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OSP Grief-Stricken by Loss of Sergeant Marcus McDowell

The manner of death has been determined to be suicide.

(WALLOWA COUNTY, Ore.) - Sergeant Marcus McDowell On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, Sergeant Marcus McDowell, who works out of our La Grande Patrol Office, was found deceased in his patrol car.

Sergeant McDowell was a seventeen-year veteran of this agency.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2014 11:28)

Freeing Native Americans from This Sick Culture

Oh, the lovely US government. It's overdrive now, breaking promises to each of us, but those it broke to Native Americans define the very culture we all must live in.

(SALEM) - Native American struggle Right now Native American kids are killing themselves. "Native youth are more than three times more likely to commit suicide (a number that increases to more than 10 times on some reservations), and have post traumatic stress symptoms on par with Iraq War veterans."

That's children, killing themselves. "Experts say in addition to these factors, a “trail of broken promises” adds to a feeling of hopelessness ...."

Read Full Article (Jun-06-2013 11:34)

John Rocker Goes to Bat for Veterans

Former major leaguer's organization helps homeless re-enter society

(WASHINGTON DC WND) - John Rocker Conducting interviews on this topic is John Rocker, a Major League Baseball pitcher for six years, is the author of "Scars and Strikes."

After retiring from baseball, Rocker embarked upon a successful career in real estate development.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2013 00:05)

Muslims Killing Muslims: How the West has Benefited from Bloodshed

More repugnant has been the “secular” West’s manipulation of the different schools of theology within Islam, pitting Muslim against Muslim for their own self-centered purposes and profit.

(DENVER) - Obama-backed FSA terrorists executing Syrian soldiers “Muslims should be at the forefront of Islamic unity, saying enough with Muslims massacring Muslims...

When the ‘kuffar’ kill Muslims, they do not ask them if they’re Sunni, Shi’ah or Sufi,” writes professor, author and research scholar Dr. John Andrew Morrow.

Read Full Article (May-23-2013 23:01)

If I could Just Save One

“We honor the dead best by treating the living well." ~Jennifer M. Granholm

(PORTLAND, OR) - Kabul, Afghanistan US Army night patrol I would arrive to work, coffee in hand, and my brain in screen-saver to sit in the same spot in the report room below a paper pinned to the wall that read “You know you are a nurse if…”

I stared at the bottom of the nurse bucket-list that read, “Your next project is writing a book titled “Suicide: How to do it right the first time.”

Read Full Article (May-20-2013 14:32)

In Japan, a Person Commits Suicide Every 15 Minutes

"It is important to emphasize that suicide is a morbid, decadent and coward act" - German filmmaker Oliver Hirschbiegel.

(MADRID) - Suicide in Japan Many Americans die from firearms which they rise against themselves.

Almost 20,000 of the 30,000 deaths by firearms in the United States, were suicides, according to the figures provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reports the New York Times.

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2013 14:55)

Military and Medical Experts Explore Meditation to Combat Epidemic of Military Suicides

“Overcoming PTSD and Preventing Suicides: An Evidence Based Approach through Meditation in the Military”

(NEW YORK) - PTSD in war Suicide is now the leading cause of death in our armed forces.

The David Lynch Foundation will host, “Overcoming PTSD and Preventing Suicides: An Evidence Based Approach through Meditation in the Military,” a panel and luncheon addressing the suicide epidemic in our armed forces.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2013 22:33)

Marine Colonel`s Death Murder Not Suicide
Widow Sues Military to Reopen Investigation Citing Negligence & Cover-Up

A highly decorated and respected officer, Col. Stahlman served as an investigating officer for the Haditha Massacre of 2005.

(BALTIMORE) - Colonel Michael Stahlman USMC The widow of Col. Michael Stahlman filed a precedent-setting Complaint under The Administrative Procedures Act.

She wants her husband's death investigation reopened, and the Manner of Death changed from “suicide” to “homicide.”

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2013 17:14)

Psychopathic Training in the Military and Military Suicides

I have seen PTSD at the front lines and in my medical practice.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Kabul, Afghanistan night shot I am sure that most civilians have no idea that the military actually trains its soldiers and Marines to be psychopathic killers.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2012 14:17)

PTSD: Brainwashing, Psychopathic Training = PTSD

Yale Law School assists PTSD Veterans.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Halls of Yale Law School Some will think the above is "word salad" but it isn't. I speak at high schools on Veterans Day programs and I ask three questions of the collective students:

1. How many of you want to get shot at? Most usually nobody responds. 2. Who among you wants to get wounded? Nobody responds to that either. 3. Who wants to kill a human being? The silence is deafening.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
