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Sri Lanka`s Navy Accused of Helping People Smugglers

Australia has known of the allegations for several months.

(COLOMBO Fairfax Media) - Sri Lankan navy spokesman Commander Kosala Warnakulasuriya said allegations of naval complicity were baseless. Photo: James Brickwood Sri Lanka's navy is alleged to be a major player in the island's people-smuggling operations, helping asylum seekers leave the country in boats bound for Australia.

At the same time as the navy receives equipment and training from Australia to combat people-smuggling operations, it has been accused of allowing certain boats to pass, even escorting some out of Sri Lankan waters...

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2013 13:13)

Brian Senewiratne`s Testimony for UNHRC on Sri Lanka War Crimes

Statement of Sinhalese advocate for Sri Lanka's Tamils delivered to UNHRC.

(GENEVA) - Brian Senewiratne The following report was prepared by Dr. Brian Senewiratne for presentation at the United Nations Human Rights Council as it considers the war crimes committed by the Sri Lankan government against the Tamil people.

The military operation against the Tamils that culminated in 2009 was a bloody genocidal massacre.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2013 13:21)

Man Attempts Self-Immolation to Press Centre to Vote Against Sri Lanka in UNHR

S Mani was protesting against war crimes.

(CUDDALORE) - S Mani, 45 from Nallavadu, doused himself with kerosene and set himself ablaze In Sri Lanka, a 45-year-old man attempted self-immolation to press the Union government to vote against Sri Lanka UNHRC for war crimes.

Police said S Mani arrived at the Cuddalore collectorate in northern Tamil Nadu with a can of kerosene.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2013 11:20)

Unforgivable Act of Brazen Savagery of the Singhalese Rule Over the Tamils in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's Constitution is based on racial, linguistic and religious hegemony.

(LOS ANGELES) - Tamil Genocide His Excellency the incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa with his jumbo cabinet and hawkish policies has successfully manoeuvred to achieve his sole aim of personal aggrandizement.

He safeguards his position with support from the parliament members by enticed to cross over to his party benches by offering them full freedom for corrupt practices...

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2013 11:11)

Tamil Rights Still Not Addressed

“The government is the accused party, so the argument is a non-starter” - Tamil National People’s Front Lawyer Gajan Ponnambalam

(COLOMBO TamilNet) - Suresh Premachandran , Mano Ganeshan and Gajan Ponnambalam Opposition member politicians claim that Tamil rights have not been addressed in the aftermath of the war.

Strong objections keep emerging from the ongoing UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) sessions in Geneva...

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2013 11:03)

SRI LANKA: Rajapaksa`​s New Front - CHOGM Boycott Calls Multiply

In February, Human Rights Watch also called on the Commonwealth to shift the venue of CHOGM from Sri Lanka.

(COLOMBO TamilNet) - Milliband and Robertson Former British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, called for a shift in venue for the Commonwealth Head of Governments Meeting (CHOGM) now scheduled to be held in Sri Lanka this November.

Human rights lawyer, Geoffrey Robertson QC, released a report criticizing the impeachment of Sri Lanka's Chief Justice, called for the suspension of Sri Lanka from the Commonwealth...

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2013 21:38)

Black Flag Day in Tamil Nadu Expresses Solidarity with Eelam Tamils

Americans remain in the dark about the war crimes, ethnic cleansing and Genocide of Sri Lankan Tamils.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Black Flag day for Tamil Eelam will join media in India to observe Black Flag Day on the 4th March 2013.

We do not let a single day pass without lamenting the fate of Sri Lankan Tamils who were slaughtered without mercy by the government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) in the final months of the country's 26-year long civil war.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2013 13:23)

Film Accuses Sri Lanka of War Crimes

President rejects alleged actions by military forces.

(GENEVA/NEW DELHI AFP-JIJI) - Sri Lankan soldiers The Sri Lankan military committed numerous war crimes during the final months of the country’s civil war, according to a documentary aired for the first time Friday, amid vigorous protests from Colombo.

However, in an interview published Saturday, President Mahinda Rajapaksa firmly denied the allegations made in the documentary...

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2013 19:20)

Who Makes War Against Children?

Article by Dr. Paul Newman of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

(GENEVA) - Massacred Tamil people On the 24th of February, 2013, a panicky letter addressed to the President of the 22nd UN Human Rights Council was sent by Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha.

It urged him to stop the screening the of the Channel 4 documentary ‘No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka’, co-sponsored by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2013 14:50)

Rani`s Story

Neither journalist nor councillor, lawyer or doctor and I have no experience of interviewing someone who has endured what she has.

(LONDON) - Flowers for a victim named Rani from Sri Lanka The place has been difficult to find and I am late.
‘I’m sorry,’ I say.

And then I hand her the bunch of flowers bought on impulse. It is an unremarkable day in February. The sun does not shine and the damp air threatens rain. I have travelled up to London for this interview but at the station I hesitated, then bought some hyacinths.

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