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Salem-News.com (Dec-09-2013 16:46)

CHOGM Mooted TRC, Ill-Fit for Sri Lanka, Say ANU Fellow, Legal Scholar

In Sri Lanka, during the four years after the war, and years before, under Rajapakses, NGOs have documented sham commissions created by the ruling family to divert focus and as a delaying tactic.

(COLOMBO TamilNet) - Sri Lanka and South Africa maps Establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) modeled on the South Africa (SA) experience, viewed by Sri Lanka backers as an urgent need to mitigate possible strong actions by the International Community against Sri Lanka over its rights violations, appears as an imminent outcome from the recently concluded Commonwealth Meeting [CHOGM].

Sri Lanka has routinely created several "sham" Commissions to forestall punitive actions from the IC over rights violations.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-07-2013 12:25)

The Passing Away of Nelson Mandela

It was a great tragedy that Sri Lanka could not have produced a Sinhalese prime minister or a president like Nelson Mandela, since its independence in 1948, as hundreds of thousands of Tamil lives could have been spared.

(MELBOURNE) - Nelson Mandela Now the South African President Jacob Zuma is recommending to Sri Lanka that it should adopt the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to bring about reconciliation among the communities in Sri Lanka.

He failed to realise that the genocide, rape and murder that took place in South Africa is only a tiny fraction of what happened in Sri Lanka. The whole aim was to save his criminal friend Rajapaksa from the gallows.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-05-2013 13:21)

Never Has A Government Investigated Itself And An Admission of Genocide

Under any circumstances, there is absolutely no credibility for domestic mechanisms to address “accountability” issues for these alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka as called upon by UNHRC resolutions...

(LONDON) - Sri Lankan soldiers The language of the most recent and prior resolutions against Sri Lanka at the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) introduced by the U.S. call upon the government of Sri Lanka to implement the LLRC or other domestic mechanisms for “accountability.”

This is what many other nations including China have requested the government of Sri Lanka to address recently.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-05-2013 10:53)

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) Begins 2nd Parliamentary Term

The Inaugural Session on December 6th.

(LONDON) - Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) ransnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) is a new political concept, formed after the mass killing of Tamils in the final months of the war in 2009.

It is a new political formation based on the principles of nationhood, homeland and self-determination. The raison d’etre for the TGTE is lack of political space inside the island of Sri Lanka for the Tamils to articulate and realize their political aspirations fully due to Constitutional impediments, racist political environment and military strangulation; and the coordination of diaspora political activities based on democratic principles and the rule of law.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-03-2013 15:46)

UN Human Rights Expert Starts Mission in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: UN human rights expert starts mission to assess situation of internally displaced persons...

(COLOMBO / GENEVA) - United Nations Special Rapporteur Chaloka Beyan United Nations Special Rapporteur Chaloka Beyani started today a five-day official visit to Sri Lanka to examine the overall situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the country.

“I will gather first-hand information from all parties, including displaced persons and affected communities themselves,” said Mr. Beyani, who will go to Colombo, Jaffna and Mullaitivu districts.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-03-2013 13:22)

Tim King on Barry Chamish Radio Program Tonight at 7:00 PM (Eastern)

It's the most popular show on FirstAmendmentRadio.com.

(SALEM) - Barry Chamish and Tim King Tim King is the scheduled guest for the Barry Chamish radio program this Tuesday evening, 3 December 2013. Tim is known for taking on huge human rights issues in the world along with Genocide and War Crimes. He has reported from Iraq and Afghanistan and is also a passionate advocate for Veterans, motorcyclists and the human race.

Barry is the outspoken reporter from Israel considered to be Israel's top investigative journalist. Barry's writings anger, empower and educate his Israeli and American readers with his candid review of political developments.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-01-2013 19:35)

Panelists Discuss `Sri Lanka`s Unfinished War`

This was a lively discussion for an hour and a quarter. Please read the write up below and view the panel discussion in the tube.

(LONDON Tamil Guardian) - Former BBC journalist, Frances Harrison, producer of ‘Sri Lanka’s unfinished war’. The producer of ‘Sri Lanka’s unfinished war’, Frances Harrison, producer of the No Fire Zone documentaries, Callum Macrae and policy and advocacy manager at Freedom form Torture, Sonya Sceats joined in a panel discussion.

The panel was chaired by a barrister at a London chamber who acted as a rapporteur to investigate the impeachment of Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice, Sadakat Kadri. Questions were also invited from the gallery.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-01-2013 13:50)

Sinhalese are Famous For Lying Through Their Teeth

Elections behind Cameron’s HR allegations - Chris Nonis

(MELBOURNE) - Sri Lankan High Commissioner in England, Chris Nonis and President Majinda Rajapakse Here is the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in England, Chris Nonis, who lies through his teeth to justify the heinous Human Rights violations in Sri Lanka. He takes cover under his countries right to sovereignty.

He failed to realize that Democracy bestows on the Tamils the right to live in peace and dignity; that means free from rape and murder. He has also forgotten the Tamils had their own sovereignty until 1833, when the colonial government merged them with the rest of country.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-30-2013 14:56)

No Escaping An Investigation

It is important to remember LTTE combatants who surrendered and therefore were prisoners of war, were murdered. They are protected by international humanitarian law - killing these prisoners of war was a war crime.

(LONDON) - White flag surrenders An article titled The Illegality of U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki  Moon’s approach to Sri Lanka written by Mr. Dharshan Weerasekera, former member of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence and current attorney has brought up every nearly argument from a legal standpoint to defend Sri Lanka from a war crimes investigation.

The main focus of the article is to question if U.N. Security-General (UNSG) reports can be indirectly submitted to the U.N. organs and the answer is yes...

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Salem-News.com (Nov-29-2013 16:35)

Allow People to Give Way to Their Emotions, Wigneswaran Warns Colombo on Heroes Day

“While praying that peace be upon the souls of those perished, we also regard this event as a sign of bringing ourselves into a new world” - Chief Minister Hon Wigneswaren

(COLOMBO TamilNet) - Planting trees on Heroes Day - Mahveera The Chief Minister Hon Wigneswaren has given a timely warning to the Sri Lankan government that suppression of people's emotions are counterproductive.

Although tree planting or any other form of gestures for the departed heroes on the Mahveera (Heroes) Day was strictly forbidden by the army, the Chief Minister ventured to initiate tree planting on this day, proving to the government that exercising ones right is not a crime.

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