Paso areas, the influx of Mexican migrants fleeing crime and violence has spurred economic activity in south Texas and San Antonio.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Mier, Mexico A new report by Mexico’s National Institute of Geography, Statistics and Informatics (Inegi) provides aesthetic details on the emptying of the countryside in the Mexican state of Michoacan.

Of 537,000 homes in rural Michoacan, nearly one in four, or 23 percent, stand abandoned throughout the entire year or portions of it, the Inegi study finds.

Read Full Article (Jul-12-2010 05:39)

Gunmen in Deadly Mexican Police Shootout Possibly Tied to Texas Crash

Vehicle from hit and run crash in El Paso could be tied to police shooting.

(CIUDAD / SALEM) - Fatal shootout and fire scene A tragic deadly shooting at a Mexican police station may be tied to a crash that happened in El Paso's Lower Valley, shortly before the vehicle, a Chevy Suburban, fled the scene in Texas and crossed in Mexico at the Ysleta Port of Entry.

Border officials are believed to have fired at the wrecked vehicle that was able to make the international crossing in spite of body damage, while being pursued by American police for fleeing the scene of an accident.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2010 23:29)

Education News: The Mexican Revolution in El Paso

Asked about parallels between the migrations of 100 years ago and today’s exodus from neighboring Ciudad Juarez, El Paso Prof. Keith Erekson, says specific causes of the dislocations might be different, the terror and trauma suffered by people are similar.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - A view into El Paso, from Juarez The role of the Texas border city of El Paso remains one of the little-known stories of the revolutionary upheaval that erupted in Mexico in 1910.

The US city on the Rio Grande was a vital center for many of the plots, intrigues, advances and retreats of different political factions vying for power in Mexico.

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