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Salem-News.com (Feb-03-2014 15:51)

China Imposes Censorship on Foreign TV Series

Alarmed by the many foreign programs, some politicians fear that they "pollute" the youth audience, increasingly permeable to the reality 'American Idol', whose local version, 'Chinese Idol' enjoys high participation and advertising.

(MADRID) - From 2014 , the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of China has banned the TV channels to acquire rights over more than one foreign TV program annually.

Each program can not be issued in time 'prime time' between 19:30 and 22:00 during the first year in which it was imported. Only the issue of a "talent show" every three months will be approved.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-01-2014 12:26)

Sri Lanka: Govt Impedes and Obstructs Genuine Reconciliation, Unwilling to Honestly Share Power with Northern Province

G. L. Peiris sheds crocodile tears to Nisha Biswal.

(MELBOURNE) - G. L. Peiris The Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, G.L. Peiris complained to the US Assistant Secretary of State Nisha Biswal that US applied different standards to Sri Lanka, when it came to its reconciliation efforts.

He pleaded with her that Sri Lanka needed time to bring about peace and harmony in the country. According to him 5 years was not enough.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-31-2014 14:47)

Salem to be in National Spotlight

C-SPAN to reveal Salem history and highlight authors during week-long visit

(SALEM) - Salem, Oregon at night Mayor Anna Peterson, Comcast and the Willamette Heritage Center will welcome C-SPAN to Salem on Tuesday, February 4 at the Willamette Heritage Center Mill as they kick off a visit to record and feature the city’s history and literary life.

At Tuesday’s event, C-SPAN representatives will reveal the stories and segments that will be explored by the national network during their week-long stay. During their time in Salem, C-SPAN representatives will also conduct community and educational outreach.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2014 17:47)

Boycott Victory: Oxfam Drops Scarlett Johansson as Global Ambassador Over SodaStream Ties

Following in the tradition of 18th century Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, who said, “This matzah is treif [not Kosher]. It is not kosher because it was produced through oshek, oppression of the workers and exploitation.”

(OAKLAND) - Sodastream protest In the last week, we’ve seen unprecedented media attention on SodaStream, the company that produces water carbonating devices in an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

The New York Times, the LA Times, the Financial Times, Time Magazine, The Guardian, ABC News, Vogue, and Entertainment Weekly are a few of the media outlets making mention of the fact that Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-29-2014 21:30)

Talk Nation Radio: Portland Oregon Supports Its Teachers and Students

Meredith Reese is a long-time community activist and a member of the Portland Teacher Solidarity Campaign...

(PORTLAND, OR) - Portland Oregon teachers Portland Oregon is sitting on a budget surplus while overworking and undersupporting its teachers. And it's not just the teachers who aren't going to take it anymore.

Eric MacCartney is a member of the Portland Association of Teachers (PAT). He has been teaching for over six years, and now teaches fifth grade at Kelly Elementary, a Title I school in Portland's Lents neighborhood.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-29-2014 12:24)

Rwandan Diplomat in Great Turmoil

Olivier Nduhungirehe’s true nature has been exposed.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - L-The late Patrick Karegeya, R- Olivier Nduhungireh Hostile exchanges erupted earlier this week between the Rwandan Permanent Representative to the United Nations and his former friends as compromising confidences appeared in the social media networks.

A series of Olivier Nduhungirehe’s emails that were written between the 2003 and 2005 reveal how the newly hired Hutu official was in a very awkward positionamong Tutsi fellows of whom he said « They hate me ».

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Salem-News.com (Jan-28-2014 11:27)

Is Rwanda`s Kagame Connected to the Sudden Death of Komla Afeke Dumor?
Was it Murder?

"Is Rwanda's Pres. Paul Kagame a visionary or a dictator?" - Facebook post by Komla Dumor

(SALEM/BERLIN) - BBC presenter Komla Afeke Dumor died suddenly on 18th January 2014 in London. BBC presenter Komla Afeke Dumor died suddenly on 18th January 2014 in London. On 20 May 2013, Komla Dumor asked Rwandan President Paul Kagame about allegations that his country was using proxy forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Dumor died four days after his most recent interview with Paul Kagame. Dumor was not backing off from allegations that Kagame relies on M 23 rebel forces who conduct raids in the Congo.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-26-2014 13:16)

Ken O`Keefe`s Middle East - The Peoples Voice - 911 Episode with Christopher Bollyn

This third episode of Ken O'Keefe's Middle East focuses on 9/11 and whose fingerprints are all over this false flag event.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe's Middle East Show on The People's Voice "This is among the most professional and honest programs that you will find anywhere regarding the truth about 9-11, with no bars of political correctness or self censorship.

"Ken fearlessly exposes the Jewish-Zionist connections behind these home grown terrorist attacks with outside dual national assistance. This program has the potential to change history... don't miss this and please pass this around." - whatreallyhappened.com

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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2014 22:11)

PewDiePie is the World`s Most Popular Channel on YouTube!

PewDiePie is the most subscribed channel of all time, across all categories.

(SALEM) - PewDiePie Gamers know who he is. The kids know who he is. Video-gameaholics can’t get enough of him. He’s hotter than Rhianna. It’s time you get to know PewDiePie.

PewDiePie was the most popular person in the world the week of January 13-19, 2014, according to Starcount, the social media leaderboard, which tracks data across 11 global social networks to provide an aggregated measure of social media popularity. PewDiePie joined Facebook in 2011 and today he has over 1,193,000 likes, he has 2,190,468 followers on Twitter, and YouTube subscribers total 21,177,630.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-21-2014 12:59)

Keep Ken O`Keefe`s Middle East Show Going

Many people are familiar with Ken O'Keefe, he served his country as a US Marine and then became a high profile activist for peace.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe Here is your chance to help Ken O'Keefe's very real and sincere effort to continue broadcasting a blatantly honest television program, Ken O'Keefe's Middle East Show.

Please read the information below, watch the video, and visit this extremely important project. Ken represents the philosophy of total truth at Salem-News.com.

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