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July 26: Cuba`s Revolution, Morality, and Solidarity with Tamils

True solidarity activists have no choice. We must stand by any people under attack by aggressors wherever in the world.

(COPENHAGEN) - Fidel and Che Sixty years ago, on July 26, 1953, 160 Cuban rebels attacked the Moncada Barracks near Santiago de Cuba.

Had the rebels been able to take the fort manned by 1,000 troops—a good possibility—it would have started a revolution that might well have defeated the dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista within a short time.

Read Full Article (Jun-30-2013 23:29)

India`s Total Indifference To Tamil Feelings

India is today in this mess, because of the irrational thinking of Sonia and her advisers, including RAW.

(MELBOURNE) - Rajapaksa and clan The attitude of the Delhi Pundits towards the Tamils threaten the unity of India.

The Tamils, both in India and Sri Lanka, had always been pro-Indians. Now their attitudes are hardening against Delhi.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2013 10:54)

The Tamil Genocide by Sri Lanka*

Chartering Freedom Through the Rough Seas of GeoPolitics; A Conference Organized by the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE).

(LANCASTER, PA) - Free Tamil Eelam The Tamils on the Island known as “Sri Lanka” have been the victims of genocide as defined by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

I say that because on 8 April 1993 and 13 September 1993 I single-handedly won two World Court Orders on the basis of the 1948 Genocide Convention that were overwhelmingly in favor of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Bosnians.

Read Full Article (Jun-23-2013 18:09)

Let`s See the Dawn of `Thamil Eelam`

“This shocking proof of secret war crimes committed during the Sri Lankan Civil War urgently needs to be shared with the world” - Callum Macrae

(LONDON PFLT) - Tamil independence “Geopolitics is drowning the lamentations over the legitimate aspirations of the Sri Lankan Tamils for equity, justice and fair play and the perennial human-rights questions that arise when the state violates the integrity of the individual”.

That was written by M K Bhadrakumar, a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service, on the 26th of May 2009, under the heading, ‘Sri Lanka wards off Western Bullying’.

Read Full Article (Jun-23-2013 00:09)

The Tamil`s Uphill Task With The Winners of The War

The winners in Sri Lanka’s civil war continue to make life hard for the losers.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Uphill climb for Tamils OFTEN, when Sri Lanka’s ethnic-Sinhalese-dominated government appears to be offering a hand in friendship to the Tamil minority, it turns out to be a slap in the face.

For example, in 2010 it appointed a Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission to investigate the final phase of the 26-year civil war.

Read Full Article (Jun-19-2013 18:35)

Tamils for Obama to PM Cameron: Acknowledge Britain`s Colonial Error

Tamils for Obama hopes that Cameron will admit Great Britain erred in making a single Ceylonese country.

(NEW YORK CITY) - Former palace of the last Tamil king Tamils for Obama told UK PM David Cameron they believe that the British made a serious error in leaving one (rather than two) former colonies behind in Ceylon.

"We would be grateful if a prominent and significant Brit--such as yourself--were to publicly and for the record acknowledge that it would have been more proper, wise, and foresightful to have restored an independent Tamil state in the northeast of Ceylon. We think this will help to frame the future debate about a Tamil homeland."

Read Full Article (Jun-18-2013 19:17)

Why Does the Boston Lanka Ignore Kidnapping, Hijacking and Arms Supply?

The Boston Lanka is now targeting Mrs Adele Balasingham, widow of Mr. Anton Balasingham, political advisor to the LTTE for more than two decades

(PARIS, France) - Sri Lankan Maj. Gen. Shavendra Silva A few days ago, I saw the documentary entitled, “Story of Adele Balasingham” produced by Boston Lanka - BL.

It is obvious that BL is trying to rescue Sri Lanka from well-substantiated allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the last days of the war - May 2009.

Read Full Article (Jun-11-2013 12:43)

British Trade Unions Unequivocally Support Tamils` Right to Self-Determination

Solidarity Day Observation in London on Saturday 8 June 2013.

(LONDON TamilNet) - British Solidarity day This is a gathering of British trade unions, student unions, solidarity groups and Tamil activists on Solidarity Day Observation in London on Saturday 8 June 2013.

Again they are demonstrating that the Tamils are not alone in facing the Sinhalese genocide and the International Community's and Indian indifference.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2013 17:26)

Tamils Face Total Genocide in their Homeland

The vandalization and desecration of the Trincomalee templeis the latest act from Sinhala Buddhist extremist elements intent on terrorising Tamils.

(MULLIVAIKAL, Sri Lanka TamilNet) - Vandalised Tamil Hindu temples in Sri Lanka Genocide takes several forms. One is mass killing of people as was done in Mullivaikal May 2009. The second is demographic genocide, that is large scale colonisation of Tamil Homeland by Sinhalese migrants from the South.

It is cultural genocide, where the cultural identity of the Tamils are destroyed, It started with the burning of Jaffna Library in 1981...

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2013 10:20)

UIC Physicist Named White House Champion of Change

“Immigrants have long made America more prosperous and innovative...” - U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park

(WASHINGTON DC) - Siva Sivananthan at the Sivananthan Laboratories in Bolingbrook. Sivalingam Sivananthan, professor of physics at the University of Illinois at Chicago, has been named a White House Champion of Change. He was presented with the honor at a ceremony this morning at the White House.

The honor recognizes immigrant innovators and entrepreneurs—”the best and brightest from around the world who are helping create American jobs, grow the economy and make our nation competitive in the world,” the White House said in a press release.

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